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Wedding 💍 of the season

By Finebone Favour GeorgePublished about a year ago ‱ 15 min read

***THE VOW***


“I love you Gabriel and I can’t wait to marry you. I just feel so nervous right now. I am already imagining myself on the aisle saying I do” Cynthia said, kissing Gabriel on his forehead.

Gabriel smiled “I love you too baby. I’ve been praying to marry you since the first day I set my eyes on you. It’s normal to be nervous baby, but it will be a great day” he said.

It was a lovely evening. Gabriel and Cynthia were having the best of time at a romantic beach Restaurant in town. The two had been in a relationship for over three years and now they had just made the commitment to get married. The wedding ceremony was in three weeks’ time and preparations were ongoing. Cynthia was a simple, but intelligent young woman who worked as a Program Assistant in a Nonprofit Foundation. Her parents were well to do. Gabriel was also a tall, handsome young man who had successfully built his career as a journalist. He was quite known in the country. He had started his career as a radio journalist before climbing the work ladder to become a Top TV journalist in the country. He was smart and elegant with a powerful and sexy voice. As it would be, he was so much appreciated by young ladies. So many of his lady colleagues had fallen for him and only wished he could be their lover. However, despite being very open and gentle, Gabriel was not a womanizer type of guy. He came from a rather poor background and had fought his way up in life. Things had not worked out between his ex, Helen and him. After splitting with Helen because of her infidelity and materialistic type of behavior, he had decided not to enter into a relationship just for the sake of having someone in his life. He wanted something serious and long lasting.

When he met Cynthia, he knew that he had met the girl of his dreams. The two became so much in love that they were inseparable. Gabriel met Cynthia during his hardest times. He had just lost his job as a Radio journalist and was trying to enter TV journalism. Cynthia managed to convince her Boss to hire him to cover one of their social events. He did so well that one of the most popular TV stations offered him a good job. And ever since then, he became a popular face on the screens. He was known to many as Gaby X.

“Good night my love. Please try to get some sleep so that you’ll have enough energy to do your shopping tomorrow” Gabriel said as he dropped Cynthia off at her parent’s house. Cynthia gave him a hug and entered the house. It was around 20:00 and Gabriel had a show to present at 22:00. He went back to the office.

Cynthia’s mom and sister were busy putting the invitation cards in the envelopes when Cynthia walked in “Hello our bride to be. How was your night out with my son to be? Cynthia’s mom asked. “It was nice mom. I really had a nice time. Gaby and I are thinking of inviting the Redwood live band to perform at our wedding in the evening” Cynthia said, grabbing one of the invitation cards.

“Oh my God! This will be the wedding of the season Cynthia!” shouted her sister, Angela. Her mother was excited too. She danced in the living room “What a joy to see my daughter getting married with dignity. Oh what a joy!” she sang. Her daughters laughed as they saw her dance like a kid. They continued enveloping the invitation cards as they also discussed how the wedding would be.

It was 22:00. Cynthia rushed to grab the remote control to change the channel so that she could watch her darling fiancé. The show was just starting.

“Good evening viewers, this is your host and presenter Gaby X bringing to you your favorite TV show ‘My Life’. I am very glad that you joined us today as we talk about real life issues that affect you and I. On the platform tonight, we have Dr. Kenneth GK, who will be answering some of your health related questions. We also have Mrs. Margaret Vera, a mother, wife and Businesswoman who is making it in the world of business. Mrs. Margaret will be sharing with us some of her secrets to living a balanced life as a woman. As usual, you shall be given an opportunity to call in for your questions or suggestions. Please note that the number is 020997. I repeat 020997. Dr. Kenneth and Mrs. Vera, you are welcome to the show” Gabriel said.

Cynthia was all smiles. She admired her fiancĂ© as he spoke with his charming voice. He was dressed elegantly, as usual. Her mother rubbed her hand on Cynthia’s head “Just look at how you are smiling and admiring your lover! Oh, how I miss those days when your father and I just met. My heart was burning inside me with passion” she said

“Oh so you mean to say that you are no longer in love with him?” Cynthia asked. Her mom smiled and said “I am still in love. It’s just that I no longer feel those chills, but we still love each other.”

