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9 Ways to Be More Courageous

An empowering guide to help people of all ages find their inner strength

By EhsanPublished 8 months ago 8 min read

Courage is widely regarded as one of the most significant virtues of humanity. In the medieval era, it was deemed as one of the four cardinal virtues, and contemporary psychologists concur with this notion. Acquiring the ability to be courageous, whether it is merely asking out an individual whom you have been admiring for an extended period, does not entail the absence of fear. Rather, it involves learning to undertake actions despite experiencing fear.

#1: Identify your fears.

What is it that you are afraid of?

May I inquire as to what it is that instills fear within you? Prior to conquering your apprehension and exhibiting bravery, it is imperative to identify the source of your fear. There exist several factors that commonly evoke fear within individuals, such as the following:


Snakes and/or spiders


Public speaking



Closed spaces

#2: Acknowledge your fear.

Upon identifying your fears, it is imperative that you refrain from disregarding them. Avoidance and self-deception are not viable solutions to conquering your fears. Acknowledge the existence of your fears and proceed to work diligently towards overcoming them in a productive manner.

You can acknowledge your fear by writing it down or saying it out loud.

You can assess the degree to which you are afraid by writing down on a scale from 0 (not at all afraid) to 100 (very afraid), just how scared you are of the thing in question

#3: Try direct confrontation.

This phenomenon is commonly referred to as "flooding." It entails deliberately immersing oneself in a situation that elicits fear and allowing oneself to experience the full extent of that fear. One should endeavor to acknowledge the fear coursing through their being while simultaneously striving not to succumb to it. Adopting a third-person perspective, such as referring to oneself as "he" or "she," may prove beneficial in this regard.

In this approach, individuals who experience fear of venturing outdoors are encouraged to take their first step by walking down the block. Subsequently, they are advised to reflect on the fact that being away from home is not as daunting as it may seem.

One would subsequently iterate this procedure until one attains a state of complete fearlessness towards venturing outdoors.

The concept aims to demonstrate that there is no necessity to be apprehensive about one's actions. Therefore, this approach is most suitable for addressing irrational phobias.

#4: Try visualization

Try getting your mind off of your fear by focusing on more positive thoughts.

Make an effort to mentally conjure an image of something that brings you joy, such as a cherished pet or a beloved individual. Harness this affirmative sentiment to overcome any apprehension.

Envision the element that instills positivity within you. Endeavor to conjure it with a multitude of senses to enhance its realism.

As an illustration, if one is contemplating their canine companion, it is advisable to consider the olfactory perception of the dog, the tactile sensation experienced when petting the animal, its visual appearance, as well as its auditory characteristics.

5#: Embrace your fear.

Exhibiting courage entails undertaking an action despite experiencing fear. Fear is a physiological response of the body to the brain's fight or flight mechanism, which triggers the release of cortisol, a hormone that induces stress and activates the body's nervous system. Fearfulness is a learned behavior that is rooted in our brain chemistry and reinforced by societal conditioning. Overcoming fear and transcending it requires a process of mental reconditioning.

The act of avoiding fears can, in fact, intensify and amplify them, rendering them more daunting and formidable. Within Western culture, there exists a particular mentality that perceives emotions as a sign of frailty and endeavors to repress them. However, the suppression of adverse emotions merely exacerbates the apprehension associated with them, augmenting their potency as they are evaded.

By deliberately exposing oneself to feared stimuli, while ensuring safety and exercising prudence, the brain can undergo desensitization to the fear, thereby facilitating the ability to confront it.

#6: Try not to hesitate.

Do not allow yourself the luxury of excessive contemplation. The more time your mind is given to generate rationalizations for a lack of bravery, the greater the opportunity for undue anxiety regarding hypothetical unfavorable consequences. In the event that you find yourself in a circumstance that necessitates the handling of a spider, skydiving, or requesting a date, it is advisable to act without delay if you intend to proceed.

Enhance your accomplishments by granting yourself a reward upon successfully confronting your apprehension. This may entail a tangible indulgence, such as a high-quality bottle of wine, or an intangible indulgence, such as taking a respite from social interaction and indulging in a Netflix binge-watching session.

