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Clean Up In Spring

My tips

By Michaela VallesPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
Clean Up In Spring
Photo by Jazmin Quaynor on Unsplash

Spring time is my favorite, not just because my birthday falls on the first day of spring, but because the weather is warmer, the days are lighter, and spring cleaning is a thing. I can categorize my spring cleaning in this order my bedroom, my spiritual life, my phone, and my finances. Bedroom first, I usually grab EVERTHING out of my closet and dump in in the middle of the room. Yes, I always regret this half way through, but no turning back at that point. Next, I divide winter clothes vs spring /summer clothes. I take all my winter clothes and throw them in a black garbage back for storage. No need to fold, because honestly who has time for that. After sorting all the clothes I’ll hang the spring/summer clothes. All my winter boots I will shove in the corner of my closet. I then purge my earrings. I usually wear most the same pairs yearly, but there are a few bulky ones I will only wear in the winter time. I store these in a zip lock baggie and hid them away in the 4 drawer bin I have in my room. Whatever I have outgrown or know for a fact I won’t use anymore. I will usually post on the local Facebook group called Acts of Kindness. The last thing I do is make it a habit every morning to make my bed. I have found coming home to a neat bed makes me happier, and a friend of mine who studied psychology said that this has been found to boost the brain wave of being happy. Next my spiritual health. This one is a yearly process but also seasonal. Cleaning doesn’t always have to be material. I have also found that this time of year my thoughts will spiral! I’m not even joking, it is a seasonal wave of out of control thinking. Now, I believe in God and what the Bible says “finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, and whatever is admirable— if anything is excellent or praiseworthy — think about such things.” Philippians 4:8 NIV; around this time of year I re-evaluate my thought life. Where it’s coming from. Why am my thinking about this? What sprung it on? After spending time with God and reading the Bible I usually find the root cause and am able to work through it. I highly recommend readying the book Get out Of Your Head by Jeanie Allen. Then my IPhone. By now the notification that my storage is full has been screaming at me for months. Something about the winter time, I accumulate a lot of extra apps and photos. I like to go through my camera roll and delete the photos I know I won’t miss, mainly all screenshots. Then I’ll re-arrange the app store on my IPhone. I have found it easiest to create folders for similar apps. For example I have a folder for ‘food’. All the fast food apps I use are in this folder. Not only does this look cleaner, it is easier to find what I need faster. Lastly my finances. I drive for Uber Eats only in the spring and summer time. As a female I find it safer to drive when it most light outside. Since the sun sets later in the spring/summer I can deliver later and in return receive more tips. This helps tremendously with bills and being able to save money. I highly recommend if you are able, sign up for Uber Eats. The rates are fair, and I can always cash out same day.


About the Creator

Michaela Valles

I like iced coffee and writing. Guess I joined the right group :)

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    Michaela VallesWritten by Michaela Valles

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