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Allison's Declassified, Organization Survival Guide

Finding Renewed Organization After A Year of Bad Habits

By Allison Schafer Published 3 years ago 7 min read
Allison's Declassified, Organization Survival Guide
Photo by Joanna Kosinska on Unsplash

Hey there! I am going to create an organization guide that will help you survive this—as it feels—never ending pandemic.

Let’s be honest, most of us have developed some not-so-great habits while being stuck inside our homes for the past year. At least, I can attest to that. Recently, since things seem to be starting to clear up (at least I hope) I’ve created some tips on how to get my life back into the groove of what it used to be. Because, let’s face it, the thought of returning back into the world after developing all these at home habits has waned on us. And I’m willing to bet right now a lot of us are probably feeling like this...

Not to worry. I’ve got you covered.

By making a list and checking off some of my own tips, I’ve managed to become slightly more organized than I was before (Yes slightly. It’s a work in progress). Change doesn’t happen over night and in order to implement it permanently, you have to work at it. Which leads me to my first tip.

Tip# 1: Start Out Small

I know this may seem obvious, BUT once a bad habit has been formed, it’s VERY hard to break. I don’t know about you, but I’ve created some bad habits I know will be difficult to break.

For example, I used to go on runs/walks every morning to start my day right, building up that necessary energy. Now I go in the afternoon only two or three days a week. My habits have changed drastically since the first start of the pandemic and so have my organization skills.

So, I’ve started out small, by making little changes to my everyday habits. Instead of spending more time sitting around, I’ve given myself a list of times to get up and move. While this might seem low on the list when it comes to organization, believe me, allowing your body the time to move and rejuvenate after sitting for a long period of time, will help you in the long run.

Not only that, but you’ll find you have more energy. Feeling that sludge of not wanting to move can be a nasty habit to break.

Create a schedule. And stick to it. You’ll find when you begin to implement it into your daily life; the skill is already there and so is the motivation.

Let’s NOT turn into Gordy:

"Be more like me and stop caring."

Tip#2: Plan Out a Morning Routine-With A Time Limit

This can be difficult for many people (myself included). When I hear my alarm clock go off, all I want to do is roll over and get those extra minutes of sleep in. But, allowing yourself the time to gear up for the rest of the day is important and can determine how the rest of your day goes.

Have you ever had a bad morning, whether you were rushed or soemthing unexpected happened and thought, Great, the rest of the day is going to be just as awful as my morning.

I think we've all had those mornings so we all know how horrible they can be and how they can lead to a rotten rest of the day.

Don’t let that morning slump get you down!

Allot enough time for you to get everything you need to get done instead of rushing out the door. Stress is never a good combination, especially when trying to get organized. In order to avoid it, set time limits for yourself.

I usually take five minutes to get dressed and brush my teeth. If you need more time, maybe try planning your outfits out the night before. Saving every minute in the morning is vital in order to get those extra minutes for other things. If you’re a morning shower person and prefer to stand under the warm water a little longer, take 10-15 minutes for that. If you're someone who puts on makeup like I am, then plan out enough time to ensure you can get everything you need to get done in the morning.

Don’t forget breakfast! It’s the most important meal of the day.

Eating that morning meal will do wonders for your energy. You’ll feel better and (hopefully) more ready for the day.

Trust me when I say, sticking to a time crunch in the morning will benefit your organization skills and help you stay on track for the rest of your day.

Tip #3: Make A Planner

Yes, the dreaded planner.

This can be difficult for a lot of people. Because I haven’t used a planner since I was in high school, creating a planner has been difficult for me. I hate the thought of buying something that is so unappealing to look at and reminds me of everything I have to do.

Which is why I found ways to make it fun. Creating a planner, whether you’re a gifted artist or not can be a fun way to get yourself to look at it more often. Finding a reason to look forward to writing something down is always helpful when trying to get organized. Nobody wants to stare at a black and white page with a bunch of words written on it that’s only purpose is to stress you out.

So, find ways to get unstressed. Make it fun, make it colorful, use stickers or memes of whatever your heart desires.

Writing down everything you need to get done is important. If you’re anything like me, you don’t remember everything. And how can we? We’re only human. We forget. Having something tangible to look at can ensure you don’t forget all the things you need to do and allows you the ability to check things off once you’ve accomplished them.

Simple tip: Planners are a stress relief. And a great way to get organized.

Tip #4: Color Coat The Most Important Things to least Important

Following up with tip number 3, this is another way for you to make your planner pretty and more appealing to look at.

When getting organized I find it helpful to prioritize what is most important to what is least important. That way, I’m getting all the things at the top of my list done first before I worry about the small stuff.

Or maybe you’re someone who wants to get all the small stuff done first and then hyper focus on the hard ones? Hey, it’s your planner and I’m not here to tell you what to do, just offer my advice.

I am a firm believer that creating a color system is a great way to keep yourself organized and on task. It works for me so it might work for you.

Again, you dont have to follow my rules. Like Ned says...

If you dont like soemthing. Don't complain. Change it. - Ned

Tip#5: Make Time For Yourself

In a world where everything is meant to stress us out, it’s important to take those necessary breaks.

And believe me, I know how difficult that is. When I’m in the middle of work, the last thing I want to do is take a break. I’m the type of person who wants to get everything done first and then take a break once I finish it. Unfortunetly, life doesn’t always work out that way and it can add one thing on top of the other, which is why taking breaks; is good.

I think a lot of us feel like when we take breaks, we aren’t doing what we are supposed to be doing or we aren’t being as organized as we can be. I would argue, taking breaks is a necessary part of organization.

Why? Because in order to be organized we need to first, ensure our mental health is being taken care of. Organization means nothing if we are in a state of disarray and can’t focus.

So take that time to yourself.

It can be a five-minute walk around your office, or taking a walk outside to get a few minutes of fresh air. If you’re too stressed at work, make time afterward. Watch that TV show, read that book you’ve been dying to start! If that’s not how you relax maybe do yourself a favor and take a soothing bath. Take the time even if it’s just for an hour to rejuvenate.

Not only will it help you de-stress, but it will overall improve your organization skills by keeping your mind on track to what is important to you.


Well, there you have it. My five tips to start getting organized. Remember, getting organized doesn’t have to consist of major steps. Starting big changes can be stressful and difficult. Start small, take those baby steps to becoming organized in the way YOU want to be. Try timing out your morning routine if you need to start your day off right. If you need more organization by writing things out, try a planner and if you’re someone who prefers having something nice to look at, decorate it how you want. If you’re stressed out, plan a time to take a break in between the busy hustle and bustle of the day.

Just remember, at the end of the day, you’re the only person who can change your habits. Happy Organizing!

See you next time on Allison’s Declassified, Organization Survival Guide.


About the Creator

Allison Schafer

Harry Potter/Marvel/Disney enthusiest. Cat lover. World traveler. Book lover. Alway baking. Hopeless Romantic.

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