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10 key signs of love :

Addiction in people with anxious, obsessed attachment styles:

By Osaki PetersPublished 11 months ago 4 min read

Love addiction can have a strong impact on people with various attachment types, and it frequently coexists with an anxious, preoccupied attachment type. Strong feelings of intimacy, a dread of abandonment, and a propensity to overthink and fret about relationships are all traits of this attachment style. In this post, we'll examine the 10 main love addiction warning signs and symptoms that are frequently seen in people who have an anxious, obsessed attachment style.

Obsessive Thoughts:

One of the hallmark signs of love addiction is the presence of obsessive thoughts. Love addicts often find themselves consumed by intrusive and persistent thoughts about their romantic partners. They may constantly think about their partners, replay past interactions, and fantasize about future scenarios. These thoughts can be overwhelming and difficult to control, leading to a preoccupation with the romantic relationship.

Constant Need for Validation:

Individuals with love addiction seek constant reassurance and validation from their partners. They rely heavily on external validation to feel secure and worthy of love. This need for validation can manifest in various ways, such as seeking constant affirmations of love, attention, and affection. Without regular validation, love addicts may experience feelings of insecurity, self-doubt, and fear of abandonment.

Fear of Abandonment:

A deep-seated fear of abandonment is a significant characteristic of individuals with an anxious preoccupied attachment style. Love addicts with this attachment style have an overwhelming fear of being abandoned by their partners. This fear drives them to engage in clingy and needy behaviors to ensure that their partners won't leave them. They may constantly seek reassurance, become overly dependent on their partners, and feel anxious or distressed when they sense any sign of distance in the relationship.

Difficulty Setting Boundaries:

Love addicts often struggle with setting and maintaining healthy boundaries in relationships. They may have a tendency to prioritize their partner's needs over their own, neglecting their own well-being in the process. This can lead to a loss of personal autonomy and a sense of identity fused with the relationship. Love addicts may find it challenging to establish boundaries that protect their emotional well-being and prevent them from becoming overly enmeshed with their partners.

Intense Fear of Rejection:

Love addicts with an anxious preoccupied attachment style experience an intense fear of rejection. They may go to great lengths to avoid rejection, as it triggers feelings of unworthiness and inadequacy. To mitigate this fear, they may engage in behaviors aimed at pleasing their partners at the expense of their own needs and desires. The fear of rejection can significantly impact their self-esteem and emotional well-being, often leading to a cycle of seeking constant validation and approval.

Relationship Hopping:

Love addicts often find themselves moving quickly from one relationship to another. They seek the excitement and intensity of a new romance as a way to escape feelings of emptiness or insecurity. Relationship hopping allows them to avoid being alone and fills a void within themselves temporarily. However, this pattern can perpetuate a cycle of unhealthy relationships, as love addicts may not take the time to address the underlying issues driving their love addiction.

Neglecting Other Areas of Life:

Love addiction can consume an individual's life, causing them to neglect other important areas such as work, friendships, hobbies, and self-care. The intense focus on the romantic relationship can lead to a neglect of personal growth, professional aspirations, and social connections. Love addicts may prioritize their romantic relationships above all else, leading to an imbalance and potential dissatisfaction in other areas of life.

Dependence on Others for Self-Worth:

Love addicts often rely heavily on their partners for their sense of self-worth and identity. They believe that they can only be happy and complete when they are in a romantic relationship. This dependency on others for self-esteem can be detrimental, as it places an immense burden on the relationship to fulfill their emotional needs. Love addicts may struggle to develop a strong sense of self and may constantly seek external validation to maintain their self-worth.

Jealousy and Possessiveness:

Love addicts frequently experience intense jealousy and possessiveness in their relationships. Due to their fear of abandonment and low self-esteem, they may constantly monitor their partner's activities and interactions with others. They may feel threatened by the presence of potential rivals and exhibit controlling behaviors to ensure that their partner remains committed. This jealousy and possessiveness can strain the relationship and contribute to feelings of insecurity and dissatisfaction.

Difficulty with Emotional Regulation:

Love addicts may struggle with regulating their emotions, experiencing extreme highs and lows within relationships. They may be highly sensitive to any perceived rejection or criticism, reacting with intense emotional responses. Love addicts often have difficulty managing their emotions, leading to frequent arguments, mood swings, and a rollercoaster of emotional states. This emotional volatility can create instability and tension within the relationship.


Love addiction can significantly impact individuals with an anxious preoccupied attachment style, leading to a range of challenging signs and symptoms. It's crucial to recognize and understand these signs to initiate the process of healing and recovery. Seeking support from a therapist or counselor who specializes in attachment and relationship issues can provide valuable guidance and tools for developing healthier relationship patterns. With self-awareness, self-care, and a commitment to personal growth, individuals with love addiction can break free from destructive patterns and cultivate more fulfilling and balanced relationships.


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