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Who Were You In a Past Life?

A guide to past lifetimes

By Jocelyn Joy ThomasPublished 2 years ago 5 min read
Photo by Marvin Meyer on Unsplash

Imagine walking along a cobblestone path hearing church bells in a medieval village in France, calling you to morning prayer. Imagine seeing yourself at sea on a ship, sailing on rough oceans, the wind tilting the sails, working alongside other sailors with the intent of finding treasure. Or sneaking away in the dark of night to meet at the side of a moonlit lake with your forbidden lover.

In my work as an intuitive reader I have read countless past lives for clients. I have never come across anyone who doesn’t have a past lifetime, I’m sure there are some out there on their first life but I have not found them yet. Most people interested in past lifetimes are old souls, who have incarnated many times before.

Have you ever wondered about reincarnation, imagining who you might have been before?

While it can be frustrating that we don’t have clear memories of lives we have lived, we do have awareness on some level. It’s not as hard as you might think to tap into that awareness and discover what lies beneath your surface.

What is a past life?

A past life is just what it sounds like, a lifetime that you lived that occurred in the past. You likely do not remember it very well but sometimes there can be trace memories. We might get a sense of déjà vu around a certain place or time period. It can be a little disorienting when this happens. Depending on what happened in that lifetime the feeling of it may be positive or it might be negative. We have had all types of lifetimes, some very good, some bad, but no lifetime is without its purpose.

We carry over certain memories typically not on a conscious level, from our past lifetimes. In my work doing readings what I see is there are certain lifetimes that we have stronger carryover from more so than others. Particularly, if we have lessons or connections we want to continue within this lifetime.

We may have passed away before we could complete a lesson in compassion so we come back around to continue on with that work. We might have lost a child, or a spouse to illness or accident and come back together again to experience the time we were denied in the past.

The soul is always in motion, its purpose is to learn, grow, evolve, lifetimes help us achieve these goals.

Who were you in a past life?

The big question! First of all, out of all the past life readings I have done I never came across anyone who had been famous. It doesn’t mean they weren’t famous in a past life, it just wasn’t what came up in the reading I did for them. Usually, when I do a past life reading I ask to see past lifetimes that are still influencing the person today. Otherwise, the readings would be way too long.

Most people, for the most part, lead simple lives but there can be very significant events within those lives to them. Career, love, family, health, location, and time are all things that are important markers of past lifetimes.

Who you have been, what you did, when and where you did it, and with who can all be broken down by paying attention to signs.

Before I ever looked into my own past lifetimes I felt a strong draw to blues music, WW2, and the turn of the century in the city of San Francisco.

I later learned I was a blues singer who tragically died of an overdose, I was a fighter pilot in WW2 who died in a dogfight, and I was a philanthropist living in turn of the century San Francisco. There was a lot more to each lifetime, these three all have significant carryover and I knew many of the people in this lifetime in those lifetimes. I needed to continue with the lessons I had begun before in this one.

Now let’s focus on you, I will break down some common signs, as you read through them, quietly reflect on whether or not you have experienced any of them.

Signs you have lived in a place before

Whether it's looking at pictures, video, or actually being there here are some of the signs you have been in a place before. Usually a city, or country.

Déjà vu/ strong memory

Feel like you know what's around the corner

Strong emotions come up with no explanation when you see or visit the place

Always wanted to go there, an unexplainable desire

Or conversely, always felt a strong desire not to go there

You dream/daydream of this place

Signs you have lived in a time period before

Similar to a place but now we focus on a period of time that calls to you. This may cause you to seek out books written during this time period or watch tv and movies that depict it.

Déjà vu/ strong memory

Memories that cannot be explained about the era, knowing details about it, or just having a stronger connection than most people do to that time

Strong nostalgic feeling for things from the era, or interest in events of the day.

You are drawn to and may surround yourself with the music, food, or other things from that time.

Feeling like you belong to that time period and not your own

You dream/daydream about the era

Signs you knew someone in a past life

Déjà vu/ strong memory


Feeling an instant connection, can be positive or something that makes you sense you cannot trust the person depending on what happened in your past.

Falling into what feels like an old routine with someone quickly, indicative of positive past lifetimes.

Even though someone isn’t related to you in this life, you feel as if they are family, often you find yourself in family-type roles not long after knowing one another.

Romantically, you may feel as if you are married, or have known one another for a long time early on.

Past lifetimes are fascinating windows into the experiences of our soul. They teach us where we have been, and what we may have carried over. They alert us to unfinished business we may have in the form of lessons and connections to other people in our lives. For these reasons and more everyone can benefit by exploring their past lifetimes.


About the Creator

Jocelyn Joy Thomas

Writer, spiritual teacher, and travel enthusiast. Enjoying the journey! Join my mailing list and receive a free guide on How to Meet Your Guides in Three Steps!


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