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An Introduction

My Purpose + My Passion

By jaz valentinoPublished 3 years ago 4 min read


I've been sitting on this platform for a while afraid to post anything I have to share because of my fear of being vulnerable in front of strangers, but at this point, there is no reason to hide our voices, especially with how this pandemic has impacted us physically and emotionally. Storytelling is healing and I want to get used to sharing again. When we tell our stories, we can clear up the running story line in our minds and potentially connect with people who have shared experiences. This page is about being raw, exchanging information, and enhancing our perspectives. Truth be told, I miss political banter with friends at social gatherings, I miss studying and writing passionately about political and social theory, and bouncing ideas off of my peers. To be honest, I've become a little soft and dull after a much needed break from educational institutions and the restaurant life. Those were some heavy days, but I am grateful for the people who have created platforms to continue those discussions and are actively sharing knowledge with their communities. This is a huge move forward with everything going online, we can still connect with each other even though we're farther apart.

Some topics that I am very comfortable talking about are: boundaries, love and relationships, society, environmentalism, anarchism, healing modalities, art, and spirituality + consciousness. I'll probably be discussing these in future articles, but for now, I am laying down some foundations of what I aim to achieve on this platform.

I want this to be a safe space to share our experiences, what we've seen, what we've learned, and how we have and can evolve. We don't have to agree, but we can share ideas constructively. My boundaries have become very strong during this time and I believe it is important that we honor our own and others'. State them if you can and continue to re-establish them if they get blurred. You are supported through this process. I will not accept bashing from anyone, if you need to rant or are mad and need to take it out on something, go process it in a constructive way, just do not project your anger, hatred, judgement, or pain onto other people so that they can fix for you. Accountability is paramount, and I won't tolerate people who cannot take responsibility for themselves. But, if there is something I post that makes you uncomfortable, you can be honest about it, and you have no obligation to support this page. In addition, I do not care for any jokes about abuse, bigotry, prejudice or any racist commentary...AT ALL. The purpose of this page is to find ways that we can live in harmony outside of this oppressive system, and to share resources about how to heal ourselves, and unlearn the conditioning that has kept us from being authentic with ourselves. I am here to evolve too, but I am not a certified therapist/healer or a professional writer. I am a human being looking to connect with like minded people who are not afraid of being vulnerable.

To be honest, this pandemic has made me feel like a bit of an empty shell because the richness that I experienced in my daily life came from giving my energy to others, having conversations, and being physical. But it's okay. No matter where you are at it's okay. None of this is supposed to be easy, trust me, I've been a train wreck in the past, I've made mistakes, and am still unlearning and continuing to learn how live the life I aim to live without relying on others to tell me how. Intuition is our inner guide, our compass for navigating safe spaces and treacherous waters. I urge everyone to cultivate a strong relationship with theirs and trust it.

Something just came to mind that I'd like to touch on...

I want to acknowledge the loss that we've experienced in our lives. I lost my dad when I was 15 and my step father at 24, and I have seen many folks experience loss in the past and during this pandemic. It is not easy, we all experience loss in some way, and everyone processes emotions differently. I want everyone who reads this to know that your emotions are valid, you are not expected to show up in the ways that others expect you to right now. Keep your boundaries strong and honor your voice.

Like many of you I am sure, the pandemic has uprooted lives and has changed the ways we work and relate to one another. Some of my relationships have been strained, and there are many people I know who have lost their jobs, including myself, and are still working out ways to make money without relying on the crumbs the government is giving us. But I choose to believe that there is some light amidst this dark and strange situation. It's different, we are forced to become inventive and creative of how we show up in the world without harming anyone else. HOW INCREDIBLE IS THAT! All of our lives, we've been living unconsciously and now we're being called to be more conscious of the other person. Even right now I feel like I'm living under a rock (as I write from the basement apartment my partner and I are staying in awaiting the winter), but, this is the time to get cozy with the discomfort. And I look forward to hearing and sharing what others are experiencing as well.

If there are any topics that any readers would like for me to touch on or expand upon, please let me know as I am eager to learn about what you are all interested in as well.

All the Best,



About the Creator

jaz valentino



Reader of the sky.

Daughter of the Moon

Educated through travel + Connection with others.

My energy is my melody.

Aquarius Sun

Gemini Moon

Cancer Rising

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