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10 Quick and Ideal Ways to Make Yourself Happier

If you’re not already happy, then 2022 is the year to change that. How do you know what’s right for you? Try these 10 ideal ways to make yourself happier and see if they work. You’ll be surprised at how much better things can be with just a few small changes here and there!

By TestPublished 2 years ago 11 min read

1. Write down 3 things you love about yourself

It can be anything from your sense of humor to your love of cats. The point is that you choose what makes you special, not anyone else. It’s vital that you embrace and highlight these positive qualities; doing so will make it easier for you to look at yourself in a more positive light.

This exercise will quickly help you find something about yourself to love — even if it’s that you’re amazing at barbecuing. However, it’ll take some time (3 weeks, more or less) for you to really believe those compliments when you hear them.

While it can be hard to believe yourself, others may notice a difference in your behavior as well. If they tell you they see a change in how positive or confident you are, try thanking them for noticing your new attitude, and then continue with step 4!

Everyone has at least 3 things they love about themselves. Pick anything from your sense of humor, level of intelligence, physical fitness, or perhaps one of your personality traits. Remember that being grateful for yourself is a great way to make yourself happier.

This doesn’t have to be about making yourself feel better about who you are — it can also help you realize that there are people in your life who love you just as much as you do. Of course, we all have bad qualities too — these don’t have to be excluded from an exercise like this! Write down 3 things you love (or hate) about yourself.

2. Create an ideal day

This exercise is meant to remind you that no matter what your flaws are, you’re still a worthwhile human being. No one is perfect, so we can all use a reminder that we’re special just as we are. To get started, write down three things you love about yourself or traits you have.

Then read them out loud every morning or look at them right before bed so they’re fresh in your mind when you need that pick-me-up later in the day. You’re reading through a quick list of 10 ideal ways to make yourself happier. All are easy methods you can apply on a daily basis, should you choose.

Believe it or not, a few tweaks here and there can greatly improve your life. So, instead of being stuck in an existential funk about how little control you have over everything going on around you, start by looking at things from a positive perspective — even if that means making just small changes to your daily routine.

Here are 10 ideal ways you can make yourself happier in 2022: Create an ideal day calendar. Go ahead and write down exactly what each day will look like during your next week at work or school; be sure to consider things like exercise, sleep, eating right (and not eating too much), and spending time with friends or family members who matter most. Schedule some playtime.

3. Learn something new

Learning new things helps build up your self-confidence because you’re acquiring valuable skills and knowledge. Not only will it keep your mind sharp, but you’ll also have a better understanding of your world. And if you can share what you know with others, those skills will surely make you happier as well.

So take a class or read something new; it’s one of many effective ways to quickly make yourself happier in 2022. Studies have shown that learning new skills — and continuing to learn — can help make you happier. In fact, a psychologist at UC Riverside said that learning can help reduce some of our natural responses (such as sadness) when we are faced with negative emotions.

So, next time you’re feeling down or want a way to quickly make yourself happier in 2022, try picking up a skill. Taking a class or just trying something new can lead to long-term boosts in happiness. We all have our vices, but learning a new skill or hobby is an ideal way to quick happiness. It’s estimated that on average, people will learn one new skill during their lifetime; think about how different your life could be in just a decade if you learned something every year.

I took Spanish for six years in high school and college; it was a big investment of time, but by my senior year I was able to hold my own in conversations. Not only did I reap many personal benefits from learning a foreign language (like meeting more people outside of class), but also I’m now able to feel confident traveling abroad with my boyfriend. Learning anything new is worth it! Use Duolingo today!

4. Get your body moving

Physical activity makes us happier. It also helps us live longer, sleep better, feel stronger, reduces stress, decrease depression, increases energy, and improves self-esteem. If you’re trying to make yourself happier in 2022 by any measure, set aside time for some physical activity.

Daily movement not only keeps you healthy but it will boost your mood as well. In fact, all that grooving increases serotonin levels which in turn boosts positive moods like happiness! Go ahead: Get up from your desk right now and take a short walk or do a quick stretch. We know you’ll feel better for it — right away!

