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Sulayman Kone

By Sulayman KonePublished 11 months ago 8 min read

what if I told you there's a road map a

guide to navigating this storm and

coming out on the other side not just

alive but stronger more resilient more


you must have heard of it that guide is

stoicism an ancient philosophy developed

by some of the toughest Minds in history

people like Marcus Aurelius apicticus

Seneca chapter 1 an ancient solution to

Modern Problems ancient philosophy how

in the world is that going to help me

today you're probably asking

well listen carefully because

stalwishism ain't just any old

philosophy it's a life hack born in

mechanic streets of Athens refined in

the brutal power of Rome

and it's as relevant now as it was 2 000

years ago so pay attention stoicism was

crafted by men who've seen it all wealth

power Fame War despair you name it guys

like epictacus who went from being a

slave to one of the most influential

minds of his era Seneca a Statesman in a

playwright navigating these stormy

politics of the Roman Empire then Marcus

Aurelius a Roman Emperor waging Wars and

handling power while contemplating life

and death these guys didn't have time

for empty intellectual debates they were

busy dealing with real life just like

you are and they figure out a way to do

it with strength and calm stoicism is

their manual for Life their rule book

for handling everything from daily

annoyances to crippling setbacks

stoicism but you in the driver's seat it

says Hey most of the stuff around you

it's out of your control the weather the

traffic other people's opinions can't

touch them but your thoughts your

actions your responses that's on you

it's a philosophy that pushes you to

focus on what you can change and let go

of what you can't it's about knowing the

difference between the two wind not

losing your over it it's about

understanding that life isn't a calm

sale it's a storm and you are caught

right in the middle of it and stoicism

is your compass Listen by watching these

videos I know you are one of those

losers who think they already know

everything even if you've only watched

one video on this channel you still

clicked on it and that shows that you

have a fire inside of you to start


you already showed the willpower the

only thing you need is a path I've put

down 10 modules which you can see as


every module or ladder will exactly

explain to you step by step how to get

to the top

from achieving Peak masculinity Advanced

testosterone optimization getting women

mastering the game of exchanging value

to actual money making methods and even

more I've literally laid the groundwork

for you to become jacked attractive rich

and of high social status you don't lack

motivation you just lack the knowledge

and Trust in the path that you're taking

you can continue messing around in the

never-ending cycle of taking paths that

lead to nothing or click the link in the

description down below

chapter 2 cultivating virtue so now that

you understand what stoicism is all

about it's time to get our hands dirty

at the very Foundation of stoicism there

is a principle that you cannot afford to

overlook where cards we're talking about

virtue of course

do not roll your eyes at me virtue isn't

some old-fashioned concept that belongs

in a museum it is about becoming the

best possible version of yourself a

person that you can respect when you

look in the mirror the stoics like

Seneca and Aurelius held four virtues in

high regard wisdom courage Justice and

Temperance sounds silly right but break

it down and you'll see why these are as

relevant today as they were back then

wisdom it's not about memorizing facts

and Figures it's about understanding

life making sound judgments knowing what

matters and what doesn't it's about

learning when to shut up and learning

when to speak out when to push on and

when to let go courage this isn't just

just about bravery in a battle or in any

sense of the word it's about mental and

emotional strength it's about facing

life's challenges head on not running

from them it's about standing up for

what you believe in even if you're

standing alone

Justice it's not just about Law and

Order it's about fairness respect doing

the right thing it's about treating

others the way that you would want to be

treated it's about playing your part and

making this world less of a

Temperance it's all about balance

self-control it's about not going

overboard not letting your desires

control you it's about knowing when

enough is enough these virtues are not

something you're born with they are

something you make yourself

you train you develop and it's a

lifelong process not a weekend project

think about it what's one area of your

life that you could be wiser braver more

fair or self-controlled identify that

work on it and take small steps and be

proud of yourself along the way

chapter 3 practicing detachment

let's shift gears for a little bit

stoicism isn't about mastering virtues

and turning adversity into Advantage

it's also about learning the art of


this does not mean becoming an

emotionless robot or a loner living in

the woods stoics didn't advocate for

that what they supported was learning

how to detach from things outside of

their control

it's about understanding that there's a

difference between what happens to us

and how we react to it for example the

picticus once said we cannot choose our

external circumstances but we can always

choose how we respond to them

it's powerful stuff right

think about it you lose your job true

girlfriend breaks up with you your

friend betrays you these are events they

happened no denying that but how you

react what you feel and what you do next

it's all on you so how does this work in

our modern chaotic world let's say that

you're working on a major project or

studying for exams social media video

games TV series they are all a click

away aren't they they're tempting you

trying to steal your focus this is where

Detachment comes in learn to detach

yourself from these distractions

understand that while they may offer

instant gratification they do nothing

for your long-term goals they do nothing

for you going to bed that night and not

feeling like about yourself

or take an even harsher scenario you put

your heart and your soul into something

be it a job interview a relationship or

a startup and it doesn't pan out it

hurts of course it hurts but Detachment

teaches you to separate your worth your

identity from the results of Your Action

so you didn't get the job so she said no

so the startup failed so what that

doesn't mean you're a failure it means

you did it and you gotta try again and

try it differently mastering attachment

in this ever demanding ever judging

world isn't easy it's a battle that

you're gonna have to fight every day

trust me but it's a battle worth finding

every day because it gives you the

freedom to live in the moment to take

risks to fail and stand back up it

allows you to fully experience life

without fear of judgment or rejection

chapter 4 developing resilience through

Community as we dive deeper into the

ocean of stoicism there is something

that I need to get off my chest

the journey you're on this path to

becoming unbreakable it's not a solo

Mission stoicism doesn't advocate for

you to be a lone wolf on the contrary

your Social Circle your your community

plays a crucial role in shaping you

Marcus Aurelius once said mankind is

interdependent no one can do everything

and everyone can do something what he

meant was that we're social creatures we

we Thrive when we are connected when we

have people that share our goals and

work together let's start with people

you hang out with your friends who are

they what do they do how do they

approach life you might have heard that

you are the average of The Five People

You spend the most time with and I'm not

that old but I can tell you that it's

true as far as I can tell their mind

sets their values their Ambitions or

lack thereof rub off on you surround

yourself with goal-oriented uplifting

people who will find your path to

self-improvement valuable and that

Journey will become smoother then

there's the broader Community both

offline and online yeah you heard me the

internet ain't all bad there are

countless forums groups or platforms

where like-minded individuals come

together to discuss debate and even

share insights about everything under

the sun

join these platforms engage in

meaningful conversations and learn from

others experiences share your own it is

a great way to reinforce your

understanding and your commitment to the

stoic path now for the harsh truth there

is no Utopia not everyone will be on the

same Journey as you there will be

Skeptics people who don't believe your

way of life people who don't understand

why you're doing what you're doing you

gotta learn to filter them out

Detachment remember this doesn't mean

that you disregard them or you

disrespect them but it means that you

don't let their opinions sway your

beliefs or derail you from your path

building a resilient character in a

world full of chaos and distractions is

not exactly a picnic but you are not

meant to go through it alone find your

people connect to your virtues

strengthen them and become the

undefeatable character you have to

become in today's chaotic world


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