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Unexpected Kindness

It's the little things

By Michaela VallesPublished 3 years ago 5 min read

Unexpected Kindness

Inhale. Exhale. June Marie took in the fresh fall air sitting on her front porch. Something seemed different about today. Sipping her coffee and watching the sun rise brought a sense of contentment. The scenery filled her heart with memories and her eyes with tears as she remembered her late grandma Pearl and her sweet soft voice, ‘June Marie, life is a gift. Don’t take one day for granted. We are not promised tomorrow.’ With her grandma’s voice of wisdom and the sudden urge to venture June decided to brave the day and try something new.

June’s quest first began at her favorite coffee shop. Skimming the menu she daringly choose something new. ‘Venti hot, I mean iced caramel mocha with whipped cream please.’ Not your usual today June”, the barista curiously asked. ‘Nope, not today Mike.’ Slipping a 5 dollar bill in the tip jar, June grabbed her coffee and walked out the door. If she could have a scene of music to reflect her mood, she would have choose the mission impossible theme song. Sipping her new iced drink June felt her journey of trying new things had just began. Peering into the distance she noticed a small corner store Thrifty Sam’s.

‘Howdy there darling my name is Rusty can I help you find something today.’ June was taken back by the mans deep southern accent, since they lived in New Mexico. ‘No I’m fine, than’ before she could finish she decided to ask for the clothes department. ‘Where are your clothes for sale? ‘Down yonder to the right, make a left, follow the yellow brick road.’ Giggling from his answer June followed directions, which were shocking ling accurate. The style of clothing in this store was straight out of a cowboy movie. Boot straps, chaps, gun holsters, vests. A dress unparticular caught June’s eye. ‘Size 4!’ She shrieked. The excitement in her voice gained attention from owner. He walked over to her. ‘Darlin would you like to try that on? The powder room is down the hall.’ With excitement June took the dress of the mannequin and went to the ‘powder room.’

In the powder room June was struggling to pull the zipper up on the dress. Hopping around and tugging her hardest was not cutting it. Her face was red, her breath was heavy. She was starting to become exhausted trying to fit in the dress. She plopped to the floor and started to cry. ‘Just my luck.’ Defeated, she sluggishly got up from the floor, but just before she was fully extended upright something caught her eye. Sparkling in the corner behind the cabinet was a small hand bag. Wiping her tears she picked up the bag. Looking around to see if anyone dropped it, she felt silly because she was in there alone.

‘Sir, this bag was in the powder room.’ June was known for her honesty. ‘Ah, yes. That there is my sweet Maybell’s makeup case. I had that in our cabinet but it might have fallen out. My sweet Maybell was the love of my life. You know you kind of remind me of her.’ Noticing June pull her jacket closed, Rusty nervously tried to explain. ‘Now wait a minute darlin, I don’t mean to make you uncomfortable, I meant that as a compliment.’ Easing up a bit, June relaxed and asked ‘Ok, well what happened to Myabell.’ Surprised she asked a personal question so quickly without knowing this man, June quickly chimed in ‘If you want to tell me, that is.’ With tears in his eyes ‘Well’ clearing his throat to finish ‘she was taken from me to soon. She was diagnosed with stage four breast cancer one day and 5 months later shew as gone.’ June began to tear up and chocked on her words ‘I’m, I’m so sorry,’ ‘Can I give you a hug?’ She asked. Rusty didn’t hesitate the offer. The friendly embrace made Rusty weep. He hadn’t had anyone offer condolence since his wife passed.

‘Listen darlin, now why don’t you go on and keep her case. You remind me so much of my Maybell. We didn’t have kids, and we don’t have any close relatives. She would have wanted that to go to someone kind.’ June was hesitant to accept, but after a long pause she said ‘Ok, I’ll take good care of it,’ Every day since , June would visit Rusty. She would ask him about Maybell to try and keep her memory alive. She would order his favorite cappuccino with extra hazelnut and a blueberry muffin before heading over. Periodically she would notice Rusty writing stuff down in a small black book. This book was worn out, barely hanging on, but that didn’t seem to bother him. Curious, she asked ‘Rusty what do you keep writing in that old book?’ He never answered her, just smiled and sipped his coffee. She would always wonder.

One cold morning, she was walking over and noticed a black van in front of Thrify Sam’s. The small store seemed dark. She walked up to the window and saw a man in a suit. ‘Good morning, where’s Rusty?’ ‘You must be June, my name is Mr. Lankoff, Mr. Sam’s attorney.’ ‘Mr. Sam?’ June asked confused. ‘Yes Rusty Sam, the owner of Thrifty Sam’s.’ “Where is Rusty?’ ‘I’m sorry to inform you ma’am, Mr. Sam passed away last night peacefully at his place of residence.’ Tears flooded June’s eyes. ‘ H, h , how?’ She could barely keep her words. ‘Listen here Mrs. June. I’m here on official business. I take it you have been visiting Mr. Sam for about a year now. He was very fond of you.’ Still confused June wasn’t processing what the attorney was saying. ‘Ma’am, Mr. Sam left you his estate. I was instructed to hand you this little black book. If you have any questions please feel free to call me. Here is my business card.’

June watched the man leave, and her heart sank to her stomach. She began to cry like it was her father who passed away. She fell to the ground and used her jacket as a tissue. After a few minutes she hugged the black book and said ‘Rusty, I’m sorry.’ Unsure why she was apologizing, something inside of her wished she was his family. Respectfully opening the book, she was careful to keep the pages together. Inside she read dates, numbers, and notes. ‘July 12 , June brought me a venti hot cappuccino with a muffin. She is a friendly gal.’ ‘July 31 if I had a gal like her for a daughter I would have been proud.’ Reading these words made June weep again. Flipping the pages of the book, she noticed in the back was bank account information with a balance of $1,500,000.00. On the very last page she pulled out Rusty’s will. Listed at the top of the page was the day they met! November 26, 2009. Rusty knew the day they met that June would become family.


About the Creator

Michaela Valles

I like iced coffee and writing. Guess I joined the right group :)

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    Michaela VallesWritten by Michaela Valles

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