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Alpha, Beta, Gamma and Omega in a Relationship

There are many ways in psychology to categorize people according to similar personalities and behaviors. One of the popular systems of socionics uses the Greek alphabet for designation.

By Michail BukinPublished 2 years ago 6 min read
Alpha, Beta, Gamma and Omega in a Relationship
Photo by Anthony Tran on Unsplash

his theory is closely intertwined with the hierarchy of dominance in zoology, which was put forward in the 70s by David Mech.

He studied the behavior of animals in the wild for a long time and identified several types of males - from the highest to the lowest. People, as you know, are not far from our smaller brothers in terms of basic instincts. Therefore, psychologists have developed this chain, identifying the four most stable human psychotypes: alpha, beta, gamma and omega. What features are characteristic of each of them?

Alpha is leadership. Alpha you definitely will not miss it. Such a person always stands out from the rest. They say that Alphas are not made, but born. These are real innovators, leaders, and ideologists who can move the masses behind them. They always think in global terms and try to change the world. But along with this, Alphas are characterized by pride, arrogance, as well as a tendency to polygamy.

Beta is action. Betas know better than anyone how to make any given task a reality. They will always find a way out of the situation and will be able to organize the work process. That is why there are many careerists of this type. In fact, the main task of Beta is to help Alpha. It is in this bundle that maximum efficiency is achieved. These people readily turn any idea into reality, but rarely create something new themselves. They are characterized by envy of success and a thirst for competition - however, in work, this often only plays into the hands of bets.

Gamma is family. Gammas are simple and calm people, whose main value is family and home. Their ambitions are low - they do not dream of fame, recognition or a dizzying career. The house is a full bowl, kids who play in the garden, or adult children who often come to visit, family feasts, comfort - this is the ideal world of gamma. But this is also their weak point. They do not strive for development, therefore, when paired with Alpha or Beta, they immediately fade into the background and over time diverge so far from an ambitious partner in interests that there are almost no common topics for conversation.

Omega is destruction. If Alphas are born, then Omegas only become. This is the most complex and unpleasant psychotype, whose representatives eventually slide into the abyss of laziness and self-pity. Due to various circumstances, both Gamma and Beta can become Omega, but not Alpha. Such people have no goals and aspirations, except for gaining benefits and parasitizing on a partner.

What future awaits each couple:

Alpha + Alpha. This union represents equality and inner freedom, where there is no place for cunning and manipulation. These two sincerely admire each other, support and treat each other with respect. A woman feels like a real diamond in the hands of Alpha and reciprocates. And a man does not need anyone else, because his Alpha couple already gives him everything he wants. But it may also happen that one Alpha turns out to be stronger than a partner, and she immediately becomes cramped in a relationship. Then you can not avoid competition and heated quarrels in the spirit of the main characters of the film "Mr. and Mrs. Smith."

Alpha + Beta. Such partners become a very strong team, where two hold on to each other. In these relations, everything is clearly established - one generates ideas, and the other brings them to life. At the same time, Beta does not consider herself hurt on the sidelines, because she is comfortable behind the back of a more powerful Alpha. The only problem with such a union is that over time, cooperation can crowd out all feelings, and then marriage becomes just cooperation. But in general, the union of Alpha and Beta is one of the strongest.

Beta + Beta. This is a strong couple, where both spouses always act as a united front. They, like two workhorses, are usually passionate about the process of creation and often find each other at work. It is easy for two Betas to live because they perfectly understand each other's goals and strategies. Such partners should organize a joint business or a family company - the success of the enterprise is guaranteed. But disagreements can start with the birth of children, because the Beths are terribly bored just sitting at home. They strive to be constantly on the move, therefore, even while babysitting a child, they manage to keep up with everything.

Alpha + Gamma. Such an alliance can be quite successful when Gamma is a woman and easily accepts her role in the shadow of Alpha, which is inevitable in this tandem. There are a lot of such couples among celebrities, where the male creator is in the spotlight, and the wife idolizes him with love in her eyes and puts up with some everyday shortcomings. She provides him with a reliable rear and creates a cozy family nest. But one must understand that other women will always appear on the side of Alpha - Gamma alone will not be enough for him. Although it happens that Gamma turns out to be a man. And here almost always problems begin in the form of jealousy and envy of the partner's success.

Beta + Gamma. Perhaps this is the most common version of a strong and calm relationship, where Beta acts as a breadwinner, and Gamma is responsible for the heart. This division of responsibilities usually suits both parties, because everyone finds their true calling. But this picture fits perfectly exclusively into the patriarchal picture of the world. If a Gamma man becomes responsible for everyday life, then a conservative society reacts ambiguously. But if everyone in the family is happy and happy, then what's the difference?

Gamma + Gamma. Two Gammas create a strong and friendly family, where the hearth and upbringing of children become the central value. This couple does not have any global goals of conquering the world, ideas for a billion and large-scale business projects. Their whole life revolves around building a house, providing a future for their children and domestic issues - this is what makes them truly happy and close to each other. For some, such a life with its regularity and predestination may be boring. But there is no time for two Gammas to be bored, it is always noisy, sincere and fun around them - several children, family friends, relatives and numerous pets are responsible for this.

Union with Omega. Whatever your psychotype, starting a relationship with Omega is a bad idea. Representatives of this psychotype are real manipulators and skillfully draw into triangles, moving from an innocent victim to a real abuser. They know how to pity, intimidate or skillfully settle down to the source of finances of their half, before that they have carefully hung noodles on the ears of their partner in love. An alliance with Omega always leads to tears, trampled self-esteem and financial costs - so if you notice signs of a “fitter” in your partner, be vigilant and look for a way out.


About the Creator

Michail Bukin

Creative Writing Expert and Ambitious Stutterer

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