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10 Things Healthy, Successful People Always Do Before Bed

Be healthy forever

By MDPublished about a year ago 3 min read
Healthy, Successful People Always Do Before Bed

Sleep is crucial aspect of our health and well-being. Getting enough quality sleep can lead to improved productivity, better mental and physical health, and overall life satisfaction. Successful people understand this, and they make sure to prioritize their sleep by establishing healthy bedtime habits. In this article, I will discuss nine things healthy, successful people always do before bed.

Unplug from Technology

Before going to bed, successful people make sure to unplug all technology devices such as laptops, smartphones, and tablets. They know that exposure to blue light from electronic devices can interfere with their sleep quality. Blue light suppresses the production of melatonin, the hormone that regulates sleep. To ensure a good night's sleep, turn off all electronics at least an hour before bedtime.

Set a Consistent Bedtime Routine

Creating consistent bedtime routine is essential for a healthy and successful life. Successful people go to bed at the same time every night and wake up at the same time every morning, even on weekends. This helps to establish healthy circadian rhythm, which regulates the body's internal clock and ensures quality sleep.

Practice Relaxation Techniques

Before bed, successful people take time to unwind and relax their minds and bodies. They practice relaxation techniques such as meditation, deep breathing exercises, or taking a warm bath. These techniques help to reduce stress and anxiety, promoting night of more peaceful and restful sleep.

Avoid Heavy Meals and Alcohol

Eating heavy meal before bedtime can cause digestive issues and disrupt sleep. Successful people know this, and they make sure to avoid heavy meals and alcohol before bed. Instead, they opt for light, healthy snacks such as nuts or fruit, which won't interfere with their sleep quality.

Prepare for the Next Day

Successful people always plan ahead and prepare for the next day. Before bed, they take few minutes to make a to-do list for the following day, ensuring they start their day with focus and intention.

Create a Relaxing Sleep Environment

The environment we sleep in can impact our sleep quality. Successful people create relaxing sleep environment by ensuring their bedroom is cool, dark, and quiet. They also invest in comfortable mattress and pillows to ensure a good night's sleep.

Read a Book

Reading book before bed can help to relax the mind and promote better sleep quality. Successful people make time to read book before bed, avoiding books that are overly stimulating or stressful.

Practice Gratitude

Before bed, successful people take time to reflect on their day and practice gratitude. They focus on the positive aspects of their day and express gratitude for them, promoting a more positive mindset and improving their overall well-being.

Practice Good Sleep Hygiene

Successful people practice good sleep hygiene, which involves creating healthy sleep habits. This includes keeping regular sleep schedule, avoiding caffeine and nicotine before bedtime, and avoiding naps during the day.


Journaling before bed can help to clear the mind of any lingering thoughts or worries, allowing for more restful sleep. Successful people may write down any thoughts or concerns they have, reflect on their day, or jot down any ideas or goals for the future. This practice can also help to improve overall mental clarity and emotional well-being.

In conclusion, healthy, successful people prioritize their sleep by establishing healthy bedtime habits. They unplug from technology, set consistent bedtime routines, practice relaxation techniques, avoid heavy meals and alcohol, prepare for the next day, create a relaxing sleep environment, read book, practice gratitude, and practice good sleep hygiene. By adopting these habits, you too can improve your sleep quality, leading to improved productivity, better mental and physical health, and overall life satisfaction.


About the Creator


I am a poet and writer, entwined in passionate embrace with souls of poets, penning love letters to their words.

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