“Well as for me, I want to have these chills till eternity mom” Cynthia said. “Don’t mind your mom. She is just ashamed to tell you that she is now an old sheep” Cynthia’s dad said. He had heard their conversation from his home office and had come to spend time with them. He sat down on the furniture and sipped in his wife’s glass of coke. Cynthia’s mother stood up and went to rub her hand on his head “You are the old sheep, not me. Can’t you see the grey hair on your head? You now look like Albert Einstein” Cynthia’s mother teased him. He held her hand and bit it gently. Cynthia’s mother giggled. The children laughed. Cynthia looked at them and admired their relationship “I pray that my marriage with Gaby will be as sweet as this” she said in her heart.

The following day, Cynthia was to go shopping with her best friends, Sara and Monica. They had been friends since High School. They entered Cynthia’s car and drove off. “Cynthia, I think these shoes look better than the ones we saw last week. Let’s get them” Sara said. “Yes definitely, I love them. The heels are high but they are so comfortable and you kow that I want to be comfortable that day because I will dance till the cows come home” Cynthia said.

“I can’t wait to see both of you dancing, especially Gaby. By the way, his show yesterday was simply amazing. Did you hear the confession of that young lady who said she had been sleeping with her father’s friend?” Sara said.

“I was so shocked my dear. The things that are happening in this world are so strange” Cynthia said. The two spent the whole afternoon shopping. As they were about to leave the shopping mall, Sara said “Hey Cynthia, isn’t that Gabriel over there?” Cynthia looked closely and saw that it was Gabriel. He was having coffee in a nearby restaurant with a beautiful lady. Cynthia said happily “Oh yes, it’s my baby”. She rushed towards them, and when Gabriel saw her, he stood up in excitement and hugged her “Hello baby girl. You look so nice. Have you ladies finished shopping?” he said. “Yes my love, we just finished now and we are about to go home now. What are you doing here?” Cynthia said.

Gabriel held her by the waist and pointed to the lady “Baby, meet Sasha my new colleague. She just joined the TV station and so I brought her for coffee to make her feel at home and fill her in with some vital advice about the nature of the job. Sasha, please meet my beautiful fiancĂ©e, Cynthia. She is the one I talked to you about.” Gabriel said.

Sasha stood up and hugged Cynthia “Oh, it’s a pleasure to meet you. Gaby has told me so much about you. I hope the wedding preparations are going on well” Sasha said.

“The pleasure is all mine my dear. I am trying my best to do all the necessary things, since the day is fast approaching” Cynthia said. Sasha proceeded to greet Cynthia’s friends. Cynthia and Gabriel held each other’s hands as they talked “Ok, baby, do enjoy your coffee. Let me rush home to meet my aunt who came in this evening. I know she has a lot to tell me. I’ll catch you later. Love you” Cynthia said.

“Ok baby girl. I’ll pass by as soon as I am through with the show this evening. I love you too. Say hi to aunt and mom” Gabriel said. They gave each other a hug and the ladies left.

“Cynthia, I don’t understand the kind of person you are. How can you allow your fiancĂ© to be spending time with other ladies? Don’t you understand the dangers?” Monica said as they left.

Cynthia smiled “Oh come on Monica. Relax. I trust Gabriel. This is the nature of his job, and I have come to understand him. Believe me, I know the man I am seeing, he’s not a player” she said.

“Oh really? Did you see how the lady was dressed? She looked too sexy for a professional meeting! I am just advising you to open your eyes and stop being naïve. Women of today are very dangerous.” Monica continued.

“Oh Monica! Leave Cynthia alone. She has told you that they both trust each other. Why can’t you stop putting negative thoughts in her mind and allow her to prepare for her wedding in peace?” Sara interrupted.

“Well, if you say so. I am just trying to show some concern” Monica said

“Sure, I understand sweetheart, and I appreciate. But you have nothing to worry about. I know who Gabriel is” Cynthia said

Cynthia arrived home. Her favorite aunt, Mable had arrived to give her some final teachings on marriage life before the D-day. “Oh Aunt Mable, I am so excited to see you. I have been waiting for your arrival for days now” Cynthia shouted as she went to sit on her laps.

Aunt Mable: Oh my baby girl. I missed you too. I can’t wait to see you walk on that aisle like a star. You simply deserve the best in this world. What did you buy? I hope you have not spent all your money on silly stuff because you young ladies can be very funny at times.

Cynthia: Not really. I got some nice shoes and bedsheets. There were a lot of discounts in most shops. I guess it’s because of the summer period approaching. By the way, where is mom?