Getting your body moving is a quick, effective way to make yourself happier. In fact, an experiment by Professor Richard Stephens at Keele University in England found that just faking a smile — even if you aren’t feeling happy — can improve your mood.

The best way to make yourself happier is by exercising. Not only will you immediately feel better, but research shows that regular exercise can lead to long-term changes in brain structure that help boost your mood.

In fact, a study on people with depression found that a single session of aerobic exercise resulted in significant improvements as well as a lasting effect for days afterward. So make sure you get active at least 30 minutes per day! It’s one of many ideal ways to make yourself happier!

5. Eat healthy

It may sound cliché, but having a sense of humor is one of the most ideal ways to make yourself happier. Laughing works wonders on your health, so you can enjoy your life longer; plus, it can also strengthen relationships with friends and family members. Happy people are generally healthier people, so take time in 2022 to laugh more often!

Research shows that eating healthy can lead to an increase in serotonin levels. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that helps regulate moods, which ultimately leads to feelings of happiness. While you shouldn’t go overboard on foods like french fries and desserts, eating a healthy diet can make a big difference over time in how happy you feel on a day-to-day basis.

To make sure your diet is ideal for being happier, try using apps like Lose It! or MyFitnessPal to track your calorie intake and watch out for things like high fructose corn syrup (which can increase cravings) in foods.

Eating a healthy diet can make you healthier and happier. In fact, according to a study published in Health Psychology, researchers found that overweight participants who adopted healthy eating habits reported greater happiness than those who didn’t.

Start with these four simple suggestions: 1) Add at least five servings of vegetables and fruits each day; 2) Substitute whole grains for refined carbs; 3) Cut back on sugar-sweetened beverages; 4) Eat fewer processed foods. If you’re looking for more ways to adopt healthy habits, consider some of these strategies below.

6. Love more

Happiness is a choice, not an emotional state. Happiness is dependent on us consciously deciding it for ourselves. We are able to choose what makes us happy and we can choose what doesn’t make us happy. When we learn how to become more conscious of our choices, we begin being aware of how quickly we can transform our lives into one filled with immense joy and love.

The best way to make yourself happier is by being a more loving person. Think of love in terms of caring for others, rather than simply romance; there are plenty of ways you can help people without getting emotionally involved with them. To give love, start by changing your focus from what you can get out of it to what you can give, even if it’s just an ear or a smile — this changes our outlook on life for a good one.

The happiest people are generally those who have made helping others part of their daily routine. You’ll be surprised at how quickly other people respond positively and positively change their lives because of your love and care.

When we make others feel loved, they’re more likely to love us back. Research has shown that simply smiling can be a quick way to happiness. With that in mind, it’s not surprising that regular expressions of affection are important for a happy marriage — in fact, one study found that couples who were happily married got at least ten hugs per day from their spouse.

Not everyone is so lucky (or single), but you can always try putting more effort into your relationships with friends and family members. You might be surprised by how much brighter you feel when you’re loving more.

7. Don’t expect anything in return

Research has shown that when we’re grateful for our strengths, we’re happier. Take 10 minutes a day to remember your strengths — and why you have them. As an exercise, write down everything you like about yourself: your values, your personality traits, and what people think of you.

Think of yourself as a friend would describe you. Then go back over it once a week and remind yourself how good it feels to be great at something — and that you are!

It’s not about getting anything in return. It’s about putting more good out into the world so that you make yourself happier. When you give with no expectation of receiving anything, it makes you feel great because giving is an expression of selflessness — something we all could use a little more of in our lives.

The best part: If you expect nothing back, then your brain will never be disappointed by what others say or do, which means no one can ever let you down!

When it comes to making yourself happier, nothing trumps having a genuine concern for others. No matter what you’re struggling with, put yourself in another person’s shoes. It may feel cheesy, but really try to consider how your actions or words might impact another human being.

