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Discover Your Blogging Voice: Tips and Tricks to Develop a Unique and Authentic Writing Style

Unlock Your Creative Potential and Stand Out in a Crowded Blogosphere with these Expert Strategies for Crafting a Memorable and Impactful Voice

By Mathis Raja OfficialPublished about a year ago 4 min read
Discover Your Blogging Voice: Tips and Tricks to Develop a Unique and Authentic Writing Style
Photo by Noah Näf on Unsplash


You probably already know that the best way to build a popular blog and attract an audience is by writing well.

You've also probably heard that one of the most important things you can do as a blogger is make your writing sound like you're speaking directly to your readers, rather than reading from a script or typing in your head. But what does this mean?

How can you craft a unique voice for your blog? In this post, I'll explain how you can use these techniques to create a blogging voice that will make your readers feel something when they read what you have to say.

Write as if you were speaking to your friend.

Start by writing as if you were talking to a friend. This can be difficult, but it will help you create a more conversational tone in your blog posts and emails.

Use words that people understand easily, like "I" instead of "we." It's also fine to use contractions (such as "can't" or "should've").

Keep sentences short! Try not to use more than three words per sentence—a lot of bloggers tend to write long paragraphs when they don't need them. And keep paragraphs short too; try using three sentences per paragraph instead of five or six.

Keep paragraphs short because that makes it easier for readers to digest what you're saying faster, which leads us into our next tip...

Write in the first person.

In addition to using the correct pronouns and verbs, you should also make sure that your writing is in the first person.

This means that you will write about yourself or talk about things that are happening around you as though they were happening to you personally.

For example:

“I am going on vacation next week!”

“You should go too!”

You might say something like this when someone asks how their weekend was or what they did last night after work (i.e., "I went home…")

Use a conversational tone with your posts.

When you write, use a conversational tone. This is the easiest way to make your post unique and memorable.

Use contractions: "I'll" instead of "I will", "you're" instead of "you are", etc.

Use common expressions: I'm writing this blog post with my coffee maker in the background (or vice versa).

Write like you are having a conversation with someone—not just proselytizing about your ideas or opinions!

Be yourself!

Be yourself. This is the simplest advice you can give for creating a unique blogging voice, and it's one that everyone should embrace.

Don't try to be someone else—be honest with your writing style, don't hide who you are behind an idealized version of yourself that everyone else is going to love anyway.

People will connect with you more if they can see how much of their own personality shines through in each post or article you publish.

For example: If I were writing as myself (which means being myself), then there would be no need for me to worry too much about whether my blog was “original” enough because at least part of who I am comes out every time I write something new down on paper!

Be funny!

You want to be authentic and you want your blog to be about something that matters, but it can also be fun. I know that's a lot of pressure, but humor is important in building an audience and drawing people back again and again.

I've been working on my comedy skills since I was 14 years old, but this past year has given me the opportunity to take them further than ever before in my life—and it feels amazing!

My writing style might not be perfect yet (I still have room for improvement), But when I write something funny or thoughtful or sarcastic, even if only one person reads it (which is usually enough), they'll remember who wrote it and what they wrote because of how distinctively different their voice was compared with others' voices on other blogs/sites/etcetera!

Be honest, not just truthful.

One of the most important things you can do when you start blogging is to be honest, not just truthful. This may sound like a no-brainer, but there's a lot of pressure on writers to be perfect and never make mistakes.

But being open about your weaknesses will help readers relate better—and they might even like your writing more because they know how much work goes into it!

If you're struggling with something in life, share that, too! It'll show that behind every great blog post or video there was someone who was going through something similar themselves at one point in time.

Tell stories that make people feel something.

The first thing to remember is that stories are more memorable than facts. They can be funny, sad, or emotional—you decide what kind of story you want to tell.

You may be tempted to think about your blog as a series of facts and statistics (or "tweets"). But that's not how people read blogs!

People want to feel something when they're reading them—and the way you tell stories will affect how much emotion they experience while reading your content.

Stories can involve anything from the personal (my life) or group-based (the lives of others), but it's also common for people who write about their own experiences with topics like health care or politics to combine both into their writing style


Remember that blogging isn’t just about writing, it’s also about being yourself. Try to be funny and honest while also sharing your knowledge with others, or offer tips on how they might improve their own practices.

Your voice is unique and strong; use it to make a difference in readers’ lives!


About the Creator

Mathis Raja Official

"Financial enthusiast & affiliate marketer sharing my journey through finance, blogging, & YouTube videos. Helping others make the most of their money & reach financial freedom."

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    Mathis Raja OfficialWritten by Mathis Raja Official

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