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10 Tips to Help You Break Out of Your Shell

It can be really hard to break out of your shell, especially when all the things you want to do are going against what you're used to.

By BingBingMoneyPublished 2 years ago 4 min read

Sometimes it's hard to be yourself. Even if you're confident and have a deep inner strength, there are times where you close off from other people. You don't share your thoughts or feelings as often as you would like and sometimes, even just talking to someone new can feel overwhelming, but it doesn't have to be that way.

This post will teach you 10 ways to break out of your shell and help others in the process. You'll learn about how these tips can change the way others perceive you too.

So let's get this party started.

1. Start With The Basics

This may seem like an obvious tip, but oftentimes we get too caught up in the big picture and don't take the small steps needed to get there. So, what does that mean exactly? Well, first start by just being confident with who you are and what you stand for. If a situation arises where you feel like sharing your thoughts, then do it. But if the meaning doesn't come across as strong as you want it to be, then don't worry about it! Just be yourself and in time confidence will show through naturally.

2. Be Confident, Not Shy

You may be shy, but there's a difference between being shy and being confident. If you decide to break out of your shell, don't be afraid to own up to your opinions and beliefs. Be willing to give others the gift of your words and take that first step toward making a conversation with them. Share what you know and ask questions too. People will begin to feel comfortable around you because they know they can trust you.

3. Confidence Is Like A Muscle

Confidence can be built like a muscle. Sure, it may take time and you may feel silly at first but there's no shame in that. Eventually, you'll build it up and become more confident as you go. The more you practice, the easier it will get and the less you'll struggle to talk to others. Confidence boils down to being with others how they want to be with them . So next time someone asks for your opinion on something, just say what's on your mind! It will make them feel better after all.

4. Build Your Confidence By Looking To The Future

Having confidence is something that continues to grow as you continue to learn and grow. When you're faced with a situation where you feel nervous about sharing your thoughts, imagine someone saying what you're about to say. If a conversation arises and you feel that you don't know how to start, just take a deep breath and think of the possible outcomes. This simple technique can really help boost your confidence levels.

5. You Are More Than You Think

The great thing about breaking out of your shell is that you'll find a whole new world. There are many people in the world like you and they enjoy talking to you as much as you do them. By sharing your thoughts, others will feel that they can trust you and feel comfortable sharing their own thoughts with you too. Just remember to listen more than you speak so that others can feel included in the conversation too.

6. Be Kind To Yourself

It's okay if at first you don't feel super confident about what's on your mind. Remember it takes time for everyone to feel comfortable talking about their strengths and weaknesses openly. If you remember you're more than your confidence and that you like talking to others, then it's simple to build up a relationship where everyone is happy.

7. Accept Others For Who They Are

This sounds simple, but it's very difficult in reality. There are those people in the world who try to change others or do things that are harmful to them or others. While at times these thoughts or behaviors may seem silly, it's important that everyone respects everyone else regardless of their thoughts and feelings. It's best to just be yourself, no matter what situation arises.

8. Live Like You Are The Only One Around

Sometimes, it's hard to break out of your shell when you're surrounded by others. It's in our nature to follow what other people do, even if we don't agree with it. So, the trick to this is simple: just be yourself around others and they will see how you want them to behave around you and in return will respect your wishes. The best way to look at this tip is that everyone is watching each other, so don't let how they were raised influence your actions.

9. Give Others The Chance To Come Out Of Their Shells

There's something about meeting new people that can be quite scary. We're all different and have different personalities, so it can be difficult to know how to act or what to say. One way to get around this is by simply being yourself around others. You'll probably see feel self-conscious at first, but remember that people are looking for someone who they can trust and it will take time before they feel comfortable around you.

10. Never Stop Trying

It may be hard at first to break out of your shell, but it's important that you push yourself to do so. It's okay if you don't have perfect confidence right now or if people leave you feeling unsure of what to say at first, but just keep on pushing. In time it will all come together and by breaking out of your shell, many people will see that there are others like them who can be as confident and strong as they are.


There you have it! These 10 tips will help you to build your confidence and finally break out of your shell. Remember that confidence comes from within so don't ever stop trying and learning something new! As long as you're living your life with a positive attitude, there's no reason why you can't be as confident as anyone else in the world. It all starts with being yourself and letting others learn to do the same.

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