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Be your own sanctuary

Rise in strength

By Tecarra JonesPublished 3 years ago 3 min read

A spiritual journey is meant for your own understanding. It is just for you to blaze, stumble, trip, fall and get back up again to continue going forward. It is a journey of within, some people may or may not understand, inner, or over- stand why you do what you do on your path, that is because they are not supposed to. One may try to figure out why certain things are not going as planned or why somethings happen so suddenly, the element of surprise is the way the universe test your faith and each test you pass you receive a reward and move on to the next level. Everything has a next level one must continue to go deeper and deeper. The deeper one goes the more wiser one becomes, but patience is a must. Patience has its own timing, you probably have heard of divine timing and that is when things happen at the right time. People must learn how to understand the reason for being patient once the lesson is learned the spiritual journey will become easier and your inner knowing will become peaceful.

Enjoy yourself as much as possible

Once peace is recognized within everything on the outside of you becomes easier. The flow of the universal energies being to take over and any obstacles becomes more manageable to get through with ease. Having a peaceful mind the body will be peaceful as well and so will your spirit, everything will become lighter and as you continue on your path you will find the importance of maintaining peace at all cost.

The laughable part about finding your peace is the path that is taken to receive it, because it is not just a given energy, one must go through a drama filled phase in order to know why having peace is important and must be appreciated at all times. Divine guidance will help along the path of understanding why each energy is so important and why you must use them accordingly. Enjoy the process it feels good once you let go of control and enjoy the every moment of the spiritual journey. It takes strength to continue on your own path because it is uniquely designed just for you. Power from within continuously grows, but the push and pull of resistance will begin to slow down. Release and let go and the flow of divine will step in, if you allow it, but you must be open to receive everything that comes along with it.

As you grow you begin to see that everything is not as it appears to be and everything is evolving. Transformations happen daily, even within yourself. Start taking the time to recognize any change that has happened within you, your thoughts, and your words. Begin to observe rather or not if it is of service to you. Things on your path that is not serving you for your highest good will be cleared from your path, but you must be ready to let go. The key to maintaining the peace you created for yourself is to not anything or anyone get in the way of it, that is why you must let go of certain things and have faith that everything is going as it should. Standing in your truth while you continue on your journey will allow strength to evolve. Take ownership of your path, be grateful and thankful for the chance to live in a unique way. Know you can inspire and grow with others.

Raise your vibration by keeping your energy in check. Have only high quality thoughts, which will produce high quality words, which will create a high quality life. People who don’t understand will with try or hate, but if they have positive energy they will grow to understand what a spiritual journey is all about. Maintenance of self is very vital do not be misled or distracted by what may seem to be beneficial, keep your focus on the highest goal on your path and keep moving forward. Only you know what you are capable of, don’t forget it no matter how difficult things may seem, as long as your faith is strong worry and fear will not exist. We all have a mission and purpose on this so live it, do not become a follower of the normal standout and stand up for yourself. Once the weakness within is over powered by the strength within, their will be no room for failure. The journey is yours, you create, your own rhythm, beat and sound so keep thriving. Know you are powerful.


About the Creator

Tecarra Jones

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