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Bodybuilding Work Out.

Gym lovers

By A B MuhammadPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
Bodybuilding Work Out.
Photo by Damir Spanic on Unsplash

Bodybuilders, pretty impressive aren’t they? They’re strong, in control and look great. So, it’s no surprise that more men than ever are interested in giving bodybuilding a go themselves. Starting bodybuilding for the first time can be difficult and achy, especially as there seems to be a lot to consider and a lot to learn. However,with these tips you’ll be ready to start your work out continuously.

(1).Master Proper Form First:
Before you do anything in bodybuilding, it’s very important that you master proper form. Otherwise, you’ll pick up bad habits that are hard to break. There’s a lot of help available online, so ensure you do your research and perfect it.Always try to learn proper form from your fellows in the gym.

(2). Take a Day Off Between Workouts:
When you start off bodybuilding you want to work at it every day, but this isn’t always best. Make sure you give your body a break of a day between workouts to recover, repair and relax.

(3). Stretch your body before workout:
As with any kind of workout, it’s important to stretch before workout. Stretching decreases the chances of damage and soreness. In addition to it, it enhances the amount of motion possible and you’ll be able to put more energy into your different lifts.

(4). Set a Goal:
It can be easy to start bodybuilding and expect better results immediately, but that isn’t going to happen. In order to keep on track and to keep yourself motivated, have a realistic goal and a deadline. Start with small and increase your goals as you improve.

(5). Eat Before and After Workout:
What you eat before and after a workout will have a significant impact on how well that workout goes. As a beginner you won’t be focusing on the specifics of your food intake, but trying to take more and more proteins and carbohydrates with little fats in your food.This will make more energetic and help gain muscle size.

(6). Don’t Forget Cardio:
A lot of beginners focus all of their energy on bodybuilding lifts and forget about cardio. For best results, save cardio until after you have completed your workout and focus the majority of your energy on lifting. This will help your muscles to get proper shape and increase in size.

(7). Aim for Eight to Twelve Reps with lighter weight:
Beginners are advised to aim for between eight and twelve reps of a weight lift when first starting out. This is because you are likely to begin with lifting slightly lighter weights and therefore more reps are possible.This will increase your stamina and your muscles will get proper shape and striations. As you begin to lift heavier weights, lower the reps.

(8). Stay Focused and In Control:
It’s easy to get carried away when you first begin, especially when you get into the swing of a workout and weight lift becomes easier. However, instead of rushing through, focus on staying in control and perfecting the task.

(9). Focus on Compound Movements:
A lot of bodybuilding techniques are complex, so start by focusing on the easier compound movements; squats, shoulder presses, deadlifts and lunges all work well. These require you to use multiple muscle groups at the same time and therefore more muscles are worked overall, without the need to add on individual movements.

(10). Learn from Your Mistakes
Everyone makes mistakes, that’s a part of life. Rather than letting them put you off, learn from them. If you find yourself struggling with a workout routine, change it up! Keep alternating and editing until you find a bodybuilding program that works for you.

(11).Specific day for specific group of muscles:
When you have worked on your body for about two months or more,your body becomes familiar with the workout you are already doing.So it is helpful to focus on a group of muscles instead of whole body each day.Make a weekly routine.Divide your body into 6 groups for six days a week. Chest,shoulders,arms,back,legs and abs one day each muscle group. It's very helpful to grow your body.Sunday should be an off day.

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About the Creator

A B Muhammad

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