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When a cancer patient dies, do the cancer cells also die? The answer may be different from what you think

"Cancer is so terrible that it's not even afraid of the heat!"

By TanoriaPublished 2 years ago 4 min read

Mr. Wang's father died of cancer recently, and he finished his father's funeral with grief, but he found a strange phenomenon, that is, his father left a hard thing after the cremation, some people said it was a tumor that could not be burned, and some people said it was "relics". When it comes to cancer, almost everyone is afraid, and the phenomenon of "tumor cremation does not fall off" has deepened people's fear of cancer.

Is it true that tumors can't be burned? What are the "relics" after cremation?

The tumor is a new organism that arises from the mutation of the genetic level of local tissue cells under the long-term effect of various carcinogenic factors, followed by abnormal proliferation.

Not to say that cremation cannot kill the tumor, compared with normal cells, cancer cells are more afraid of heat. Normal cells can tolerate a high temperature of 45℃, while tumor cells will die at 43℃.

And what does the human body experience during cremation?

The temperature inside the cremator can reach 870-980 degrees and the body will shrink and carbonize in a very short period. Eventually, only some large pieces of bones that have not been completely burned remain. The main components within the bones are calcium and phosphorus, which are not easily burned. So the funeral home staff will grind the bones and later put them in the box with the rest of the ashes. The "relics" may be converted from ashes under certain circumstances, which are mainly determined by the composition of carbon compounds within the ashes. The carbon compound is the basic material component that every human being has. During the cremation, due to the coincidence of specific objective conditions such as the type of firewood, the fierceness of the fire, and the temperature, the ashes condensed into "relics" under high temperatures.

This coincidence is people unconsciously change their behavior, so the formation of relics is relatively rare. In addition, many people do not understand the formation pattern of relics, so it will be easier to accept it with Buddhist moral determinism.

After understanding some of the things that people will experience when they are cremated, let's learn together whether cancer cells will also follow the human body to die after death.

Second, do cancer cells still live when people die?

Cancer cells need glucose, glutamine, lactic acid, ketone bodies, fatty acids, and other nutrients for energy metabolism, among which glucose is the most important source of energy.

Dr. Hu Fengshan, chief physician of the Department of Oncology, Beijing Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Capital Medical University, pointed out that cancer cells in the body of cancer patients will survive briefly after death because they need to go through metabolism like normal cells, which is an inevitable phenomenon.

Without the supply of nutrition, cancer cells will eventually perish together with the body.


The occurrence of cancer has a lot to do with some habits in our life. If you do these things well, cancer will be far away from you.

3. Not only death can stop cancer, but cancer cells are afraid of you doing this thing

A study published in the International Journal of Cancer points out that if you can adhere to moderate-intensity aerobic exercise for a long time several times a week, your body can release many molecules that are useful for fighting cancer, and these molecules can promote DNA repair and slow down the development of cancer cells.

China's dietary guidelines also point out that it is recommended that adults should exercise at least 5 days a week at moderate intensity and keep the exercise time at least 150 minutes a week.2. Fear that you will quit smoking/not smoking

Researchers from Zhejiang University published a study in Cancer Letters in which researchers analyzed data from nearly 130,000 patients with 23 types of cancer and found that there was a significant association between smoking and cancer survival. Compared to nonsmokers, those who smoked had a 19 percent increased risk of death and a 5.9-year shorter life expectancy after developing cancer. In other words, quitting smoking increased survival and life expectancy for cancer patients.

3. Fear you quit drinking/not drinking

A new study in JAMA Netw Open shows that long-term drinkers have an increased risk of developing alcohol-related cancers and all cancers. These risks do not increase after quitting drinking, and quitting and reducing alcohol consumption are both important measures for cancer prevention. Chinese dietary guidelines recommend that adult men consume no more than 25g of alcohol per day and women no more than 15g.

4. Fear that you will be happy every day

Bad moods such as depression, hopelessness, and helplessness are closely related to the occurrence of cancer, and the risk of dying from cancer will be 3 times higher for those with severe depressive tendencies than ordinary people. Having a good mood is the "secret formula" to fighting cancer without spending a penny.

5. Fear that your diet is light

Many people's daily diet is too heavy, and long-term intake a of largamountsnt of salt may lead to damage to gastric mucosa, which in turn increases the risk of stomach cancer. Daily salt intake must be controlled, and Chinese dietary guidelines suggest that salt intake should not exceed 5g per day.


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