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Altruism: it's hip!

Is our culture of 'doing good for others' genuine

By Monty Cash MusicPublished 4 years ago 6 min read

It's hip and trendy to be altruistic in today's world of modern western thinking but is it genuine?

First off let's define for those that aren't aware, Altruism according to [Google]( disinterested and selfless concern for the well-being of others. "some may choose to work with vulnerable elderly people out of altruism"

In modern western society, we live in a culture of altruism. Where it is looked at with favour to do good to others and be selfless and where obviously outward selfishness is looked down upon. How much of this trend in culture is actually real though? We take care of handicapped people, we love to take in a rescued dog, yet our respect for homeless people is paper thin unless you're a celebrity that is donating publicly to an institution.

Refugees are the next hot topic as it's so wonderful how many western societies push this issue underneath the cover of 'preserving national identity' or 'pretending they aren't human.' Yet, we care... don't we? We care... right? We wouldn't want to be seen as not caring...

The constant requirement of outward show of doing good for others within our everyday lives exposes a very familiar mentality - If I don't see it, and/or I can't be seen doing this good thing and it meaning something to my social status; I don't care -- aka Out of sight, out of mind. If there is a dying person in front of us, in the visible presence of those in our culture, no matter who it is we would have no hesitation to care for that person. Yet, we're quite happy to just let the system and its trickle up effect (the deeper cause of our shared issues of inequality) remain.

The blurry grey area of classless-ism is one of the greatest weapons of modern class warfare. Class and the class system still exist. Money still defines who a person is and how much freedom they have, yet we are raised within the belief systems of individuality and equality. Infact, by not being completely aware of what is going on and growing up in this world with these filters, we fail to grasp that the same power struggles that existed before 'equality' came along, exist today. They're just less visible.

It would appear from walking down a busy street in the centre of Copenhagen that all is well and life is precious. This trendy altruistic society projects and posters itself as freedom and equality yet it sends refugees to an island, just like Australia where children are abused ( ).

The end of it is this: This new form of class society is just a re-arrangement of what already was, and before long it will find its way back to where it was again. This fuzzy veneer of an equal society will be pulled away like a curtain - made possible by a large middle-class population. As crisis increases and society is polarized, people with money will hold their hands in their pockets and people without will be forced to work like slaves; conform or die. The real fruit comes out when populations are tested by crisis.

The appearance of altruism is not altruism itself. It is true a level of selfish action is needed by the self in a survival situation. This is a given. But when everyone in a cashed up society collectively pulls their arms in and says, 'no, I have nothing to give you', and yet still claim to be altruistic - it just wreaks of elitism and self-entitlement.

Who decides who is better than another person?

Who decides who has better values?

Who decides who should live and die?

These are the decisions we are making now with our apathy. Our inaction is a choice to not care and this attitude translated into action is a recipe for the opposite of equality, freedom and altruism - these ideals we all hold so dearly.

We live in a contradiction. You wouldn't dare accuse a normal working class citizen of murder or abuse on no grounds, but when we have collectively decided on a system in which we believe the people are in control, effectively we ARE making these decisions. For now, this power to change resides in the hands of the people but an unaware population is not able to govern itself if given these rights.

Instead, this population is led along with media and sweetened tidbits and trained into habits that mimic an idea of equality but fall so short of the mark. The boundary of equality is only as strong and as defined as we the people make it. No where in history has the system just 'given' equal rights, they have all been fought for by angry people that stood up.

How many will look back and say, why didn't I do anything? Why couldn't I just trust that the government was working for my best interest? Why couldn't I trust that the people with money before this 'equal system' that cared little for those not in their ranks, were actually good people that want to do good for others?

The tipping point is coming and for many it will be a huge shock (the tipping point has already come for many already as well). The super-rich will make it through to the 'new aeon' in their palaces of light and the rest will be left to fend for themselves. The system will have served its purpose and will be folded up for evacuation when it is no longer useful. This unsustainable 'equal' society where everyone can feel like a king or a queen will be disposed of.

The choice and opportunity is dangled in front of our faces. There is free-will and we do have a choice, but only if we take it now. It will take hard-work to create an equal society but it is possible. The level of comfort we have become accustomed to will have to be reduced to a fraction of its former level but the sacrifice will be worth it in the long term.

There is no choice really, this is the only way.

The other path is one of ignorance. We will wish we did not claim ignorance when THAT path is sliding foot by foot underneath our weary broken feet. Face a smaller pain now willingly or face a greater pain later that will be forced upon us.

How to change? Speak up. Find ways of doing things and interacting with others outside of the system. Increase conscious activity. Be mindful of your contribution to this society physically and mentally. Discuss ideas in the comments.


*I am a traveling street musician that is entirely dependent on gifts and the generosity and kindness of good friends around the world. If you would like to support me, you can:*

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