#7: Learn to be mindful

The state of being mindful refers to the act of being completely attentive and engaged in the present moment. The practice of mindfulness has the potential to restructure the brain's response to fear, resulting in a more efficient coping mechanism. It is imperative to allocate sufficient time to acquire this skill, as it requires consistent practice.

Meditation is a viable approach to enhance one's mindfulness. It is recommended to locate a serene environment and assume a comfortable posture. While it is possible to meditate in a bustling location such as a bus or airport, it is advisable to commence the practice in a tranquil setting with minimal distractions. Close your eyes and concentrate on your inhalation and exhalation, utilizing the technique of mentally reciting "in" and "out" to aid in maintaining focus. This exercise should be performed for a duration of twenty minutes, during which you should remain cognizant of the present moment and your physical sensations. In the event that your thoughts wander, redirect your attention to your breathing.

In instances where one experiences an overwhelming sense of fear, employing the techniques acquired through meditation and mindfulness can prove to be efficacious in surmounting such a predicament. Directing one's attention towards their breathing and taking deep breaths can be particularly helpful. While acknowledging the presence of negative emotions, it is advisable to label them as emotions being experienced, as opposed to being identified with them. For instance, instead of stating "I am afraid," it is recommended to rephrase it as "I am having a thought that I am afraid." This subtle differentiation can aid in preventing one from being governed by their thoughts.

One may adopt the perspective of envisioning their mind as the sky and their emotions, inclusive of both positive and negative, as clouds traversing the expanse of the sky. This approach can facilitate the recognition of these emotions as integral to one's being, yet not necessarily exerting control over one's existence.

#8: Get outside your comfort zone

Stepping outside your comfort zone may cause anxiety at first. Nonetheless, it is an excellent means of acquiring bravery. Engaging in activities that are not part of your routine aids in managing unforeseen circumstances, which is often the source of fear. Acquiring the ability to confront that fear in a situation of your choosing can enhance your ability to exhibit courage when confronted with the unexpected.

Commence with modest steps. Initiate with actions that evoke minimal trepidation and necessitate lesser fortitude to execute. Therefore, dispatch a friend request on Facebook to the individual of your interest or engage in a brief conversation with the individual behind the register before proceeding to solicit a date.

It is imperative to be aware of one's limitations. There exist certain tasks that are beyond our capabilities. It is possible that one may be unable to confront their homophobic superior, handle a spider, or engage in skydiving. This is acceptable. These limitations may stem from fears or apprehensions that can be overcome, or they may be insurmountable. It is often prudent to exercise caution and refrain from engaging in activities that one is unable to undertake. Instead, it is advisable to focus on developing courage in other areas, such as placing a glass over the spider to enable someone else to handle it or disclosing one's sexual orientation to their parents instead of their homophobic boss.

#9: Build confidence

Having confidence allows you to trust in your abilities and yourself.

Furthermore, it facilitates the recognition that one's identity transcends their apprehensions. The possession of self-assurance renders the undertaking of valiant deeds less daunting. The acquisition of confidence necessitates consistent application. There exist various methods to cultivate confidence:

Adopt a confident demeanor by feigning it until it becomes a reality. By assuming a confident attitude, you can deceive your mind into believing that you possess the necessary self-assurance. Convince yourself that you are capable of asking the girl you admire out on a date, and that her response will not affect you significantly. Additionally, you can enhance your confidence by assuming a more expansive posture. This can be achieved by extending your arms or placing them behind your head, and projecting your chest forward. Such actions can imbue you with a sense of confidence and power.

Do not allow your failures or limitations to determine your identity. Failure is merely an indication that you are making an effort; it is an opportunity to gain knowledge, not to evade. It is imperative to bear in mind that your failures do not establish your character unless you permit them to do so.

It is imperative to have faith in oneself. The attribute of courage entails placing trust in oneself and having unwavering belief in one's abilities. It is crucial to remind oneself that they possess unique qualities and can make valuable contributions. It is important to note that there is a distinction between confidence and arrogance.


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