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10 Easy Ways to Improve Your Self-Esteem

Self-esteem and confidence is not something you are born with or just wake up one day with an abundance of it. It is built over time, usually with a lot of work and persistence, but can be crushed very quickly

By Daria WintersPublished 4 years ago 4 min read
Photo by Timothy Eberly on Unsplash

Self-esteem and confidence is not something you are born with or just wake up one day with an abundance of it. It is built over time, usually with a lot of work and persistence, but can be crushed very quickly. That's why we need a strong foundation and great will to never let our confidence falter. Below you can read 10 ways to improve your self-esteem.

1. Expand the edge of your comfort zone

It's very easy for us to get comfortable and settle down, so any new experience can shake our world and make us not feel good. Trying new and unexpected things can help us push the walls of our comfort zone and challenge our self-esteem. Start small, meet someone new, or try a new activity you have always been interested in but never found the time or courage to begin. The excitement will boost your self-esteem and make you feel great.

2. Find inspiration

Inspiration is all around us, you just have to look for it. There is a number of self-esteem and inspirational books you can read or blogs you can follow. When you find out what helped a person you look up to, it will be easier for you to discover the way to bigger self-esteem.

3. Stop worrying about other people’s opinion

When we pay too much attention to what other people think of us, it can really affect our self-esteem. If you can recognize the bad opinions and comments someone has for you, make a decision to not let it affect your confidence and make yourself feel bad. Doing what you want and what makes you happy is the key to improving your self-confidence.

4. Let negativity and people go

Negative people and the negativity they spread can be infectious and one of the biggest reasons our self-esteem becomes low. People who have nothing nice to say and who put you down do not deserve your time and it's very smart to let them go. You deserve happiness, and if you are not receiving it from people around you, find someone who is supportive and who values you.

5. Face your fears

Fear is restraining and usually doesn't help us in achieving our goals. Face your fears head-on. You will see that some fears were not as big as you thought they were. By gaining experience and insight into the world beyond our fears, your confidence climbs and nothing can stop you anymore.

6. Get creative

Hobbies are one of the best activities you can start to achieve great self-confidence. Painting, writing, and dancing are just some of the many creative endeavors you can try. Have you ever wanted to learn to play a new instrument? Now is the right time to do it. Setting aside just one hour a day to play is going to do wonders for your self-esteem. You will learn a new skill and become happier and more confident.

7. Be proud of yourself

We are so used to noticing and expressing the good things about people around us, that we never stop to say something nice about ourselves. What are the things that make you feel good about yourself? Try listing them on paper so you always have it on hand when you need some encouragement. Be proud of your accomplishments and your self-esteem will soar.

8. Smile more

Being happy and having a generally positive outlook on life is a sure way to building self-confidence. Taking time to care about your teeth and general health is very important to become happy. Brush your teeth, floss and if your smile needs a little restoration, consult professionals like Pindan Dental Laboratory to make your smile perfect. Your self-esteem will boost.

9. Always be willing to learn

Bad situations and experiences don't have to be a dead-end. Approaching them with an open mind-set, being willing to learn and expand as a person can help you in achieving greater heights and confidence. If you learn to be open to life and what happens to you, you will see that every situation is an opportunity to grow.

10. Help others

With your self-esteem becoming high, the best thing you can do is to help someone else be as confident as you are. Be the mentor and guide someone needs. The respect and happiness you will see can greatly help you in gaining even more self-esteem than you had before. Share your knowledge, and happiness will follow.

Self-esteem does not have to define us, but it can help us in the long run and in many situations. Being confident can help you gain more friends, a better job and many opportunities. Learning to use it and enhance it will make your life easier, make you happier, and you will be looking forward to the next challenge and day.

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