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3 Bedtime Habits of Highly Successful People

All you need is less than 60 minutes a day — for your success.

By Rajesh VairapandianPublished 3 years ago 6 min read
Image by Jill Wellington from Pixabay

We live in an ultra-busy world with lots of distractions. Unnecessary mobile notifications are one of the worst distractions of our time. It kills our me-time, our creativity, and our productivity. However, we want to overcome all distractions and succeed in our life. To succeed in life, we need to adopt some good habits. Habits are like a basement for a building.

Good habits help you to achieve your goals.

In this article, I will share three habits. I have adopted these three habits a few years back and got amazing results in all aspects of life. If you develop these habits and do it regularly, your dream will become a reality.

Before getting into the habits, you should follow a few things daily. I call it as Life-Ethics.

Eliminate the following from your mind and soul for the next 30 days:

1. Self-Doubt — Never doubt yourself, always remember you are the creator and you have immense potential to conquer the reality, so never doubt yourself for ANYTHING

2. Fear — Fear is an illusion. If something is making you un-ease or something is going the other way than the way you expected, then fear arises. So do not fear anything or anyone.

3. Frustration — Do not frustrate for anything or anyone, we are humans, and we are born to live a happy life, not a life filled with sadness or worries. Frustration will leads you to sorrow and kill your happiness.

4. Why me? — These are two least essential words you need to eliminate from your Life dictionary. Why is nothing happening to me? Why am I unable to manifest anything? Why are people not good at me? Why can’t I get that Job? Eliminate all these why’s from you for the next 30 days.

5. Anger — It is another form of negative emotion, never get angry for anything, it is robust in the first few days, and slowly your anger level will decrease if you understand responding to the situation is better than reacting to the situation. Never respond immediately, and you will reduce your anger to zero levels. Following 30 days, you should not get angry(have a goal like this).

6. Overthinking — It is one of the bad habits which we need to eliminate to have a peaceful life. It is explained in detail here

Now, promise yourself that you are going to follow the life ethics for the next 30 days diligently. At any cost do not break this promise, if in case you happen to break the promise, do not feel bad about it and say yourself I will follow the life ethics without further break-up of promise.

Every day you are going to dedicate 60 minutes. This one hour is the investment for your future. So please do not miss this one hour.

Let us see what habits we are going to develop during this one hour.

Three bedtime habits

1. First 20 Minutes — Meditation

2. Next 20 Minutes — Visualizing your primary desire/goals

4. Last 20 Minutes — Gratitude writing on your gratitude journal/notebook

When to do this one-hour activity:

Every day before you go to bed.

Why Meditation?

It is the base for all. First, you need to calm yourself and make your mind and soul calm. Your conscious mind is so active, and you will have so many thoughts popping up all the time when you do Meditation all the thoughts will go away, and you will be connected to the Universal force.

It is the force that we get during our sleep; this is the energy we have. It is like recharging the battery. We need this energy to do everything.

So after 20 minutes of Meditation, you are calm, and then you should start doing the Visualization. It is when you will be able to see the clear mental image of your desire, and you will feel it quickly.

Where to do Meditation?

Best Place to do the Meditation is on your bed or the floor. Sit straight, your spine should be straight, and you can cross your legs. Close your eyes, and your eyeballs should be focusing between your right and left eyebrow.

That is the area your mind should focus on, and you will slowly feel the vibration from there. If you are facing issues in focusing, you can use some guided meditation.

It will be tough to get into the alpha state in first few days as you will get more and more thoughts popping up, but if you keep doing Meditation for a week, you will get into the state, that is where your entire body and soul will be in a much calm state.

What is Visualization?

Visualization is a technique used to make your subconscious mind believe your imagination. If you want something in your life, you should think in your mind; you should feel that in your imagination first, you should see the result in front of you. It is called Visualization. All the successful people who lived on this planet used this powerful technique to achieve their goals & desires. In a nutshell, what you see in your mind, you will hold in your hand.

Why Gratitude?

Life is precious, and it cannot be considered as granted. If you are having a roof over your head and have food, then you should thank the Universe/God. That is why writing down the thank you list is more important. Daily write at least five blessings, and you will be able to see the positive change in your life. Also, write the first point always for your desire, which is yet to be manifested.

Example: You want to get married soon, write as “I am so happy and grateful that I am married to a most wonderful person on this earth and am living a delighted life, thank you, thank you, thank you” — If you write thank you for the desire which is not yet manifested that is where you show how much you believe in the Universe/God. It will make your desire manifested soon.

Being Happy

One hour you are ready to invest in meditation/visualization/practices. Does it enough for the remaining 23 hours of the day? The answer is a BIG NO. What do you need to do? You should be happy all the minutes. Being happy is the only way you can attract your desire/goal in a super-fast mode.

Being happy is free of cost; you do not pay anything to anyone for being happy! So be kind to yourself and be happy like a little kid. You can refer to a few practices on happiness here.


I am sure you will be achieving your success soon. All you need is to dedicate one hour every day for YOURSELF. By the end of a month, it will become a regular habit, and you will never miss a day doing these practices.

Be happy and live life to its fullest, I wish you a happy life ahead.

self help

About the Creator

Rajesh Vairapandian

Poet, Writer, Amazon Best Selling Author, Life Coach( & a Magical Soul :)

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