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Why You Should Say NO To Traditional Weddings

DIY Weddings: Embracing Intimacy Over Opulence

By Chandi PeardonPublished 8 months ago 3 min read
Why You Should Say NO To Traditional Weddings
Photo by BRUNO CERVERA on Unsplash

Once upon a time, weddings were grand, sprawling events, orchestrated to perfection with long guest lists, ornate details, and budget-busting extravagances. Today, the narrative is shifting. DIY weddings, with their intimate settings and personalized touches, are emerging as the top choice for modern couples. Let’s delve into why the trend of saying "I do" among a small circle of cherished loved ones is gaining momentum.

1. The Age of Authenticity:

We live in an era where authenticity is valued above all else. Couples are looking for genuine experiences, which prioritize meaningful moments over showy spectacles. A DIY wedding, in its heart and soul, embodies this very essence. From hand-written vows to homemade decor, every element is a testament to the couple's unique love story.

2. Budget-Friendly Without Compromise:

It's no secret that weddings can be expensive. The average cost of a wedding has steadily increased over the years, prompting many couples to reconsider their priorities. A DIY wedding often costs a fraction of a lavish event, allowing couples to allocate funds to other aspects of their new life together, be it a home, travel, or future planning. If you want to save even more money, I personally recommend purchasing dried flowers for your big day. Why? They are already preserved, you can repurpose them, and you don't have to waste thousands by tossing them in the trash.

3. Embracing the Age of Digital:

With the rise of social media and online tutorials, DIY has never been more accessible. Platforms like Pinterest, YouTube, and Instagram are brimming with ideas and step-by-step guides for everything from handcrafted invitations to self-made wedding cakes. The digital age has armed us with the tools and inspiration to create magical experiences on our own terms.

4. The Intimate Appeal:

There's something profoundly beautiful about sharing your most special day with a close-knit group. It's about having heartfelt conversations, forging deeper connections, and being surrounded by people who have played a significant role in your journey. Instead of fleeting encounters, you get to create lasting memories with every single guest.

5. Greater Flexibility and Personalization:

A smaller, DIY wedding is like a blank canvas. It offers flexibility that larger, more structured events often can't. Want an unconventional venue, like your backyard or a quiet beach? Done. Dreaming of a themed wedding that resonates with your shared interests? Go for it. The world is your oyster when you're not bound by the constraints of traditional wedding norms.

6. Sustainability Comes to the Forefront:

The world is becoming increasingly conscious of sustainability, and weddings are no exception. Large events can lead to considerable waste, from food to single-use decor. DIY weddings, given their scale and personalized approach, often tend to be more eco-friendly. Whether it's using locally sourced flowers, recyclable decor, or organic food, there's a higher likelihood of making green choices.

7. Prioritizing Experience Over Extravagance:

For many couples today, the wedding is just the beginning of a series of adventures. By saving on wedding expenses, they can splurge on experiences like extensive honeymoons, learning new skills together, or even setting up their dream home.

Let's Face It

DIY weddings aren't just a trend; they represent a broader shift in societal values. It’s a move towards celebrating love in its purest form, untainted by the pressures of extravagance. As we advance in this age of personalization, it's only natural that weddings, an expression of individual love stories, reflect this ethos.

For those considering this path, remember, that a DIY wedding doesn't mean you have to do everything yourself. It's about curating experiences that resonate with who you are as a couple. And in this journey, whether you're crafting centerpieces or baking your wedding cake, it's the shared moments and memories that will remain etched in your heart forever.

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About the Creator

Chandi Peardon

Creative Writer.

My inspiration? Personal trauma, mental illness, and love.

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