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Choose Your Path

Our past choices create our present situations

By Dios MacPublished 4 years ago 3 min read

You are constantly walking the line of "light" and "dark." Everyday.

Every move you make in your life effects you. There is no decision in your life that is insignificant. Understanding this will naturally create anxiety for your next move. Is this right? Am I in the light? Am I choosing wrong? Can someone else decide?

This unlimited power of choice that you have is bestowed upon you because you are the only one that deserves this power over your experience. Your knowledge and expertise in the subject of your(self) is higher than any knowledge that anyone in your experience can offer. That is why you must take the wheel and steer your life in the direction you see fit.

Most of our decisions are made on a preconceived idea of what is "right" and "wrong." But how can these two options cover all situations?

What if there are three or more options?

What if everything seems all wrong, all right, or simply neither side?

What if all options seem to turn you off completely?

What if you want to do all, and you wish you had a second you?

It is odd how life gives us signs of where our decisions should go. It is odd when it gives you symbols of how life interacts on this planet and we simply just brush them off.

The yin and yang symbol is depicted with "light" and "dark" energies swirling together to make one solid image. With some of the "light" with the "dark" and vice versa. This is how you must see your choices and your path. Regardless of where you stand, the "light" and the "dark" are one. We just split them up because our human minds have accepted that as easier to understand. We must understand that every decision has a consequence. Every energy has a balancing opposite energy. Every move has a counter. The yin and yang symbol may seem as if the two forces are seperate and morphing, but they are actually together and coexisting.

Sometimes the most important thing to understand is how to just be. How to be your(self) fully. How to pursue your passions fully. How to create your life fully.

Our past choices create our present situations. If you look at the past versions of your(self) and split up your experiences as "bad" or "good," will that give attention to one side more than it does the other? Will you find your(self) basking in the "good" while acting like the "bad" never happened? Does this choice lead to loving your(self) fully?

Every thing you went through is simply a collection of lessons to guide you to fully understanding all that is you. You are the yin and yang. Just as your entire environment is. You are a perfect combination of light and dark, at all times. The best part about having choice is getting to decide which side you are on RIGHT NOW. Every waking moment you have the option of either being a light to your(self) and others, or a darkness. But it is completely up to you. You know the decisions you can make at any given moment to be "good", "helpful", and "compassionate." The insane part is at the same time, no matter how "good" you can be, there is always an opposite energy.

The best thing you can do is let everything be, and understand fully the energy you are putting out into the universe.

Whether "good" or "bad," you are just adding to the balance, so the best possible path you can take is the one you pave.

I love you.


About the Creator

Dios Mac

I am an artist of many expressions. I offer my understanding of myself, the world, and the human experience in my work. I hope what ever I express in my work finds you in the best of spirits and helps you along your journey. Love always.

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