Aunt Mable: That’s great my dear. I am happy you are already thinking of home items such as bedsheets, because that is one of the main reasons why I am here to teach you. Your mom went for women evening prayers at church. She will be back soon

Cynthia: Ah yes! Mom and prayers, she is addicted to them.

Aunt Mable: oh yes. I agree with her. A woman who prays is a woman of power. My dear, marriage has a lot of enemies, and one has to be an intercessor to see one’s marriage work. Just take a look at your parents’ marriage. Can’t you see how they are still holding on together after so many years? It’s because of the grace of God and also their hard work towards making their home great. Your uncle and I are also witnesses to the importance of prayer in a marriage.

Cynthia: Definitely! My desire is to have a marriage like yours and that of my parents.

Aunt Mable: Don’t just desire, make sure you put the advice into practice. Now let’s go to your bedroom so that we talk serious business.

They both left to Cynthia’s bedroom and shut the door. Cynthia’s sisters could hear Cynthia laugh so loud because of what her aunt was teaching her. Aunt Mable was a funny but principled woman. She worked as a Medical Doctor and was married with 4 children. After a while, Cynthia’s mom arrived. Cynthia and Aunt Mable could hear her singing in the living room. Minutes later, they came out to meet her. “So please Cynthia, make sure that as a married woman, you keep good friends around you. If possible, try your best to have godly married women as your friends. Let your husband be your best friend and don’t trust anyone with intimate information between you and your husband” Aunt Mable said as they walked towards the living room. Cynthia nodded her head in agreement.

Cynthia’s mom: Are the teachings over for today? Cynthia looks happy. I hope you are keeping record of what your aunt is telling you. If I ever find out that you are doing the contrary of what she has taught you, I will personally whip your behind.

Cynthia and Aunt Mable laughed. They both sat down and discussed at length concerning the wedding preparations.

“Hi baby, please come out. I am outside” Gabriel said as he spoke to Cynthia on the phone. Cynthia rushed to go out. She found him waiting for her in his car outside the house.

Cynthia: Hello my honey bunny. How was your day today? I missed you

Gabriel: Hello darling. I missed you too. My day was quite hectic. I had quite a number of things to do. And you? Did you manage to buy what you wanted?

Cynthia: Yes I did. I got some nice shoes for the D-day and other stuff

Gabriel: Hmm. Can I see them?

Cynthia: A big no my friend! You are not allowed to see anything I will wear on that day. I want it to be a surprise.

Gabriel took Cynthia’s phone by force. “Let me see your wedding dress then” he said teasingly. Cynthia took it back and hit him gently on his back “Don’t even try it. Naughty boy!” she said. They both laughed. “Let’s take a drive around the area for fun” Gabriel said. They drove around and discussed. When he was about to leave, Gabriel’s phone rang “
..Alright, I will pick you up tomorrow morning from the Indian boutique across the main road” Gabriel said

Cynthia: Who was that honey?

Gabriel: It was Sasha, my new colleague. We have a meeting to attend tomorrow morning at National Association of Journalists, and since she does not have a car, I promised to pick her up so that we can go together.

Cynthia: Ok. Hahaha. That even reminds me of what Monica said when she saw Sasha today. She was wondering why I allow you to meet with ladies. She said Sasha was too sexy.

Gabriel: Oh Monica! Sometimes I even wonder why you still hang out with her. She only has negative ideas to give you. I prefer Sara to her. Can’t she just understand that our relationship is based on trust and love? Just because she can’t find a trustworthy guy doesn’t mean that none exists. And besides, Sasha seems to have good Christian values. I would even like both of you to be friends.

Cynthia: That’s Monica for you. But anyway, I told her that I trust you enough not to think of anything bad. I don’t blame her. She has gone through a lot of disappointments, so it’s not easy for her to trust anyone.

Gabriel: Well, I understand, but that doesn’t mean she has to discourage other people from trusting their partners.

Cynthia: Ok baby, let us change the topic. I am thinking of doing a course in Project Management after our wedding. The course starts in 3 months’ time. I want to climb the Management ladder. I am tired of doing the same job for 3 years now

Gabriel: Excellent! You have all my support. It’s good to upgrade your studies because life is advancing at a fast pace. I trust you to make a good Project Manager. You are well mannered and have the skills.

