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The Coffee Shop Cupid

Accidental Matchmaker (Poll or Survey: Do You Believe in Fate?)

By Jheffz A.Published about a month ago 3 min read

Ethan, a self-proclaimed coffee connoisseur and part-time barista at "Bean There, Done That," wasn't expecting his Monday morning to take such a delightful turn. The usual pre-work crowd shuffled in, bleary-eyed and clutching their reusable tumblers. Then, she walked in. A whirlwind of sunshine and laughter, her smile brighter than the espresso machine's chrome.

"Good morning, sleepyheads!" she chirped, her voice like wind chimes on a summer breeze. "Double shot latte with oat milk, extra hot, please!"

Ethan, usually a master of witty banter, fumbled with the milk frother. Her eyes, the color of melted chocolate, held a playful glint. "Having a rough morning, barista?" she teased.

He recovered with a grin. "Just having trouble keeping up with the sunshine."

Their easy conversation sparked, fueled by the rhythmic hiss of the coffee machine. She introduced herself as Amelia, a freelance writer working on a deadline. Ethan shared his passion for brewing the perfect cup, launching into a mini-lecture on bean origins and milk frothing techniques. Amelia, a surprisingly attentive listener for someone desperate for caffeine, peppered him with questions.

Their shared love for both coffee and conversation stretched their "quick" break into an hour-long exchange. They discovered a mutual love for classic literature, terrible puns, and rescued dogs. There was a spark, an undeniable connection that crackled between them. However, Ethan, ever the shy introvert, didn't have the courage to ask for her number.

As Amelia finished her latte, a sigh escaped her lips. "This deadline is looming. Wish me luck!"

Ethan, on impulse, blurted out, "Hey, if you need a quiet space to work, we have a cute little reading nook upstairs. Free Wi-Fi and complimentary stress-relief lattes on the house."

Amelia's eyes widened with surprise. "Really? You'd do that?"

Ethan shrugged, a blush creeping up his neck. "Anything for a fellow bibliophile in distress."

For the next few hours, Ethan became Amelia's silent guardian angel. He refilled her coffee mug, kept the noise level down, and even slipped her a plate of his grandma's famous oatmeal cookies (courtesy of the staff break room). They exchanged stolen glances over laptops, the unspoken attraction growing with each passing moment.

By lunchtime, Amelia had finished her work. Exhausted but grateful, she turned to face Ethan. "You're a lifesaver," she said, her voice soft. "I owe you big time."

"Just glad I could help," Ethan stammered, wishing he could articulate the whirlwind of emotions swirling inside him.

Suddenly, a booming voice interrupted their moment. "Amelia Carter? Amelia Carter?"

A man, probably in his late fifties, with a disheveled appearance, rushed towards them. Relief flooded his face. "There you are! I've been looking all over for you."

Amelia looked surprised. "Uncle Charles? What are you doing here?"

"Your editor called in a panic," Uncle Charles explained. "Apparently, your article is brilliant, exactly what they were looking for. They want to meet you right away!"

Amelia's jaw dropped. All the stress and late nights had paid off. Tears welled up in her eyes. "This is amazing!" she exclaimed.

Ethan, despite the bittersweet pang of their sudden separation, felt a surge of happiness for her success. "Congratulations, Amelia! See? Deadline conquered."

A mischievous glint appeared in Amelia's eyes. "This calls for a celebratory drink," she declared. "How about you join me for some real lunch after work? My treat, as a thank you for being my coffee shop guardian angel."

Ethan's heart skipped a beat. "I... wouldn't miss it for the world."

They spent the afternoon lost in conversation, a sense of comfortable companionship blossoming between them. As Amelia walked him to his bus stop at the end of the day, a question hung between them.

"So," Ethan began, mustering up all his courage, "about that deadline date… does that mean you're free sometime this week?"

Amelia smiled, her eyes sparkling. "Funny you should ask," she said, pulling a crumpled napkin from her purse. Written on it, in messy handwriting, was Ethan's phone number, along with the inscription: "Double shot latte with oat milk, extra hot, and a side of endless conversation. Call me?"

Ethan's heart soared. Fate, disguised as a Monday morning caffeine craving, had intervened.

The End


Do you believe in fate or coincidence? Have you ever experienced an unexpected encounter that changed the course of your life

wedding invitationsproposalgroomsfood and drinks

About the Creator

Jheffz A.

Jheffz A., an up-and-coming writer, incorporates his life's challenges and entrepreneurial ventures into his stories, focusing on resilience, hope, and self-exploration.

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Comments (2)

  • Dharrsheena Raja Segarranabout a month ago

    Hey, just wanna let you know that this is more suitable to be posted in the Fiction community 😊

  • Belleabout a month ago

    I love this! It's so cute and sweet! I do believe in fate/coincidence. My greatest acquaintance was made by accident, even though we had been living in the same town for years, had even spent our time in the same spaces. And as a last minute thing, after our schedules changed, we found each other, and it's changed everything. I love your poll! I can't wait to see what other people have to say!

Jheffz A.Written by Jheffz A.

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