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When Should I Take Social Security Benefits? How to Decide

Read this article to learn everything you need to know in order to make an informed decision regarding social security benefits.

By Lizzie HowardPublished 11 months ago 3 min read
When Should I Take Social Security Benefits? How to Decide
Photo by Scott Graham on Unsplash

One of the most critical decisions individuals face as they approach retirement is when to start taking Social Security benefits. While the age to begin receiving benefits ranges from 62 to 70, there is no universal answer that applies to everyone. Considering various factors and making an informed decision based on your unique circumstances is important. This article aims to guide you on how to evaluate and determine the optimal time to begin taking Social Security benefits. By understanding the key considerations and weighing the pros and cons, you can make a choice that aligns with your financial goals and retirement plans.

Deciding on Social Security: Making the Right Call

Understand the Basics

To make an informed decision, it's necessary to have a fundamental understanding of social security benefits. Get acquainted with the full retirement age (FRA), which is the age at which you are eligible to receive the entire retirement plan benefits. When a claim is submitted to the FRA, the monthly benefit amount is lowered; however, when the claim is delayed beyond the FRA, the benefit amount can rise.

Evaluate Your Financial Situation

Examine your current state of affairs in every aspect of your finances. Evaluate your funds for retirement, any additional sources of income, and any pension plans you can now have. Consider your expenditures now and in the future, including the money you'll spend on healthcare and how you choose to live. If you can afford it, delaying your Social Security payments and relying on other income sources during your early retirement years might be a viable option, provided you have a solid understanding of your financial requirements.

Consider Longevity and Health

The length of time you have left to live and your current state of health are essential considerations in the decision-making process. Delaying receiving benefits might result in a bigger total payment throughout a person's lifetime. This is especially true if the individual expects to live longer than average or comes from a long-lived family. Conversely, if you have a shorter life expectancy or are in poor health, starting benefits earlier might be a wiser choice.

Assess Your Spousal Situation

Incorporate spousal and survivor benefits into your social security benefits analysis. If you're married, it's important to take into account how your decision will affect these benefits. Spousal and survivor benefits have the potential to provide additional income to either you or your surviving spouse, depending on various factors like age, earnings history, and the timing of benefit claims. Recognizing the influence of your decision on these benefits is vital to optimizing your household's overall Social Security income.

Understand the Impact of Taxes

Taking payments from Social Security might result in additional tax obligations. Consider how your benefits, in addition to any other sources of income, will impact the amount of tax you are required to pay. Consider whether or not the money you get from Social Security is taxable and how it will affect your total tax rate. Make it a goal to maximize your retirement income to pay the least tax.

Consider Personal Factors

When deciding on Social Security benefits, it's crucial to take into account your individual circumstances. Conduct an internal evaluation of your tastes, objectives, and lifestyle choices. Do you place a greater value on financial stability and a bigger benefit for your lifetime, or do you favor the flexibility of receiving benefits at an earlier age? Do you expect to continue working once you retire, or do you now work? These variables have the potential to influence your choice and provide guidance on how to achieve a balance between practical concerns and individual inclinations.

Seek Professional Guidance

Determining what to do with your Social Security income can take time and effort. Consider speaking with a financial counselor or retirement planning specialist specializing in Social Security if you want to prepare for retirement. They can provide individualized advice, assess your situation, and assist you in navigating the system's complexities.


An important part of retirement preparation is determining the optimal time to receive Social Security payments. Think about how much money you have, how long you expect to live, whom you want to spend it on, your tax position, and your preferences. You can optimize your Social Security benefits and achieve your retirement objectives by considering all the above and consulting an expert. Refrain from assuming your problem has a universal solution; what works for others might not work for you. It's important to carefully consider your alternatives and choose a strategy that works for you.


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