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Working Out

Why It Sucks

By Sam BPublished 6 years ago 4 min read
Doesn't this make you wanna workout?

As I've mentioned in previous articles, I play sports. My internal struggle, however, is that while I enjoy sports, I absolutely hate working out. In this article, I will talk about the reasons why I hate working out and maybe you can join the bandwagon with me, or hey maybe this will help me become more motivated. I'll also discuss any possible scientific information about why working out sucks.

Let's start with cardio.

It's recommended that in order to get a good workout you should do some form of cardio for an hour. If you're anything like me, that sounds like an eternity. I usually start my workout with the means of having an intensive workout that leaves me feeling accomplished, but usually, I give up and just feel bad. From the outside, I look like a pretty fit person, but deep down I'm so out of shape that I don't know where to begin. Now back to cardio, there's plenty of ways you can get cardio in, but to me, it just sounds daunting and boring. I guess the only way to really succeed at cardio is to just do it, which is what makes cardio so awful.

The Other Stuff

See, I'm so uneducated about working out that that I titled this section 'The Other Stuff'. What I mean by that is the weightlifting, the squats, and well, basically anything else that isn't cardio. You'd think I'd have a pretty good understanding about workouts seeing as my family has a nice little gym set up in the garage with miscellaneous machines and weights, which makes for a pretty good workout environment. My parents work out regularly, but somehow I just can't seem to find the same motivation as them. The other stuff in the gym, like the ab workouts for example, are the things that I can bear more. I find myself searching on YouTube for any workout videos that tell me exactly how many squats to do in order to get that perfect Brazilian butt lift, but the truth is, I'm never gonna get that. Well, maybe I will one day, but I'm the kind of person that needs to see results very fast or else I give up, and to me, that's why working out sucks.

Maybe I just need to find the mindset that I'm not working out to change into my dream body, but that I'm working out in order to be in shape and to be a healthy individual. The dream body will come in time, but if I focus mostly on being healthy, I'll feel more motivated to workout. Maybe that mindset will help you too if you're struggling like me.

What Science Has to Say About It

In my research, I have found that, scientifically, it's hard to work out because that's how our brains are wired. So it's not just me being lazy! Well, maybe a little. But in an article by Jessica Stillman, where she talks about why it's hard to begin working out, she says that back a very long time ago when we had to forage for food, it was imperative that they save energy. The obvious reason for that is because food was a lot more scarce then it is now, and they had to save their energy for when they had to go hunting. So, therefore, in their brains, they were told not to go for an evening jog and neither shall I! Except they did a lot more working out than I do, so I actually probably should go for that jog. So that's the reason why working out seems impossible at times.

Another scientific reason it may be hard to work out is because you're not eating the right things. There's food you should eat before a workout that gives you plenty of energy, and then there are foods you should definitely avoid. Some foods that you should try are yogurt, eggs, chicken, and fruit. These things give you the perfect amount of energy and won't slow you down or make you feel too full. Some things you may wanna stay away from are carbonated drinks, simple sugars, and cheese. Cheese is definitely one to avoid because eating carbs right before a workout will slow you down and affect your muscles because they digest very slowly. While candy and soda may give you energy at first, it won't last throughout your workout and probably won't make you feel very good either.

We can do it.

Overall, you shouldn't be ashamed that it's hard for you to workout because from what I've learned, it's hard for everyone. I still don't think I'll be able to do that hour of cardio but maybe I can start somewhere and work up to it. Working out still sucks, but this article has somehow made it seem better. I'm gonna go workout now.


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