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Why my partner cheats.

Why doesn’t my spouse find me attractive anymore?

By Oke Oyindamola Published 7 days ago 3 min read

Infidelity is a complex issue, and there's no one-size-fits-all answer. Some possible reasons for a partner's infidelity include:

1. Insecurity and low self-esteem

2. Unmet emotional or physical needs

3. Lack of communication and connection in the relationship

4. Personal issues like depression, anxiety, or addiction

5. Opportunistic circumstances

6. Unresolved past traumas or experiences

7. Different values or boundaries

8. Thrill-seeking or excitement

9. Feeling trapped or suffocated in the relationship

10. Personal growth and exploration

Also, It's important to remember that infidelity is not solely the fault of one partner. Relationships are complex, and both partners often contribute to the dynamics that lead to infidelity.

If you're experiencing infidelity in your relationship, consider seeking couples therapy to work through the underlying issues and rebuild trust.

Connecting with your partner while respecting their personal space is crucial for a healthy relationship. Here are some tips:

1. Communicate openly: Ask your partner how they feel about personal space and boundaries.

2. Pay attention to body language: Notice when they seem uncomfortable or need alone time.

3. Respect their alone time: Don't take it personally and let them recharge.

4. Schedule quality time: Plan regular dates or activities that work for both of you.

5. Show appreciation: Small gestures like notes or surprise gifts can show love without invading space.

6. Be present: When together, focus on the moment and engage in meaningful conversations.

7. Find common interests: Share hobbies or passions that bring you together without feeling suffocating.

8. Support their independence: Encourage their goals, interests, and friendships.

9. Be patient: Understand that everyone needs space sometimes, and it's not a reflection of your relationship.

10. Find a balance: Strike a balance between connection and personal space that works for both of you.

Remember, respecting personal space can actually strengthen your connection and build trust.

It can be hurtful and puzzling when we feel our partner doesn't find us attractive. There could be various reasons, and it's essential to remember that attraction is complex and personal. Here are some possibilities:

1. Different love languages: Your partner might show love and appreciation in ways other than physical attraction.

2. Stress and fatigue: Life's challenges can distract from romantic feelings.

3. Personal issues: Your partner may be dealing with self-esteem, body image, or past trauma.

4. Changing attraction: Attraction can evolve over time; it doesn't always remain the same.

5. Unmet emotional needs: Unaddressed relationship issues might affect your partner's desire.

6. Health and wellness: Physical or mental health concerns can impact libido and attraction.

7. Individual preferences: Attraction is subjective; your partner's tastes might have shifted.

8. Communication gap: Talk to your partner about your feelings; there might be a misunderstanding.

Consider having an open and empathetic conversation with your partner to understand their perspective. Remember that you are more than your physical appearance, and your worth goes beyond attraction.

Being attractive to your spouse is not just about physical appearance; it also includes personality traits, behaviors, and the way you connect with each other. Here are some tips to enhance your attractiveness:

1. Confidence: Embrace your strengths and weaknesses, and show self-assurance.

2. Self-care: Take care of your physical, mental, and emotional health.

3. Personal growth: Pursue your passions, learn new things, and grow as a person.

4. Positive attitude: Maintain a optimistic outlook and sense of humor.

5. Emotional intelligence: Practice empathy, active listening, and effective communication.

6. Authenticity: Be genuine, transparent, and true to yourself.

7. Support and encouragement: Be your spouse's biggest cheerleader.

8. Intimacy and affection: Prioritize physical and emotional connection.

9. Independence: Maintain your individuality and personal interests.

10. Gratitude and appreciation: Show your spouse you value and appreciate them.

11. Take care of your physical health: Regular exercise, healthy eating, and proper sleep.

12. Dress well: Take pride in your appearance and dress in a way that makes you feel confident.

Always note that, attractiveness is subjective, and what matters most is being the best version of yourself for your spouse. Focus on building a strong connection, and the attraction will follow naturally.

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About the Creator

Oke Oyindamola

I’m a result focused English Language Tutor with 7years experience. A Trilingual and a French Writer. I’m passionate about Children, Family, General lifestyle and Love talks. I have a foundation that helps children learn with fun and heal.

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    Oke Oyindamola Written by Oke Oyindamola

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