Cynthia: Thank you honey.

Days went by and the wedding preparations were becoming intense. Cynthia had taken leave from her place of work in order to concentrate on the preparations. Because Gabriel was well known, many people were aware of his upcoming wedding. During his live shows, some people called in to wish him a great marriage and some celebrity magazines were already writing about it. Both families were working hard to ensure that the ceremony became the talk of the town.

The traditional wedding was done a week before the white wedding. About 250 people were present to witness the scene. Cynthia was gorgeously dressed in a traditional outfit. According to their tradition, Gabriel came in with his uncle to give a gift to the bride as well as the Bride’s family. All traditional rites were performed and it ended up being a great day.

“Phew, one item on the list gone! I can’t wait for it all to be finished!” Cynthia said as she sat in her bedroom with her friends Monica and Sara, a day after the traditional wedding. “Yes indeed. We thank God for a successful traditional wedding. It was really great. Everyone is talking about it. I even saw some people post it on Facebook” Sara Said. Cynthia smiled “Oh really? Show me the link. I want to see what they are saying” she said.

Sara opened her phone and showed her some posts about her traditional wedding. One of them read “Gaby X accomplishes traditional protocols to marry his long term girlfriend”. Cynthia laughed as she read through the comments where some ladies expressed their disappointment as they wished that he could marry them. “These ladies are funny! By the way, Gaby is doing his last evening show before our wedding in the next few minutes. Let me watch” Cynthia said. She switched on the TV and waited for the show to start. As usual, Gabriel was looking very handsome on the screen. At the end of the show, viewers started calling in for questions and comments. One particular lady called and said “Gaby X, I first of all want to congratulate you on your just concluded traditional wedding. I wish you and your bride a great marriage. However, I want to tell you that you have disappointed so many of us because we fell in love with you and wished we could be the lucky ones”. Gabriel laughed so hard and teased the lady back “Don’t worry sis, you are all my wives. I respect all women” he said. Everyone on the panel laughed as the show continued. Cynthia and Sara were also laughing. Monica looked at them and said angrily “Honestly Cynthia, it pains me so much that you can laugh at such a serious issue. Did you hear what Gabriel just said? How can he say they are all his wives and yet he is about to marry you?”

Cynthia: Oh Monica, please don’t start again! I have told you several times that Gaby is not the kind of person you think he is. He is a funny and loving person and I don’t see anything bad in what he said. The lady was only joking and so was he.

Monica: Joking! What kind of a joke is that please? Cynthia you are very naĂŻve and stupid. For your own information, I saw Gabriel with the so called Sasha girl that he introduced to us. Gabriel was picking her up in town and the two drove off in his car

Cynthia: Will you just stop it please? I know all about their friendship and it is on professional grounds. Gaby sometimes picks her up because her house is along the road that leads to his work place. I am aware of that.

Monica: And you are doing nothing about it? Just wait until you hear that Gaby is sleeping with her, or when she eventually becomes pregnant for him. Then, you will know that men are not to be trusted.

Cynthia and Sara looked at her in astonishment. Cynthia rose up in anger and shouted “How dare you say such a stupid thing to me a few days before my wedding? Or do you think every man is as stupid and dumb as the men you date? Maybe you just need to examine yourself. It could be that your nasty character is the reason for your disappointments!

Monica looked shocked “Cynthia, am I the one you are talking to like this? Is it because you are about to marry that you can now insult and embarrass me? Anyway, it is your time to shine! Good luck!” She said. Cynthia and Sara kept quiet. Monica took her bag and left in fury, banging the door behind her.

Cynthia started crying. “What have I done to Monica for her to always accuse my fiancĂ© in such a manner? She knows very well that my wedding day is within a few days, but she doesn’t hesitate to make me angry” she cried.

Sara put her hand on her shoulders and comforted her “Don’t worry dear. You know Monica has a big mouth and can’t control it. Don’t take what she said to you seriously. The last thing you need right now is stress. Your big day is coming soon and you need to have a clear mind. Cheer up, just look at how Gaby is looking handsome and excited. He looks like the Prince of England” she said

Cynthia smiled while wiping her tears “Thanks Sara. I trust Gabriel. He is not capable of doing anything stupid”

To be continued.
Why is Monica so Negative about Gaby?
I don't even know,
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    FFGWritten by Finebone Favour George

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