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21 Ways To Live Happier

Inspiration For A Happy Life

By Angela FosnaughPublished 4 years ago 6 min read
21 Ways To Live Happier
Photo by MARK ADRIANE on Unsplash

1) Life is such a precious commodity. In each day we are given we only have so much energy to expel. Choose where and when and why you choose to give your energy away. It shouldn’t be given to everyone you meet, remember to keep an excess for yourself.

2) Self care is not selfish. Self care is essential. Never feel guilty for taking care of yourself. If the people who surround you aren’t understanding regarding this absolute necessity they are not your people. Your perception of life can become blurry when you’re not focused on you!

3) Avoid toxic people and situations. We are all able to see the red flags when they appears. Listen to what they are telling you. Avoidance will save you lots of pain and suffering. No matter if this is a friend, family member or romantic partner. You deserve respect and when these types of people aren’t able to give that to you, move on. Avoid contact. You deserve what you give to be resiprocated.

4) Always have something to look forward to. Life isn’t always filled with roses and rainbows but having something to look forward to helps get you through each day of this thing called life.

5) Remembering that this life is yours before anyone else’s will relieve so much pressure. We came here to help each other but that can only go so far. Never let anyone else control you or your actions. If there is anyone in your life doing this, please move away from this energy at all costs. Selfishness is not why we’re here. It’s your life. Your choices. YOURS!

6) Never forget that the simple things in life are actually the most precious. We can get so caught up that we can take the most beautiful things for granted. Stop and smell the flowers, take a walk, get out into nature, sit under the stars. It’s healing and refreshing. It recharges the soul.

7) Shine your light. Those who live in darkness want to keep your light dim because they cannot find the bright side of life. Never let someone dull your sunshine, keep illuminating the world.

8) Love yourself. If you can’t how is anyone else supposed to? This may take some deep introspective work. It’s okay if you’re a work in progress as long as you keep moving forward, keep progressing. Loving yourself is the key to all successful relationships because you’ll understand what you deserve once you first love and respect yourself.

9) Believe in yourself no matter what anyone else says or thinks of you. You matter. You are strong and those with opinions about everything tend to be the weak. Opinions are only suggestions on how they would do something, but taking others opinions to heart is giving them the power to choose for you and please don’t let anyone choose YOUR life choices for you.

10) Give of yourself but don’t give yourself away to others. Helping others is one of the most fulfilling ways that fills your heart but letting it overflow to everyone else will you leave you empty. Draw the line in the sand. Boundaries are imperative.

11) Understand that it’s okay to be happy. With so much negativity in this world today true happiness is rare. If you’re happy, say so. Don’t let your happiness be overshadowed by unhappy people. If someone asks you how you are doing and you’re super happy and excited, say so. It’s the purpose of life, just being happy.

12) Karma. Keep yours positive because karma is definitely real and what goes around will always come back to you.

13) No matter where you are at in life at this very moment, be grateful for it. Even if you’re having the worst year or the best remember that gratitude for your situation is so very important. There is always someone out there that is having a worse day than you. Be thankful. You woke up for a reason today. The story isn’t over. Keep pushing through.

14) Follow your heart, not the crowd. If it doesn’t feel right don’t proceed. Never let society confirm you. If there is something that your heart is yearning for step outside the box and go for it! You may just inspire someone else to do the same.

15) Living with integrity is vital. No one wants a person they cannot trust in their life. Living with integrity isn’t only the right thing to do it allows you to live peacefully. It allows you to rest your head each night in peace knowing that you live with great intentions for everyone and every situation in your life.

16) Count your blessings. Everyday is not good nor is everyday bad but life always has a funny way of working itself out. Be grateful on purpose and see the magnificent blessings that will be poured into your life. Have a gracious mindset. Gratitude = Happiness.

17) Never let your life be defined by things. Real wealth is seldom associated with money. Those with all the riches are the one who has the peaceful life and the peaceful soul. Not the one with the biggest house or the fanciest car. Name brands never make you more of a person. Read that again.

18) Always know that the universe has your back. You are right where you’re meant to be at this precise moment. At times I understand this can be frustrating. Feeling stuck but the universe has everything under control for you. Trust the process. Keep the faith!

19) We all have talents and things that we love to do outside of the 9-5. Find something that you love and let it occupy your time and your heart. It’s not only something to look forward to it’s exciting and being excited about the little things is really the big things in life! Let others be envious that you can be filled by simplicity. Be different. Live differently.

20) Accepting yourself can be a huge challenge but you’re perfect just the way you are. We’re all here for greatness. We’re all created with flaws but that’s what makes us so unique and beautiful. We are all made up of stardust. Stars that shimmer in your eyes with the universe in your soul. You were made so perfectly imperfect.

21) If you made it here thank you so much for reading the ways I’ve interpreted living happier. Last but very not least, never look outside of yourself for fulfillment. You’re never going to find it. You’re always going to be chasing the next prize but the ultimate prize has been inside of you all along. You’re already whole. No one can ever complete the perfectly perfected masterpiece that you are. You are already enough!

I’d love for you to follow my journey in this lifetime and you can find me on social media. I love inspiring others, I hope that my pages do just that. 🤍

Instagram @ through_teal_eyes

Facebook @ life unfolding 1111


About the Creator

Angela Fosnaugh

Creative soul who loves to create through the use of words & I feel that my heart is full of words, waiting to be put together. After self publishing 3 books I want to get my work out for more to see it is indeed my heart & soul on paper.

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