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2022 Will Be My Year of Creature Comforts

I'm unapologetically seeking out creature comforts in the new year--things that make me feel good. I hope you'll join me!

By Zoe StimmPublished 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 5 min read

I can only speak for myself, but didn't 2021 feel like an extension of 2020? 2020-Part 2? And 2022 is already looking like Part 3.

2020 to 2022 is like a Netflix series that doesn't know when to end. Naturally, being the sensitive humans that we are, the 2020-2022 pandemic journey appears to have left many of us individually and collectively stressed out, overwhelmed, wounded, anxious, depressed, confused, paranoid, and simply exhausted trying hard to just hang in there.

To get the rest and relaxation I desperately need in 2022, I am unapologetically seeking out creature comforts in an effort to ease my mind, body, and soul. My belief is that if we all do things to feel physically better, we would all feel mentally and emotionally better, and we would all benefit. Maybe I'm an idealist, but I can dream, can't I?

Please feel free to steal my ideas!

Sleep: Speaking of dreaming, sleep is one of the most underrated activities because we live in such a workaholic, "be productive" culture, especially in the U.S. of A! Friends, it's okay to get sleep. Sleep is the core activity related to rest and relaxation. If you don't get a good night's sleep, you can't get your rest and you certainly can't relax. And if you are not rested and you are not relaxed, what does that lead to? A world that's full of stressed-out and cranky people! Do the world a favor and...

  • Get 7-8 hours of sleep daily. Some people need less or more, but get the rest your body needs. I'm a 7-hour sleeper myself.
  • Buy a mattress that works for you. If you're on a budget, get a mattress topper to ensure sleeping comfort or even a fluffy comforter will do.
  • Use a pillow that makes sleeping comfortable for your head, neck, and back. If you're getting neck aches or headaches, it may be your pillow!
  • Use a heating pad if you have neck and/or back issues.
  • Make sure your bedroom is the proper temperature for your sleeping comfort.
  • Wear an eye shield if you have a late shift or overnight job that requires you to sleep during the day.

Exercise: This may not sound like "rest and relaxation" to some, but stay with me here. Starting my day with physical activity--even for just 10 minutes--helps me jumpstart my energy for the day, motivating me to be more physically active. The more physically active I am during the day, the better my sleep is at night. So get moving by...

  • Start the day with quick stretches, doing a plank, and other light exercises for about 10-15 minutes to get the blood flowing.
  • Follow up later in the day with 15-30 minute brisk walking. I do walking laps in my large backyard with my dogs. I listen to an audiobook, podcast, or relaxing music during my walks.
  • If it's cold out or you don't have a good place to walk outside, follow along to a power walking or dance video on the online source of your choice.
  • Go to the gym for resistance training or do it at home. You can buy some weights or you can use some water bottles or something heavy. Resistance bands are also a useful alternative to weights.
  • Exercising a little bit daily and getting at least 150 minutes of exercise weekly helps me fall asleep naturally at night and get a restful sleep!

Massage: Ahhh...your muscles with thank you. Like sleep, massage is another underrated activity for rest and relaxation. If you don't like to be touched, are concerned about social distancing, or you're on a budget, there are alternatives...

  • Get an electronic massager. There are many available--just do an online search. You can get one for your neck, back, legs, etc.
  • Self-massage your feet, legs, hands, arms, head, and neck. You can give yourself quick massages that really do help. Search for "shiatsu" online and you can find some trigger points to relieve sore or achy muscles.
  • Ask your partner: if you have a partner, perhaps you can provide massages for each other.

Foot and Hand Care: We tend to neglect our feet and hands, especially our feet. It's important to keep feet and hands clean, moisturized, and healthy. Let's count the ways...

  • Do a foot soak at least 3x a week. Seriously, there is nothing like soaking your feet in hot water or cold water (if your feet are burning!).
  • Go for a pedicure and manicure (not just for women!). Nothing like getting your feet and hands pampered, massaged, and cleaned.
  • If your feet have dry and cracked heels and soles, use vaseline or a comparable healing ointment. I smooth ointment all over my feet and then put a plastic cover over each foot and leave it on for 30 minutes. Results: baby smooth feet! I do this with my hands as well. Simple, inexpensive, with rich results.
  • Consider getting an electric massager for your feet and hands. There are so many types to choose from. Check out eBay or Amazon for good deals.
  • Sauna: Totally worth it if your budget allows. If not, there are some options...

  • I bought a series of infrared sauna sessions at a local establishment. Yes, it is a bit of a luxury, but this is my New Year's present to myself. There's nothing like sitting in a private room naked and sweating while you watch your favorite show or listen to inspiring music.
  • For a DIY version, take a warm/hot bath at least 3x a week. If you don't have a bath, stay in the shower just a bit longer.
  • Some people buy a sauna room or a mobile sauna. I'm not quite at that point yet, but it's an option.
  • Time Off: It is crucial to take time away from your daily work and other responsibilities. It may seem impossible, but that's because you're a slave to the workaholic culture. It's so important. Make time to...

    • Plan a vacation!
    • Go on a vacation!
    • If your budget doesn't allow traveling or you're waiting until things are back to normal (or close), plan a staycation at a local spa or resort, bed 'n breakfast, or even just relax at home and plan some fun and relaxing activities. Tell people you will be away. They don't have to know you're still in town. That's not lying because you are away. Away from the rat race!

    Thank you for taking the time to read my article! If you enjoyed the read, please consider clicking on the heart icon. Subscriptions, tips, or pledges would also be greatly appreciated, although not expected. 'Til next time!

    self help

    About the Creator

    Zoe Stimm

    I write speculative fiction (sci-fi/fantasy/futurism,/paranormal); mystery, humor. I want to entertain, calmly provoke, not be too boring. If you enjoy a story, please hit the heart icon, to "love" it! And please subscribe! Thank you!

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      Zoe StimmWritten by Zoe Stimm

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