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Why Mental Home and work load is also a personal development issue.

reconcile work and family life

By MENTAL IMPACTPublished about a year ago 3 min read

Mental home and work load is a problem that affects many people, especially women. This article will look at ways to better manage it to lead a more balanced and fulfilling life.

As a personal development coach, my goal is to help you achieve your professional and personal goals. Together we will look at various approaches and see how coaching can be helpful.

1. Understanding mental load

Mental load is a concept that refers to the weight of responsibilities and daily tasks that fall on a person. This includes not only the physical tasks, but also the planning, coordination and management of these tasks.

Women are often more affected by mental workload because of their traditional roles in society, such as caring for children, managing household chores, and caring for family members.

2. Impact of mental workload on women's mental and physical health

Mental workload can have a serious impact on mental and physical health.

Stress, anxiety and exhaustion are direct consequences. In addition, it can affect your family and work relationships, as you may find it difficult to balance these two aspects of your life.

3. Strategies to better manage mental workload

a) Identify the sources of your mental load

To begin to manage mental workload, it is important to become aware of what causes it.

It can be helpful to keep a journal for a week to record all the tasks and responsibilities that are weighing on the mind. Once these items are identified, it is much easier to put strategies in place to manage them.

b) Set priorities and goals

Next, it is crucial to define your priorities and set your goals. This involves determining what is most important to you and focusing on those tasks first.

Your goals should be realistic and achievable, so as not to generate additional stress.

c) Delegate and share responsibilities

Next, you delegate. Delegation is a key element. This means giving certain tasks and responsibilities to other people, such as your spouse, family members, friends or colleagues.

It is important to communicate clearly and transparently with others about your needs and how they can support you. Sharing responsibilities can reduce the mental load and create a more balanced environment for all family members.

d) Make time for yourself

Taking time for yourself is a key to managing your mental load. This can include relaxing activities, (creative) hobbies, sports, meditation or fun times with friends. Allowing yourself this time will allow you to recharge your batteries, reduce your stress and anxiety, and improve your overall well-being and quality of life.

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4. The importance of personal development coaching to manage your mental load

The coach has a mega important role in helping you overcome your mental load. He or she will certainly provide you with a method and valuable tools, but above all, he or she will provide you with support and guidance tailored to your needs. The personalized strategies that will be chosen will allow you to see things more clearly and to reach your objectives, but also to develop sustainable skills.

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5. Conclusion

Managing mental workload is a major issue that requires a lot of attention. By identifying your sources of mental load, by establishing your priorities and objectives, by delegating and sharing responsibilities, and by taking time for yourself, you can lighten your mental load.

As a coach, I can play an essential role in your process by offering you guidance and advice. By addressing this issue, we can contribute to a future where the mental load in your family is better distributed and everyone can enjoy a more serene and satisfying life.

🧠 💪 Want to learn more and get help to lighten your mental load?

I suggest you contact me via this link, we can take stock of your situation :

Make a FREE appointment with Mental Impact


About the Creator


He, Je suis Bruno - C'est sympas de passer me voir !

Coach certifié et passionné de Développement Personnel et de Préparation Mentale

Je partage ici des infos, des tips et des mini formations.

J’espère que vous y trouverez de la valeur.

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