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5 Tips To Maintain A Long-Term Relationship

Love Means Having To Say You're Sorry.

By Louis Morris-Relationship/Life CoachPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

“If you change partners every time it gets tough or you get a little dissatisfied, then I don’t think you get the richness that’s available in a long-term relationship.” ~ Jeff Bridges

Part Of Love Is Saying You’re Sorry

Many people in relationships struggle with this. You shouldn’t. That’s if you want your relationship to last. We all make mistakes, and it’s better for our union to admit to them and apologize. It enhances the intimacy to take ownership of your actions.

So if you say or do something that’s damaging to the relationship, say you’re sorry. Two simple words can have a profound positive impact on your partner. It actually takes a strong person to apologize.

Be Yourself

Don’t be phony in your relationship, trying to be someone that you’re not. For a relationship to work, both people need to be themselves and react to things naturally. Honesty and authenticity are attractive, despite what we witness on Instagram and TikTok.

Continually being honest will indicate to your partner that you’re still the person he/she fell in love with and that you can be trusted with their heart and secrets.

Maintain Your Health

Having a good relationship means having the energy to enjoy getting out and doing things together. To do that, it’s important to eat right. Take from someone who’s had open-heart surgery.

I oppressed myself with bad eating habits and had to have my chest cut open. Eating good will benefit you and your relationship. Also, get the proper amount of sleep.

Sometimes when we get tired we become short-tempered. For this reason, it is important to get the right amount of sleep. Don’t forget about exercise. It doesn’t have to be a lot. Just doing some physical activity will give you more energy to do things together.

“To know when to go away and when to come closer is the key to any lasting relationship.” ~ Domenico Cieri

Compliment Each Other A Lot

Be generous with your compliments of one another. It’s very common for people to notice something nice about another person, think about it internally, but never voice it.

However, in a relationship compliments are like glue. They hold the couple's attention and respect. Make sure your compliments are genuine. Especially practice this in your everyday routine.

When you eat breakfast together when you greet each other after work, and after you do something nice for the other person. Be generous with the compliments. They don’t cost anything and will let your partner know he/she is appreciated.

Realistic Expectations

No matter how wonderful and flawless your mate seems, no one is perfect. Be careful about putting someone on a pedestal, especially in the early stages of your relationship. Ensure that the expectations you have for your mate and yourself are realistic.

There are going to be differences of opinion and some disagreements. Also, don’t assume that your mate knows how you feel or what you think about something.

When discussing important issues, make sure both of you understand what’s being expressed. In other words, ask questions when you don’t understand so both of you can be upon clarity.

As long as you do not expect them to read your mind and accept that this is a part of getting to know one another and communicating, you will be fine. Try these 5 tips to make your relationship more cohesive and harmonious for the long haul.

The Better Relationship Guide For Life, Work, and Intimacy: How To Improve Relationships with Effective Communication


About the Creator

Louis Morris-Relationship/Life Coach

Relationship Coach 🖤 Host of The Heart Matters podcast 🎧 I help couples and single navigate their relationship matters from the heart. It's the heart that learns, loves, and attracts. #1 On WPMinds Relationship Coaches to watch in 2022

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