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Can a marriage survive without sex?

Marriage and Sex

By Agun EmmanuelPublished 2 years ago 5 min read
Image Source: Pexels


Some people believe that if you want to be a good partner, you should have sex with your spouse every day. This isn't necessarily true; intimacy can come in many forms. Some couples find it through cuddling when they're not feeling sexual, while others enjoy the physical connection without wanting sex. Still others may simply prefer to spend time with their friends or family members instead of engaging in an intimate activity together. But regardless of how you define "intimate," there are plenty of opportunities for closeness and connection outside the bedroom—and sometimes even within it! Here's what this means for couples who are having trouble staying connected:

Are sex and intimacy the same thing?

Image Source: Pexels

Sex is a physical act, intimacy is a mental state. Sex can be experienced in any way that you want it to be, but intimacy requires two people who have chosen to experience it together (and not just because they're married).

It's important to note that sex and intimacy aren't the same thing; they're two different things altogether. For example: I know this may seem obvious at first glance, but let's say you ask your spouse for advice about how you should approach your new boyfriend or girlfriend after having sex with them for the first time; would he/she tell you "go talk dirty" or "keep quiet"? It's important here not just because we're talking about something physical—or even emotional—but also because there are no hard rules when it comes down to making decisions like these!

When sex is infrequent in marriage, it can make couples feel less connected.

Image Source: Pexels

Sex and intimacy are two of the most important aspects of marriage. When sex becomes infrequent in your relationship, it can make you feel less connected to your spouse. For example, if one partner has a lower libido than the other (perhaps due to age or physical health), this could lead them to think less about their partner's feelings and needs—and vice versa!

Another way that sex affects relationships is by influencing how well we communicate with each other. When we're having sex regularly with someone we love very much (or even just have some attraction toward), there's usually no need for words; our bodies know what they want without having any difficulty expressing themselves. But when these desires aren't met regularly enough through physical activity... well... let's just say that communication becomes an issue!

People change over time. What once may have been a hot relationship can become less exciting as the years go by.

Image Source: Pexels

People change over time. What once may have been a hot relationship can become less exciting as the years go by. There are many reasons why this happens, for example, the couple may have children and be too busy with them to spend much time together or they may just find themselves getting bored with each other.

While it's true that sex isn't required for marriage to work (and some marriages don't involve any sexual activity at all), there are ways you can still make your marriage full of passion and romance even if you're not having sex!

Couples who go through periods of no sex need to do other things to feel loved and appreciated.

Image Source: Pexels

Couples who go through periods of no sex need to do other things to feel loved and appreciated. You may find that you're not thinking about sex as much, or even at all. But if a couple can get past this hurdle and are still able to be affectionate with each other, then they should try getting together every day for an hour or two (and talking about their feelings). This might seem like a small thing, but it really helps build up the bond between partners.

Another way couples can show their affection for each other is by spending time together doing things that they both enjoy: going out for dinner, watching TV shows together, playing games with each other (like board games), etcetera...

Can a marriage survive without sex?

Image Source: Pexels

● Sex is important, but not all that matters.

● You can have a happy marriage without sex.

● You can have a happy marriage with sex.

● But, it's not easy!

Can a marriage work if one person wants more sex than the other?

Image Source: Pexels

If one person in a relationship wants more sex than the other, it can be a problem. If you want more sex than your partner does, or if they want less, it's important to talk about how this affects both of you.

If your partner doesn't want as much intimacy with you as before (or if they do), there are steps that both of you can take together:

● Make sure that whatever changes have occurred haven't been caused by anything external (like stress). A couple should always consider their own health when making decisions about their intimate lives—even if they're feeling fine! There may be something going on with either of them physically or mentally which could have contributed to their change in behavior, so having a conversation about it will help them figure out what those problems might be and how best to correct them.

● Try not turning off all interest in each other; this isn't easy but sometimes doing so means admitting reasons why we've become disinterested instead of just pretending everything’s okay when really nothing could ever possibly beat back such negativity toward our loved ones/partners/etcetera."

No matter how well adjusted you are, going without intimacy for long periods of time can be painful.

Sex is a physical need. It's also a mental and psychological need. A person's sex drive is often used as an indicator of how healthy they are overall, but it can also be the case that someone who has low libido might have other issues (such as depression) that impact their mood and energy levels.

The same goes for sexual intimacy—it doesn't just have to mean having sex; it can be any kind of physical contact between two people who love one another and want to connect on both an emotional level and physically.


If you are in a relationship where sex is infrequent, it’s important to remember that you are not alone. There are plenty of couples out there who find themselves in this situation and want to work through their struggles. If your partner has told you that they don’t feel like having sex anymore then it may be time for some good old-fashioned communication; sit down with them and listen carefully before jumping to conclusions about what might be wrong with them or their relationship. It takes time, but eventually things will change as long as both people stay open minded about working on things together.


About the Creator

Agun Emmanuel

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