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10 Ways Small Changes Can Add Up to a Big Change

Tiny improvements can result in a complete transformation.

By Amra BeganovichPublished 2 years ago 4 min read

"The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step" - Lao Tzu

Lao Tzu's words have never been more true in today's society. We are constantly bombarded with stressful news, overwhelming work schedules and the responsibility of caring for our families. All of this can lead to feelings of anxiety, depression and inadequacy. It can be difficult to find the motivation to make any changes when we feel this way.

However, it is important to remember that even the smallest change can have a profound impact on our lives. Making small tweaks in our daily routine can lead to big results over time. Here are 10 ways small changes can add up to complete transformation:

1. Get enough sleep: Most of us need around 7-8 hours of sleep per night. However, many of us are not getting the proper amount of rest. This can lead to a number of problems including decreased productivity, increased stress levels and difficulty concentrating. If you are having trouble sleeping, try making some changes to your bedroom like investing in a comfortable mattress or using a white noise machine.

2. Eat healthy: Eating nutritious meals is crucial for maintaining our health. Unfortunately, many of us have busy lifestyles that make it difficult to cook meals from scratch every day. To make things easier, try Meal Planning. Planning out your meals ahead of time can help you save money and eat healthier.

3. Exercise: Exercise is not only good for our physical health, but also our mental health. It can help to improve our mood, increase energy levels and reduce stress. If you don't have time for a full workout, try adding some simple exercises to your daily routine like taking the stairs instead of the elevator or going for a walk during your lunch break.

4. Spend time with loved ones: Spending time with our loved ones is one of the most important things we can do for our mental health. Family and friends can provide support during difficult times and remind us of the positive aspects of life. If you are feeling isolated, make an effort to reach out to your loved ones and schedule regular get-togethers.

5. Do something you enjoy: It is easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of everyday life and forget to do things we enjoy. However, it is important to make time for activities that make us happy. Doing things we enjoy can help reduce stress, improve our mood and increase overall satisfaction with life.

6. Be positive: Having a positive outlook on life can be contagious. When we are positive, those around us are more likely to be positive as well. Optimism has been linked with better physical health, increased lifespan and improved mental health. If you find yourself feeling down, try to focus on the good things in your life.

7. Help others: Helping others can have a profound impact on our lives. It can make us feel good about ourselves, improve our mental health and even increase our lifespan. If you are looking for ways to help others, there are many opportunities available such as volunteering at a local soup kitchen or mentoring a child.

8. Be grateful: Gratitude has been linked with increased happiness, improved physical health and better sleep. Taking the time to appreciate the good things in our lives can help us to feel more positive and hopeful. Each day, try to take a few minutes to think about things you are grateful for.

9. Simplify your life: Having too much stuff can be stressful and overwhelming. Getting rid of things we don't need can help to simplify our lives and make us feel lighter and more free. To declutter your life, start by getting rid of any clothes you haven't worn in the past year, selling unwanted items online and purging your home of unnecessary knick-knacks.

10. Live in the present: It is easy to get caught up in worrying about the future or dwelling on the past. However, living in the present moment can help us to feel more peaceful and content. Whenever you find yourself thinking about the future or the past, try to bring your attention back to the present moment. Focus on your breath and notice the sights and sounds around you.

Making small changes in our lives can lead to big results over time. By following these tips, we can improve our physical and mental health, relationships and overall satisfaction with life.

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