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Avoiding Monsters in Life's Journey

learning from parables of childhood

By CarmenJimersonCrossPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
Avoiding Monsters in Life's Journey
Photo by v2osk on Unsplash

WE NEVER KNOW WHAT IS OUT THERE beyond our immediate and original line of vision. What we do know is that in having been given life, we are expected to live it in our best focus. What we do not know is what lies beyond our own ideal of what we can accomplish within the bounds of knowledge presented to us. We must seek increased opportunities to create the best resolve. Whether starting off from secondary school with a plan "to become" or "to create" a well-paid personality that exists within a respectable category of career. The normal hope for pursuing that focus is to accomplish it with as few diversions of replanning and refunding the adventure as possible. Most of us who have taken such a route as described know that monsters do appear, and they appear in such gargantuan proportions as the need for a change, of course, is the only option worthy of saving a lifetime of planning one's life.

Monsters can be comparable to those "pterydactypes" and "T-rex" type personalities of the common social world. Culminating a plan to recover from each assault of a derogatory development such as that which would defame family or heritage, or perhaps cause one to depart from family for the cause of misdeeds or assumed activities can be equivalent to escaping the bite of one mega monster crisis only to fall into the path of the next giant step of a larger monster that would swallow the fleeing planner and those attached.

The better plan is to begin with a flowcharted idea for accomplishing above and beyond the evolution of circumstances that could evolve. Plan to be a journalist but know that along the path and course of studies the trials and tests for becoming that final desired character will be challenges from social life, concurrent employment, and contacts made in the processes of incurring every required step along the way. Plan on funding the venture. Funds gifted by relatives or some encountered benefactor or employer, so to speak; Have in place a defense mechanism for shortsighted relationships that are encountered as a part of a "party plan" from the social scene. Know that the social scene imparts planned saboteurs as an added benefit to ers. a social scene that detracts from a successful plan for personal progress.

So often we are told lines of advice from our "idols" and those who have been successful after having become an "idol" to a number of fans and admirers. While we provide the wind beneath their wings... the gust for the necessary ego that propels them to their expected height of goals desired, our own ambitions can become stifled for the misdirected focus toward something other than those personal goals. Every effort is put toward trailing the "idol" in their glory and our spoken desires fall to a second or lesser level for that cause. When the focus returns to self-propelled angst we stagger to recover our efforts... usually with no fan call of support.

Setting our journey on the best path for our own personal skills and the time allocated for achieving the dream assigned for us by ourselves relies upon our approaching that desired path with a seriously realistic attitude of what we can accomplish or become. Time and age play a very large role in achieving a goal. Location and personal affiliations portray an equally large role in what can be and what is out of reach. Knowing that, beginning and focusing every effort short of activities that place self in the suicide, personal death or murder or other heinous crime lines. It's tough to take off running if you have to dig out from underground first. Hit the ground and take off running. Know your best goal and go for it... avoid social negatives, and win.


About the Creator


proper name? CarmenJimersonCross-Safieddine SHARING LIFE LIVED, things seen, lessons learned, and spreading peace where I can.

Read, like, and subscribe! Maybe toss a dollar tip into my "hat." Thanks! Carmen (still telling stories!)

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