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Why peoples with Physical and Mental Disabilities also suffer from Emotional Trauma.

The other side of having a disability

By MyaSherrePublished 3 years ago 4 min read

Disclaimer: This post is solely based on my personal experience having Cerebral Palsy and I in no way speak for others.

According to the World Health Organization and other sources one billion people of the world's population is Physically and or Mentally disabled. So, I guess it's safe to say that if you are reading this post you know someone with a disability or like me have one yourself and can probably resonate with a few things.

We all know too well about the hospital visits, the medication, the therapy side of having a disability but, there is a side of this that is rarely ever talked about and it's the experiences of the people that not only have disabilities but how they cope and deal with having a disability as well. In addition to this being able to navigate through life as an adult from finding work, making friends and even dating. Having a disability can affects how we sometimes view ourselves and how we interact with others.

Imaging going through your whole life hearing the words "You Can't", " You Won't Be Able To". Unfortunately, this haunts the minds of a lot of us and has taken a toll on us throughout our adolescence. Not a confidence builder to the 13 year old boy or girl with a disability still trying to figure themselves and already is introduced to the ugly truth that they are not considered "normal" by society standards. Already they are left with a broken image of themselves that they end up trying to fix for the rest of their life trying to gain this perceived image of normal.

This leads to lack of confidence, insecurities, self-loathing and other self-esteem issues like not feeling pretty or beautiful, not feeling or being good enough. This in turns molds how we treat others and how we allow others to treat us people with disabilities tend to be people pleasers in order to gain some type of acceptance due to bullying that they may have experienced even allowing people to treat them poorly all out of fear that they will be disliked. Sadly, this trickles down to how we let our significant others treat us as well. Some deal with mistreatment from their significant literally because they feel like they aren't attractive enough to find someone better and the treatment that they are receiving is the only treatment that they will receive and deserve which leads to unhealthy attachments, abandonment issues and fear of rejection.

Finding a stable career or work is another thing that people with disabilities who are somewhat able to work have trouble with. While we do have organizations and programs to help people with disabilities find jobs and careers there are some who are left being unemployed or underemployed due to their physical and mental limitations not to mention most employers require their employees and candidates to physically and mentally move at a certain speed that a person with a disability may or may not be able to do . One of the worst feelings I have ever felt was me canceling and or not showing up to an interview because I felt like my disability would get in the way. With that being said I will say this although we have laws that protect against workplace discrimination against people with disabilities we all know that there is. I can't tell you how many times I have submitted my resume and cover letter stating my disability to an employer and not received a call back versus not doing so or being let go from a job without word because an employer couldn't (or doesn't because we all knows this happens) want to make the adaptations for people with disabilities that may request them.

I live in a what is called a "Fire At Will" state This means that an employer or employee may generally terminate an employment relationship at any time and for any reason, unless a law or agreement provides otherwise. I was recently let go from a position due to my disability that the company was fully aware of. I began working one location and unfortunately because of sanitation reason I asked to be place somewhere else which they did find a place but do to the severity I was unable to work. But, long story short I basically got the run around and not called back to another location because they were unable to place me due to my limitations. Which I get it I just wish it was handled professionally....kinda hard to prove but it is not the first time it has happened.

For the people reading this with a mental or physical disability please understand that as much as it my seem like it you are not alone.

Thank you for reading and let me know if you would like to know more.


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