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10 Quotes To Create Awareness Of Your Support Network

- David Stidston

By David StidstonPublished 3 years ago 6 min read
"A lot of people will show up during your success, with their hand out acting like you owe them something, but if someone doesn't believe in you during your worst, then don't let them celebrate with you during your success. Always prioritize the person that was there for you when you had nothing" - Dhar Mann

I mentioned in my message yesterday about how every one of us go through times of extreme challenge, adversity, hardship, pain, and sorrow, and how we yearn for others to be there for us, to provide us with that much needed help, support, encouragement, care, and love, to guide us through such difficulty. In all honesty, we expect our partner, our parents, our friends, and our family, all to be those such people, during our darkest days. Today's message is about preparing you for harsh reality, but to also provide you with strength and courage to overcome adversity. The truth is, not all people you expect to be there for you during your worst times, are going to be there for you at all. It's a sad fact that when someone faces difficulty, hardship, and pain, most people will actually abandon that person altogether. People opt not to get involved as they either have their own issues to sort out, or they don't want to have that burden of carrying someone else's issues in their mind. Those with a genuine kind, caring, and compassionate, heart will be there for you, and even go to great lengths to help and support you as much as they can, but it's unfortunate that these people are few and far between. In fact, during your darkest times, you will quickly discover the true character and nature of each person closely associated with you in life.

It could be in your marriage/relationship, where you may be struggling with mental health, an addiction, stress within a job, financially, or with a failing business, and your partner simply doesn't want to help carry the burden with you. Even though a marriage/relationship is about support and togetherness, they selfishly flee from the situation. It could be a situation where you're facing extreme financial hardship, with the potential of having to claim bankruptcy, and your family and friends decline to offer some financial assistance, claiming they cannot afford to help, when the real truth is they can, but they choose not to, in fear the money won't be returned to them. It could be a situation where you're suffering in sorrow and grief, having had a close friend, parent, partner, or even child, pass away, and whilst everyone offers their hugs and condolences at the funeral, the days after, where you need that support and comfort the most, not one person takes the opportunity to even so much as phone or text you to see how you are. One of the most common examples of abandonment revolves around the pursuit of our goals. For anyone who has undertaken that journey towards their goals, especially the life changing ones, will well know of the unrelenting challenges, failures, rejections, and setbacks, they had to face before they achieved success. These times of adversity, along the journey, often drag us down to our lowest of lows, where we feel defeated, having trialed many actions that continually fail, and we even get to the point we start questioning ourselves if all the pain, hard work, time, sacrifice, and effort, is even worth it. We seek out support, help, and encouragement, from our loved ones, but instead we receive criticism and discouragement. They tell us to give up on our pursuit, they assure us that it will only end in failure, they advise of what they believe is right for us, even though it's not, and they completely withdraw their help and support to our cause.

All these above scenarios are reality, and when we encounter them, or any situation where we are declined help and support from our friends and loved ones, we are gob-smacked. We feel completely shattered, isolated, dejected, unloved, lost, hurt, and completely alone. It's just hard to fathom how those whom we believe love and care for us, end up abandoning and deserting us, especially at the times we need them most. It's no coincidence however, that these same people are the first to be there wanting to share in our successes. The truth is, those who truly love you and care for you, and your welfare, are those who are there for you in your darkest times, providing you with help, support, and encouragement. It's these people who are deserved of sharing in our accomplishments and successes, remember that. Whilst your partner, your parents, your friends, your work colleagues, your family, or whoever it may be, may believe they have your best interest and welfare at heart, when they offer you advice, the only person who truly does, is yourself. Always trust in your own heart and instinct when making decisions for your life, your goals, and your future. As much as you may feel influenced and obligated to follow the advice of those you love, you need to follow the path you believe is right for yourself, and never give up on aiming for that goal, despite the many failures and rejections along the way.

So, in the knowledge of our friends and loved ones abandoning us in our darkest times, and times of need, what do we do? How do we cope and progress forward? Considering I've actually done so for the past three years, and even at it's absolute worst point now, all one can do is remain focused on what they set out to achieve from the beginning. We can't control others, nor can we force their help and support, so why waste our time and energy on bitterness, or hoping that they start to help? Start focusing on what you can control. You're in a dark place, you're upset, you're in pain, you're hurt, and you feel isolated, but you have one thing that those around you don't have, and that's resilience. You have the ability to use these situations to define you, and transform them into success. This period of adversity will become the nucleus of your life story, the moment where you turned your life around. You need to believe that! There are more tough days to come, there's no sugar coating that, but you now have the blessing of revealing the opportunity within your adversity. It sucks to continually have to pick yourself up after hurt, pain, and failure, trust me, I know, but there will come a day where all that hurt, pain, failure, and rejection, will have become the greatest time of learning, growth, development, and strength, in your life, which ended up being what drove you to success. Remove the expectations that people will be there for you in your time of need, because the truth is, most people only ever truly care about themselves. Instead, draw on your resilience, your courage, your strength, and your determination, to devise a solution for yourself. Prove to yourself that you're someone of amazing character and strength, and highlight to others how wrong they are about you and your capabilities. Achieving success, to all those who doubted and abandoned, to see, should create a real fire in your belly, whilst making such a moment all the more sweeter. Here are 10 quotes to highlight the imminent abandonment in your darkest times, but signify the importance of drawing on your own strength, courage, and resilience, during such times.

1.- "A lot of people will show up during your success, with their hand out acting like you owe them something, but if someone doesn't believe in you during your worst, then don't let them celebrate with you during your success. Always prioritize the person that was there for you when you had nothing"

- Dhar Mann

2.- “Remember who was there for you when you needed help.”

- Mitta Xinindlu

3.- "Cowards walk away when things get tough. A relationship is about being there no matter what, loving, and accepting your lover for their weaknesses and strengths. Believing that although things may be hard now, we will get through them. Both individuals need this mentally to make it. Giving up is the easy way out."

- Katrin Pillion

4.- "The true strength of any relationship is measured in bad times, not good."

- Miles J. Stanford

5.- “It is during the worst times of your life that you will get to see the true colors of the people who say they care for you.”

- Anonymous

6.- “True friends walk in when the rest of the world has walked out.”

- Walter Winchell

7.-“Only when you are in trouble do you realize who your true friends are… And, my dear, you will be surprised!”

- Charbel Tadros

8.-“There are people that will give you time when it shines, then fade away when it shades.”

- Anthony Liccione

9.- “You may have lots of friends now, but only in touch times, will you know who the real ones are"

- Mouloud Benzadi

10.- “In times of adversity, you will realize who is there for you. The struggle is real and those who walk with you with love, are honorable true friends. Be thankful for the friends and loved ones you’ve got.”

- Angie Karan

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About the Creator

David Stidston

My name is David Stidston, and I live in the beautiful city of Hobart, in Tasmania, Australia. My aim is to inspire and motivate as many people as possible, to pursue their goals, and create a future blessed with happiness and fulfillment.

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    David StidstonWritten by David Stidston

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