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Create positivity around you

Be positive!

By The Breatharian BloggerPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

What does it mean to have a good environment? It is a setting characterised by harmony, optimism, and positive interpersonal connections. It is an atmosphere filled with happiness and kindness toward others. In an atmosphere like this, there are no hostile sentiments, injured feelings, or bad antagonism against one another.

When conditions are like this, there is less friction, more understanding, and a greater willingness to provide a helping hand. I am not referring about some kind of perfect society. I am referring to the process of making your immediate surroundings more harmonious and cheerful by reducing the number of frictions and annoyances that exist there. I am referring to the setting in which you find yourself, whether it at home, at work, with friends, or anywhere else in the world. You shouldn't have any trouble achieving this goal.

The environment that is present around you is a direct result of your thoughts and emotions, as well as the mental and emotional vibrations that originate from you. Those that are in close proximity to you are able to pick up on the vibe and are influenced as a result. This setting also plays a role in determining how they feel about you.

This indicates that altering the way you think will have an effect on your surroundings, the way you see the world, and the way other people regard you. When you're with certain folks, do you ever have the feeling that something is wrong with you, maybe even depression? Do you ever have the feeling that you've used up all of your energy, even when you know you haven't? Do you find that you're having unpleasant thoughts for no apparent reason?

It's possible that this is because you're susceptible to the bad mental and emotional vibrations that are conveyed from the brains of individuals who are generally pessimistic. You could feel euphoric, cheerful, and inspired at other times, or you might sense inner calm. This is often the outcome of the pleasant vibrations emanating from a select group of individuals.

Please keep in mind that the more control you have over your mind and thoughts, the more tranquil you will become, and the less other people will be able to effect you. This is something you should constantly keep in mind.

You have the potential to become a constructive force that influences and alters the people and the environment in your immediate vicinity. You may do this by paying closer attention to the ideas that go through your head and the sensations that you go through. At the very least in the beginning, this calls for focused concentration, self-control, and unwavering determination.

You have the power to create more good feelings into your life. This is something that is contingent upon you, your frame of mind, and the perspective through which you examine your life and the experiences you have. despite the fact that things are challenging and demanding. You have the ability to let more light into your life.

It's possible that the thought of working on shifting your mindset and making little adjustments to your life makes you feel resistant. You have to push through this inner resistance and reluctance in order to succeed. The amount of work that is asked of you is not very strenuous, but the payoffs are substantial.

A good mindset is crucial. This website has a large number of articles devoted to the subject at hand, and the book Positive Thinking contains even more details and pointers. Pay closer attention to the task at hand by concentrating your thoughts there. This will not only teach your mind to send more strong vibrations, but it will also focus your attention away from negative thoughts, which is another benefit of doing this.

Practice concentration exercises. This will not only improve your capacity to pick your ideas, but it will also assist you in infusing those thoughts with more positive energy. Meditation should be done. This will not only help you feel more at ease and cheerful, but it will also enable you to spread more vibrations of peace to others around you.

Only what you really desire to happen should be seen in your mind's eye, not anything that might be harmful to you or to other people. Think back on the good times you've had in the past and allow yourself to be completely submerged in those memories to bring on emotions of joy. Feel how the joy that is around you is filling the area around you, whether it is the room, the home, the workplace, the bus, or the train that you are on, etc.

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About the Creator

The Breatharian Blogger

Here to inspire you on your journey. ✊🏾

Connect with me on IG @jromeshaw

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