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How to manifest love in your life, according to the pros.

Is it possible to think your way into a relationship?  According to these people, yes.

By Waseem Published 2 years ago 6 min read

A modern meeting does not start with a cute meeting but with a positive thought.

Megan Fox has said she believes she has been showing her fiance Machine Gun Kelly since she was four years old.  "I think I made her. My thoughts and intentions made her the person she is," she told Glamor UK.  Priyanka Chopra Jonas joked with Oprah that she believes her mother exposed her husband Nick Jonas.

But is it possible to manifest a partner out of thin air?  For some, the answer is yes.  Julio Alvarez, a 34-year-old tech leadership coach from New York, told TODAY that he met his husband this week when he wrote that his intention was to "let love in."  Elizabeth Kichjian, a 31-year-old teacher based in Houston, said she met her boyfriend after writing a list of qualities.  "I'm a little surprised by the characterization," he told TODAY.

In fact, the concept can permeate the culture: Dr. Wyatt Fisher, a licensed clinical psychologist, told TODAY that he's seen an increase in clients expressing love.

 More and more, people have the mentality that if you think it will happen, or if you put it out into the universe, it's going to show up. So it's not surprising that now  is also being applied to love life," Fisher said.

But is it really possible to show love interest?  it is difficult.  Here are steps for revealing to a new partner—and some helpful reminders.

 First: What is manifest?
Charlotte Kirsten, a trauma psychotherapist and founder of Typically Topical, defines manifestation as the belief that you can
"intentionally create your own reality through beliefs or patterned actions."

While manifestation has become a new-age buzzword, Kirsten points out that the concept is rooted in psychology.  According to Christen, manipulatives work by replacing a "negative cognition" with a "positive cognition" or a negative belief with a positive belief.  "When you do that, you're actually changing the lens through which you see the world," he said.

According to Kristen, we are manifesting every day, all the time - but often not consciously.  Emergence is basically taking a more intentional approach to life.  "Look at the behaviors, actions, and belief systems in your life, and then ask yourself, 'Does this fulfill the reality I'm trying to create?'"

The key, Kristen said, is to believe what you've previously rejected, whether consciously or unconsciously.  "The more you believe something to be true, such as that you are worthy of love, the more you behave that way - which then attracts your desire. The key to this is completely  But, to totally, totally believe in that belief, so you have to fully embody it," he said.

Here are expert-approved tips for manifesting love in your lif
Step 1: Clarify what you want.
When working with new clients looking for a partner, sex and intimacy coach Charelle Thomas focuses on the ending, not the beginning.  "You have to know where you're going. You have to be clear about what you want," Thomas said.

But how do you know what you want?  Grab a notebook, and start with one of the most popular manifesting techniques: list making.

Tips for Writing an Appearance List
1. Ask yourself "why."  Thomas recommends that people ask themselves why they are including each criterion, especially when it comes to more superficial attributes.  "People write, 'I need her blonde hair and blue eyes.'  But why do you want them? Is it because it will serve you or is it because you want to look a certain way, and are you feeding your ego? Do you see it in your partner?  "Looking for it so that it fills the void you have," she said.

2 Reset the negative.  Pyrgiotakis asks clients to replace negative statements with positive ones.  Instead of writing "not a liar," write "a person of high integrity."

3 Focus.  "I tell people to read their look list every single day, or at least most days. Memorize it. Sometimes we meet people and we get so excited by the attention that it's what we're really looking for.  Doing that gets lost. The list helps us refocus," Pargiotakis said.

Alyssa P., 30, who lives in Brooklyn, said the exercise helped her on her dating journey after a breakup.

"I wrote in it the things I wanted in a relationship, like honesty, compatibility, trust. I put the letter away, forgot about it, and after a while, got into something really serious.  Not trying to, I met my fiance. I found another copy of this letter when we had been dating for a while and I realized how our relationship embodied all the things I  had asked for," he told TODAY.

Even though you're thinking about someone else, it's essentially an exercise in self-reflection.  "The value of knowing yourself. Dr. Lauren Kerwin, a licensed clinical psychologist and DBT therapist in Los Angeles, told TODAY that a key feature in figuring out what you want is knowing your limits, and what you want.  will be compatible with

Step 2: Make it feel real.
Writing a list of features is one thing.  Believing in such a relationship is another — experts say it's the most important part.

After formulating his manifesto, Thomas has clients identify the feelings they want to experience while in the relationship.  "Who is this version of you in this relationship? How would you be different from who you are today? What would you be feeling? How would you spend your time?"  Thomas said.

Kristen has clients focus on their five senses during this step of the process.  "Make a movie in your head, and let it play out scenario by scenario. What does your perfect date look like? What does communication look like? How happy do you feel? I guess what you can see.  Are, can hear, touch, taste, feel engaged, like every other sense you have?

Step 3: Believe it's possible.
Obviously, according to the profession, a leap of faith is required: you have to believe the life, or partnership, you want is really possible.

 Thomas said to develop the feeling described above - and believe that it can, and will, be true.

 She compares it to the feeling children have on Christmas Eve when they go to sleep expecting to wake up with presents on Christmas morning.  The same energy applies to relationships: "You expect it. It's a different energy when you expect it to happen," she said.

 By imagining these possibilities, you can conquer limiting beliefs, or the voices in your head that say it's not possible.  You'll "create a new paradigm and develop a new belief," he said.


  Step 4: Take the attached action.
  So far, manifestation has been a reflective, introspective journey - but it's important to actually take action.  "There has to be an element of doing," Kristen said. "It can be as simple as putting yourself in completely new scenarios that you haven't done before."

 By doing this, you are taking these new beliefs for a test drive.  What will your approach to dating look like when you have a clear idea of ​​how you want to feel in a relationship?  Will you be more open after accepting the idea that you deserve more?

 "Getting out there and meeting people, experimenting with different partners, along with working to improve yourself, can increase your odds of meeting a match," Fisher said.

  Step 5: Maintain the expression process.
  Manifestation involves internalizing new beliefs—which means it doesn't happen overnight.  Lisa Stardust, author of "Love Deck," a collection of exercises and rituals for those looking to add romance to their lives, offers a few tips to keep the process going.

Journal.  Stardust recommends regular journaling, both free-form and prompt-based.  "By writing things down, you can let go of negativity and allow yourself to feel confident about what you want," Stardust said.

Recite positive affirmations.  Affirmations are single-phrase, positive beliefs such as "I will open my heart" or "I am ready for love."  Stardust You can close your eyes and contemplate the card.  You can say affirmations in the mirror;  Or you can carry it with you on a piece of paper."

Look at the moon.  Not sure when to start?  Look up.  Astrologers believe that each phase of the Moon provides a different energy and opportunity for expression.  For example, you can make intentions during a new moon and release burdens during a full moon.
No matter what form it takes, the idea is to create space for reflection and reinforcement.

Remember, patience is required.
When it comes to love, there's no way to predict the timing - even if you've done all the manifesting techniques in the world.
When people think that if we have the right posture, or if we're in the right place, it automatically guarantees that we're going to attract the right person, and they're going to be our partner.  have been.  Fisher said.


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