And whatever you do, don’t expect anything in return; studies show that putting up walls or demanding gratitude tends to make people even less likely to help than they were before (that is, if they agreed to help at all). Treating others well isn’t something you can buy, but it doesn’t cost much either — and it has immeasurable value.

8. Spend more time with friends and family

We all have strengths, even if we don’t always want to acknowledge them. We use these skills at work every day, but they can also be used to improve our happiness by bringing more joy into our personal lives. To quickly make yourself happier in 2022, start by reflecting on your best traits — no matter how subtle — and try to make use of them more often in your daily life.

Think about what makes you good at your job; could any of these skills make your personal life just a little bit better? For example, if you’re great at problem-solving or are really organized and detail-oriented, maybe take that time for yourself to fix something that’s broken around your house or organize one less shelf in your closet.

Spending more time with loved ones is a quick way to make yourself happier. It might be as simple as scheduling regular events with friends or taking your family on a long trip in the summer. Of course, that’s not all there is to it — though taking steps like these will certainly add some happiness to your life!

One way to quickly make yourself happier is by spending more time with friends and family. The more time you spend with people you care about, I promise you’ll feel happier. Friends and family bring joy, laughter, happiness, and comfort — all of which make for an ideal way to instantly lift your spirits!

You can make a conscious effort when scheduling time with loved ones — whether it’s at dinner or during a weekend outing. Try planning out get-togethers that help bring everyone together — whether it’s a picnic in Central Park or a day trip to Six Flags. This fun day out will be one of many ways you can help improve your quality of life in 2022!

9. Laugh more often

Laughing triggers chemicals in your brain that make you feel happy. Being happier will also make you healthier, less prone to depression, and more successful. Start by replacing a daily negative thought with a positive one (e.g., instead of saying I hate Mondays, say Mondays are great because they lead me toward Fridays).

And don’t forget about physical laughter: Go out on a lunch date with friends or watch a comedy at home. Even smiling for no reason can be good for your mood! If you want inspiration for making yourself happier, we’ve got some articles on that too.

Studies have shown that laughter can improve your mood, reduce stress, lower blood pressure, release endorphins, prevent heart disease, and even help you live longer. There are several health benefits associated with laughing more often. Laughter is an ideal way to make yourself happier.

To laugh more often in 2022 try: Go to stand-up comedy shows (online or in-person), take a comedy improv class, or ask a friend who’s funny for some help on how to inject humor into your daily life.

What could be more ideal than making yourself happier by laughing more often? Studies show that laughter causes blood vessels to expand, which improves heart health. Laughter is also linked with lower stress hormones, higher immunity levels, and less pain after surgery.

It can also release endorphins in your brain — the chemicals that make you feel happy. In fact, laughter may even help keep you young as it helps slow down aging in your body. So instead of looking for a fountain of youth, try making yourself happier by letting out some of those giggles.

10. Remind yourself of your strengths

The first step in making yourself happier is learning to harness your strengths. This doesn’t mean taking a day off and vegging out with a pint of ice cream — this means turning those strengths into goals, habits, or pieces of advice you follow on a daily basis. Whether it’s helping others grow or doing something nice for yourself, reinforcing your greatest strengths can make you happier by reconnecting you with who you are at your core.

One of our most important tasks is to regularly remind ourselves of our strengths. Simply writing down a list of your strengths on a Post-it note or index card can help you feel happier, more self-confident, and more successful in everything you do. Next time you find yourself facing an obstacle or struggling with a problem, consult your list for inspiration.

Researchers have found that people are happier when they remember a time they displayed strength in a certain area of their lives — even if it’s just thinking about something they did well at work or school. So, before you turn in for bed, spend some time reflecting on your top three accomplishments of the day or week.

A sense of accomplishment boosts confidence and helps remind you how capable you are. Prioritize self-care: When was the last time you went on an actual date with your significant other? How about taking yourself out for dinner (and not eating your meal off your laptop)?

Taking time for self-care doesn’t make us selfish; it actually makes us more mindful, compassionate individuals — which often leads to being kinder to others as well.


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