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Look At Him

Role models aren’t something that we should take for granted. Role models, or mentors, aren’t idols, they aren’t perfect. But they are sometime generous to share their insights and life experiences to help bring understanding and wisdom. Role models are needed in life, they’re kind of like guides or signs on the side of the road, to keep us on the right track; or even the person that helps us understand the map. To walk with, support, encourage, and hold accountable too. I decided to go with wolves for all the pictures because it just fits the theme.

By Josh MorganPublished 7 months ago 3 min read
Look At Him
Photo by Yannick Menard on Unsplash

Look at him

Is he wearing a disguise?

No, not at all

Look at him

His mask is off

He wears his heart on his sleeve

Look at him

Showing his battle scars and all

He has nothing to hide

Look at him

Showing humility instead of pride

Look how his actions resemble those of the wise

Showing marks of influence from the men before him

Can you see the passion, burning in his eyes?… I can…

By Linda Kazares on Unsplash

He's always working, and so hard, like it's hard wired into him

Determined, pushing even when he’s tired

But discipline isn't easy, he's still fighting selfish desires

But of course, not by himself

Standing beside him, are more who have themselves, fought the same fires

Standing beside him are men, where his success is their desire

He believes the truth in the saying, “Show me your friends and I’ll show you your future.”

Hard to say that not all connections are meant to be kept

Bad company corrupts good character, and that, goes without saying

In the same way water reflects a face

The heart of a man reflects the man

Look at him

Looking in the mirror, he accepts who's looking back at him

Look at him

Looking in the mirror, he sees progress, and potential when looking within

But, his dedication is not to be mistaken with desperation

At a glance he might seem a little conceited

Trying so hard to hide the workaholic that desperately needs to prove himself

Trying so hard not to let his love for himself be performance-based

Chasing the wind, chasing after trophies and wins

But with more than a glance, look at him, before you make your allegations

Believe what I say when I tell you he's seeking no validation

He has a history of being accompanied by accolades

But with the separation of value from accomplishments-

Comes a deep and incredible sense of satisfaction with himself

So his confidence is not to be mistaken with arrogance

He's well aware of how thin the line is between the two

And he doesn't dare cross it- Why would he?

As he continues in his pursuit of all he can be

Being his best for him, not people pleasing, not at all

Persistent, you could say that he's driven, like the Porsche on the poster he has on the wall

Just as fast, and to the same extent consistent

However, unlike the Porsche, he is by no means perfect

And doesn't need to be, he knows that in his heart and his mind

He has emotions… I mean, he's still human after all

I mean, look at him

He has his ups and his downs, his fears, doubts and all

But, look at him

He's not running from them

He chooses to be courageous, and he knows that pride is dangerous

He's learned that from the men before him

So when he does fall, there's other men around to pick him up

Look at them

Iron sharpening iron, one man sharpening another

Look at them

There's no lone wolf there, but a pack, running together

By Thomas Bonometti on Unsplash

Look at them

Actually helping each other

Because two is better than one, and three is even better

In suffering and honor together

For if one may fall another will lift up his fellow

Look at them

Proof that a threefold chord is not easily broken

Look at him

Surrounded by good company, and that which builds

Look at him

Listening to who is around him and letting them listen to him

Look at him

Learning from the men before him, and teaching those after him

Look at him

Doing his best in all he can

To be all that he knows he can be

WisdomMen's PerspectivesManhoodLifestyleInspirationHealthGeneralFatherhoodEmpowermentCultureBrotherhood

About the Creator

Josh Morgan

I began writing as a means of expressing creativity, relieving stress, and venting emotions. I mention my daily battle with mental health a lot, I hope it is relatable and inspiring to readers, as writing is something I'm passionate about.

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