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What I Learned from Why Husbands Cheat: The 4 Most Common Reasons

What I Learned from Why Husbands Cheat: The 4 Most Common Reasons

By Agun EmmanuelPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
Image Source: FreeImages

First and foremost, let’s get one thing straight: there is no excuse for cheating. It is an inexcusable betrayal of trust and of your partner’s love, time, and faith in you. In a relationship, it is not enough to simply avoid cheating; you must strive to be trustworthy in every way possible. Regardless of the circumstances, the reasons why any man cheats on his wife can be boiled down to one thing: selfishness. Men who cheat on their wives are usually doing so because they either don’t care about their wives enough, or they have some sort of distorted notion that they are not getting something out of the marriage that they need. These points may seem glaringly obvious, but from personal experience with friends who have dealt with this problem, it’s pretty eye-opening how many people get caught up in these situations. So, for all you guys out there about to take that leap and commit to someone for the rest of your life — hopefully, this helps. Here are the 4 most common reasons why husbands cheat…

He’s not happy with the marriage.

This is the most common reason for why men cheat, and usually, it’s not even because they want to. While there are certainly some people who actively seek out affairs, for most men, this isn’t their intention at all. They simply get so caught up in the day-to-day logistics of life that they don’t see their marriage as anything special or worth investing in. They lose sight of the fact that they are with someone who they love and adore and who loves and adores them equally as much. In their minds, the relationship becomes predictable and monotonous, with both parties focusing more on the logistics of life than on each other. When this happens, men often begin to resent their wives, blaming them for the monotony and feeling like they have no real reason to put any effort into the relationship.

He resents taking care of you and your family.

Image Source: Pexels

It’s important to remember that in marriage, you are a team. You and your partner are supposed to work together to form a single, cohesive unit. Ideally, each partner makes sacrifices for the other and the relationship, but sometimes, resentment can grow if one partner feels like they are giving more than they are receiving. This is most often the case when the husband works long hours to make ends meet, or if the husband has a stressful career that often gets in the way of the marriage. When a husband resents taking care of his wife and family, he often begins to view it as a burden. He starts to resent having to constantly make sacrifices for someone else and for a responsibility that he doesn’t think is equally as important as his own. In these situations, men often begin to cheat because they view infidelity as a “quick fix” that allows them to escape their responsibilities while still retaining the respect they get from their peers.

He’s bored and feels trapped.

Image Source: Pexels

If a man is feeling bored and trapped, it is often a sign that he has lost hope. He has lost sight of the hopes and dreams he had when he first proposed to you and has given up on those dreams ever coming true. Boredom often comes from a lack of drive, passion, and initiative. It can also be a sign that there is an imbalance in your relationship that needs to be addressed. For example, if one of you is more of an introvert and the other is more of an extrovert, you may need to find ways to balance each other out by letting your partner explore their passions and letting you explore yours. When a man starts to feel trapped, he feels like he has no choices left. Instead of viewing his relationship as an adventure with his partner, he starts to see it as a straightjacket that he can’t break out of. In situations like this, cheating allows a man to escape the monotony and excitement level of his “normal life” while still retaining the respect he deserves from his peers, family, and friends.

He has unrealistic expectations of how marriage should be.

Image Source: Pexels

All of the above reasons are based in selfishness, but the last one is a little different. When a man has unrealistic expectations of marriage, he often expects his wife to conform to his ideals of what a wife should be. These expectations are often rooted in cultural expectations and views on what a wife should be. For example, in some cultures, a wife is expected to always be home with her children and to do all of the domestic work such as cleaning, cooking, and child care. When a man has these expectations of his wife, she is bound to fail and fall short of his expectations. This can cause a man to feel disappointed, trapped, and resent his wife for not meeting his ideals. When this happens, he may begin to stray from his wife in the hopes of finding happiness elsewhere.


All of the above reasons are based on selfishness. Men who cheat on their wives are usually doing so because they either don’t care about their wives enough, or they have some sort of distorted notion that they are not getting something out of the marriage that they need. If you are in a relationship with a man who is exhibiting any of these signs, it is important to have an honest and open conversation with them. Communicate how you feel, and encourage your partner to do the same. Having an open and honest dialogue can help both of you identify and correct any issues that may be causing problems in your relationship.


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Agun Emmanuel

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