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Are You Happy?

Make YOU Your Priority in 2022

By IsaPublished 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 3 min read
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Here are 5 Tips to Finding Happiness in 2022

1. Focus On What You Can Control - Forget What You Can’t

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While there are many times when it is possible for you to help solve a problem, it is usually very clear when something is out of your control.

And if you deny that, you risk wearing yourself out pretty quickly.

Save your energy for things you know you can control or contribute to. Lighten up, literally, and let go of things that are weighing you down so you can finally find true happiness.

2. Travel As Much As Possible, No Exceptions!

One of the best ways to find true enjoyment is to travel often. Do it without judgment. When you travel freely, with only the desire to enjoy yourself, amazing things happen. And it doesn't have to be far or fancy. Just traveling to a new part of town or exploring a new store can count too, right? Or stay the night in a nice hotel in a nearby city to experience the simple thrill that comes with seeing new places. And if you have the chance to go to another state or country, take it every time.

3. Unapologetically, Take More Risks

Take that new job that makes you smile when you think about it. Your old boss will be just fine. Move to that new city you’ve been dying to explore. Your current friends were once strangers too. And what about that big thing you’ve been thinking about doing, but you are too afraid to fail? All you risk losing is valuable wisdom.

So sign up for that class, learn that new skill, move to that new country, and do not ever, for once, say you’re sorry.

The only thing you'll be sorry for is the chances you didn’t take.

4. When Making Big Life Decisions...Put YOU First.

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How many of us struggle with this one? If your hand is up, then pat yourself on the back. Because this tends to mean you are just a really caring person. If it's not up, that's just as well.

Because making big decisions about your life is NOT the time for people-pleasing.

This is the one time you should only focus on what makes you happy. All too often, it is the fear of disappointing someone we love or admire, the judgment from people whose opinion we value, or plain double standards that hold us back.

This applies to everything from choosing your degree, getting married, buying a new car, starting a new business or career, to personal things like religion and lifestyle. The list goes on and on.

These are all BIG decisions...ones that will affect your life in more ways than one. So while it's good to have an open mind and learn from others, make sure the first and last person you consult, is you.

5. Fall in Love with Yourself.

This kind of sums up the theme of being happy. Put yourself first. Take care of yourself. Be kind to yourself. Hold space for your own feelings. Got a negative voice in your head that constantly critizes? Counteract it by thinking thoughts of praise and gratitude for the little things you or others do. Eventually, that voice will grow tired and fade away.

Prioritize your dreams and the things that make you happy. Just the little things can make a big difference. Like staying stocked up on your favorite snack, waking up early to enjoy your coffee in peace, or lighting a candle with your favorite scent. No matter what is going on around you, show yourself some love.

Against any negative situation, your self-love is a trustee shield.


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