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4 Reasons Why You Never Settle for Less

#2– Don't settle for less than you deserve in life, love, and business.

By NapoleonPublished 3 years ago 4 min read
4 Reasons Why You Never Settle for Less
Photo by Kristopher Roller on Unsplash

The world around you is changing, and there's a new generation of people that don't even remember what life was like without the internet. We live in a time where success is hard to find. We have so many distractions in our day-to-day lives; we get lost in the daily rat race and lose sight of our dreams.

But if there's one thing I want you to take away from all this, it's that you need to never settle for less than you deserve.

1. The world around you is changing.

The world around you is changing, and you need to be changing with it. You need to be able to adapt and grow, and your brand needs to be able to do the same. If your brand stagnates, then it will eventually die. Likewise, if you stagnate, then you will ultimately die. So it would be best if you were constantly evolving and changing.

Every brand has a story. Every brand has a personality. And every brand needs to be given room to breathe. So follow the 4 P's in any marketing plan: people, purpose, place, profit.

You need to develop a strategy on how to stand out from the others.

What is unique about you?

What is your unique value?

What is your story?

Each step of the way has a purpose. Your brand story should connect to people (as in, who you are serving). This is important because your purpose alone will dictate if you're even on the right track. For example, would you pick someone that only cares about profits and making more profit? Or would you pick someone that's also trying to make a positive change in the world?

It would be best to think about who you're serving; it's crucial to know your purpose. This is important because people know what your vision is even if you don't have a clearly defined purpose. People know why you're in business. Your purpose needs to help inspire and steer you through the journey of creating your brand.

But your brand has to have dimensions that you had in mind when you created your purpose. Everything from the logo to your website should reflect who you are today. If you're an ethical brand, then your logo has to reflect that, too. And if you're a fun brand, your website needs to reflect that - but only to a point. Your brand has to make sense in the context of your purpose. Your mission is what your brand does to solve real problems that people have. It should be clear and concise.

2. Don't settle for less than you deserve!

It's easy to settle for things that aren't the best fit for you, but if you're serious about improving your life and boosting your confidence, then you need to be willing to say "no" to things that aren't a good fit.

Take a look at financial markets and stock market companies. The majority of our investments and money are tied to these big companies. Unfortunately, many people still think that stocks are the best way to invest and that the market is the best way to get rich. But what about the people that are successful with stock market investing? What about people that are making a ton of money and doing nothing but investing?

These people never settle for less and fuel their passion for investing with a greater desire for success.

3. You deserve a life filled with passion and adventure.

Life is short. You only get one. You deserve to be happy, and you deserve a life filled with passion and adventure. Unfortunately, a lot of the time, we get caught up in the daily grind of our lives, work, and responsibilities, and we forget to take time for ourselves. We forget to take time to do things that make us happy.

One small step toward living more fulfilled lives is to set some life goals that you want your life to be. Every so often, it would help if you reminded yourself to take care of yourself. Remind yourself that you only get one life to live, and you cannot have it all.

Set some easy goals for yourself that will help fuel your life; hobbies, a side hustle, hobbies, or even volunteer work. Whatever it is that you want to do it with passion. Spend time doing one thing that makes you happy, to remind yourself to take care of yourself.

If you're embarking on a new career or have started your side hustle, feel free to choose a particular angle. Whatever your goal is, find one activity or one person that you can be genuinely excited about. No matter what path you choose, make it your own. Make a plan, and don't let anyone or anything hold you back from achieving your goals.

4. You deserve to live the life you've always dreamed of living.

You deserve to be able to live the life you've always dreamed of living, and if you're not doing that yet, then you need to ask yourself why not. You deserve to be happy, and you deserve to be successful, and you deserve to be healthy, and you deserve to be able to spend time with the people you love.

Live constantly in the present. Slow down, breathe. You don't have to fill every second of your life with activities, dreams, and history. All you have to do is life, and in that, you will always find some success.


It is never too late to tell yourself that you deserve more than what you can ever imagine in life, love, and business.

There is no passion to be found playing small - in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living. - Nelson Mandela

And you are never too old to want more from life, I know, because now I am ready to receive what life wants me to have in the remaining days of my life.

I will never settle for less.

self help

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Working to be a better storyteller everyday.

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