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"Love vs. Society's Expectations"

A forced marriage is a marriage without consent and is a form of abuse.

By Thinking TankPublished about a year ago 3 min read

Love is a beautiful feeling that knows no boundaries. It is an emotion that is felt and expressed in every corner of the world, and it is considered one of the most powerful forces in the universe. Love marriages, where individuals choose their partners based on mutual feelings of love and affection, are becoming increasingly common in Asian countries. However, despite the growing acceptance of love marriages in some parts of the world, they continue to face significant challenges in Asian societies. In this article, we will explore the difficulties that love marriages face in Asian countries and the impact of these challenges on the couples involved.

Societal Problems

One of the most significant challenges faced by love marriages in Asian countries is societal pressure. In many Asian societies, marriage is seen as a union between two families rather than just two individuals. This expectation places a great deal of pressure on the couple to conform to societal norms and customs, even if these norms and customs are at odds with their personal beliefs or values.

Additionally, love marriages are often viewed with suspicion and disapproval by society, particularly if the couple comes from different cultural, religious, or social backgrounds. This disapproval can manifest in various ways, such as social ostracism, harassment, and even violence, making it challenging for the couple to lead a happy and fulfilling life.

Family Problems:

Family pressure is another significant challenge faced by love marriages in Asian countries. In many Asian cultures, families play a crucial role in marriage decisions, and their approval is often considered essential for a successful marriage. However, in love marriages, family approval is not always forthcoming, and this can cause significant stress and strain on the relationship.

Families may not approve of the partner chosen by their child for various reasons, such as differences in caste, religion, social status, or even simple personal dislikes. This disapproval can lead to significant conflict and tension within the family, and the couple may face emotional blackmail, threats, or even physical harm from their families.

Caste Problems:

Caste is a significant factor that affects love marriages in many Asian countries. In many cultures, marrying within one's caste is considered essential to maintain cultural purity and tradition. However, marrying outside one's caste can result in severe social consequences, including disownment by the family, social ostracism, and even physical harm.

The caste system is deeply ingrained in many Asian cultures, and it can be challenging for couples to overcome this societal pressure. Even if the couple is willing to disregard caste differences, they may face opposition from their families and society, making it difficult for them to build a successful and fulfilling marriage.

Social Class Problems:

Social class is another factor that affects love marriages in Asian countries. In many cultures, marrying within one's social class is considered essential to maintain social harmony and status. However, marrying outside one's social class can result in significant disapproval from society and the family.

The differences in social class can create significant challenges for the couple, such as differences in lifestyle, values, and expectations. These differences can lead to significant conflicts and stress within the relationship, making it difficult for the couple to build a successful and fulfilling marriage.

Culture Differences:

Culture differences are a significant challenge faced by love marriages in Asian countries. In many cultures, certain values are given more importance than others. For instance, respect for elders is a crucial value in many Asian cultures. This respect is shown in many ways, such as not arguing with elders or not expressing disagreement with their decisions. However, in many Western cultures, it is common to express disagreement and have open discussions about issues. These differences in communication styles can create misunderstandings and can cause significant conflicts between partners.

Additionally, in many cultures, marriage is not just a union of two individuals, but also a union of families. The couple is expected to follow the customs and the demands and requirements of cultures.

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Thinking Tank

"The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing."

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