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Boost Your Engagement: Top Tips for Writing Engaging Blog Comments That Captivate Readers

Maximize Your Online Presence and Build Strong Relationships with These Expert Strategies for Crafting Impactful Blog Comments.

By Mathis Raja OfficialPublished about a year ago 4 min read
Boost Your Engagement: Top Tips for Writing Engaging Blog Comments That Captivate Readers
Photo by Mika Baumeister on Unsplash


Your blog is a community of people who are all passionate about the same thing. Since you've got so many readers, it's important that you engage them in a way that keeps them coming back for more.

If you want to write engaging comments on your own blog posts, here are some tips for doing just that:

Engage your readers with a personal touch.

When writing your comments, keep in mind that you want to engage with your readers and make them feel like they’re part of the conversation.

This means being personal and interesting on a level that is different from just saying “me too.”

When you write about something personal or interesting (like when I talked about how my dog likes to listen to music while eating), people will engage with it because they know who you are as an individual and how much time goes into maintaining relationships like this one with their pets.

I personally don't like reading comments where someone only says "good post" or "nice post." It makes me feel bad because I know if someone wants my opinion on something, they'll ask for it directly rather than just assuming what my thoughts might be based on past experiences alone!

So make sure whatever response comes back at least has some sort of heart behind it!

Be thoughtful about the tone of your posts and comments.

The tone of your comments can make or break a post, so be mindful of how you write.

If someone asks a question on your blog, it's important to respond in a way that doesn't insult them or make light of their question.

You should also try not to be too sarcastic or serious in general; this will only come across as condescending (and maybe even offensive).

In general, it's best not to comment unless there is something substantive to add—if you're just having fun with friends on social media and don't want them reading every word before joining in the conversation again later!

Keep it short and sweet.

As a blogger, you want to keep your comments as brief and sweet as possible.

Your readers are busy people who don't have time for long winded ramblings on how you feel about something or how certain topics should be discussed.

You should also avoid rambling on about your own opinion; this can come across as smug and arrogant, which is never good! Instead of saying something like “I disagree” or “this topic deserves more attention” try instead saying:

“I don't know if I agree with that statement." This shows that even though you may not entirely agree with what someone said in their post, there might be some merit in their argument after all.

"I'll have to think about it." This lets the other person know that while they may not have convinced you yet (and if so why), perhaps some future time when both parties are available again will prove useful information for either party's arguments.*

Say something about yourself and your audience at the same time you comment on content.

When you are commenting on someone else's content, it is important to make sure that you can be understood as both the commenter and your audience.

This can be done by mentioning yourself and the blog that you write for in your comment. For example, if a post was written by someone named "Ryan" who lives in New York City and has been working on his blog for three years, he might say something like:

"I'm from New York City where we have lots of museums with great art museums."

"My favorite museum is the Met Museum because it has so many amazing pieces of art."

At this point, Ryan would need to show how his expertise relates specifically back to what he just wrote about (i.e., "The Met Museum"). He could do this by linking out directly from his own website or posting an image related specifically back through context (i.e., showing an image).

Make sure your own comments are interesting to read as well as informative, or they may get deleted.

When you write a comment on someone else's blog, it can be tempting to try and make it sound as bright and breezy as the original text. But don't do this! Instead, keep your tone similar to the author's (and if possible, use their exact language).

If you're not sure whether or not it's ok for you to post a comment on another person's site, ask!

There are some blogs where everyone is welcome to leave comments, but there are also many that require approval before they'll publish such comments.

This is usually done through emailing the blogger directly with questions about specific topics or concerns.

Your blog will be more engaging if you respond to other people's comments in an interesting way that is informative and encourages discussion.

If you want to increase the number of comments on your blog, it's important to respond to relevant comments in an interesting way.

Here are some tips for responding:

Responding when someone has a question about something related to your topic or audience. This can be a great way to encourage discussion and discussion can lead to more people reading, sharing and liking your content.

Responding when someone asks something that is outside of what was discussed in the previous post but still relevant (e.g., “This article talks about X, but what about Y?”).

This gives others who might not have read all the way through an opportunity share their knowledge with others while also helping build up their own reputation as well!


Blogging can be a great way to share your thoughts, but if you want your blog to be engaging and informative, it’s important to respond to other people's comments in an interesting way that is informative and encourages discussion.

This can help keep the conversation going between readers and writers on your site so everyone learns something new about their interests.

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About the Creator

Mathis Raja Official

"Financial enthusiast & affiliate marketer sharing my journey through finance, blogging, & YouTube videos. Helping others make the most of their money & reach financial freedom."

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