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What lifestyle should you follow after having your thyroid gland removed?

Yes. After the operation, there is a persistent deficiency of thyroid hormones. This condition is called hypothyroidism. However, this is not a complication of the operation, but its consequence. Mandatory thyroid hormone replacement therapy is indispensable. They are needed to maintain a normal metabolism.

By ROBINSON JAMES HERBERTPublished 3 years ago 6 min read
What lifestyle should you follow after having your thyroid gland removed?
Photo by Artem Kovalev on Unsplash

Thyroid-free life

What lifestyle should you follow after having your thyroid gland removed?

Yes. After the operation, there is a persistent deficiency of thyroid hormones. This condition is called hypothyroidism. However, this is not a complication of the operation, but its consequence. Mandatory thyroid hormone replacement therapy is indispensable. They are needed to maintain a normal metabolism.

Most often, L-thyroxine or eutirox tablets are used for this. If their dose is chosen correctly, then the symptoms of insufficient thyroid function disappear. In the blood, the level of hormones T3, T4 and TSH is normalized. With hypothyroidism, you can and should live, work, rest, like all normal people. The only thing that can reduce the quality of life is the need for daily intake of the drug

Will L-thyroxine really need to be taken all my life? Does he have any side effects?

If the amount of the drug received corresponds to the needs of the body, no undesirable changes should occur. All side effects are associated with either an excess or a lack of hormones in the blood.

How to determine if the dose is too high?

In case of an overdose, a woman becomes irritable, whiny, restless, gets tired quickly. Despite her good appetite, she is losing weight. Palpitations, interruptions in the work of the heart, increased sweating, tremors in the hands or throughout the body may also be disturbing. In many cases, there is a tendency to diarrhea. If these symptoms appear, you need to see a doctor.

Will the weight increase while taking this medication?

Weight gain can be observed with insufficient dosage of this drug. But if the normal level of hormones is laboratory confirmed, then the reason for the change in weight is not related to their intake.

Can taking any other medications affect the level of thyroid hormones?

Yes. The absorption of L-thyroxine may be reduced with certain stomach medications. These include antacids containing aluminum hydroxide, such as Maalox, Almagel, and Venter. Therefore, you need to drink the drug no earlier than two hours after taking antacids and venter. It is advisable not to take other medicines at the same time as hormonal pills. The two-hour interval is universal, during which time the medicine has time to enter the bloodstream.

The female sex hormones estrogens can also reduce the effectiveness of thyroid hormones. They are found in birth control pills.

Is it possible to get pregnant and give birth after thyroid surgery?

If you get enough L-thyroxine every day, then there are no restrictions here. When planning a pregnancy, you must inform your doctor about this. Every three months you will need to donate blood for a study of the level of hormones TSH and free T. Remember that the need for L-thyroxine increases during pregnancy.

What recommendations can you give on nutrition after surgery?

It is difficult to answer this question unambiguously. Age, weight and, of course, concomitant diseases matter. The diet must be selected individually. But there are general recommendations.

The most important rule: all products must be fresh, and dishes must be freshly prepared. It is equally important to store food correctly. For example, vegetable oil stays poorly in plastic and metal dishes, does not tolerate contact with air and light. Therefore, it is best to keep it in a dark glass bottle. You need to follow the diet. It's better to forget about snacking on sandwiches and pies.

Which foods should be preferred and which should be removed from the diet?

Fats should be consumed no more than 90 g. Of these, a third should be vegetable fats. But it is not recommended to use them for frying, because during heat treatment, toxic substances are formed in the oil. The remaining two-thirds should be butter, cottage cheese, sour cream and meat.

Protein requires about 80-100 g per day. Beef, lean pork and cottage cheese, sea fish, eggs are reliable sources of protein.

But the amount of ordinary sugar should be minimized - up to 30-40 g per day. If you are not allergic to bee products, it is better to replace it with honey. Complex carbohydrates contained in cereals, breads, vegetables and fruits, the body needs about 350 g per day. But it is very important to make the right choice: buckwheat and oatmeal should be preferred from cereals. It is very useful to eat bran bread. And, of course, vegetables and fruits should be included in the diet. First, they are rich in fiber that stimulates the intestines. Secondly, they contain natural antioxidants - vitamin C and beta-carotene. Thirdly, there are bioflavonoids in red and yellow vegetables and fruits, which help the proper metabolism in cells.

What products would you recommend additionally?

Fatty fish are very useful. They contain substances that "restore" the cell walls. You can also recommend dried apricots, raisins: they have a lot of potassium, which strengthens the heart muscle. It is good to include seaweed in the menu: it is the record holder for the content of microelements. Kiwi, persimmon, pomegranates, feijoada, as well as black grapes, currants, chokeberry are very useful.

Are there any products that should be taboo?

It is advisable to replace fried foods with boiled, steam, stewed ones. The substances contained in cabbage inhibit the action of thyroid hormones. Therefore, cabbage must be discarded. When eating soy, an increase in the dose of L-thyroxine may be required, since its proteins reduce the absorption of the hormone. It is better to replace pickled foods with sauerkraut. And it is advisable to exclude spicy foods - smoked meat, fish, herring altogether.

But these products are recommended in small quantities to improve appetite?

Indeed, some women may experience decreased appetite after surgery. But smoked meats can be successfully replaced by a sour apple or a glass of tomato juice 40 minutes before meals.

Do I need to take any dietary supplements?

There is no need for dietary supplements after surgery. It is especially necessary to avoid taking "miracle drugs" under the influence of advertising.

Is it possible to do therapeutic fasting after the operation?

Not. Fasting is one of the factors that disrupt the normal metabolism of thyroid hormones. Special care should be taken with various low-calorie diets.

Is it possible to do fitness, aerobics after the operation?

If there are no symptoms or laboratory parameters of thyroxine overdose, then any physical exercise that is not associated with increased stress on the heart can be performed. Relaxed swimming and playing table tennis are well suited. Walking in the fresh air is very useful.

Can women travel south after thyroid surgery?

Of course, you can go south. However, lying on the beach or in a solarium to change your skin color is dangerous. Under the influence of ultraviolet rays, adverse fluctuations in hormone levels can occur.

Is it possible to take a steam bath after the operation?

You can go to the bathhouse and sauna, but the time spent in the steam room should be minimal. Sudden changes in temperature are not recommended, therefore, after steaming, you do not need to jump into ice water.

Are electromagnetic radiation, for example, from a computer, capable of affecting the state of health?

You can work at the computer. However, the monitor must be up-to-date, meeting current safety requirements.

Do thyroid gland removal and hypothyroidism affect later life?

No, if a woman receives adequate treatment, then life expectancy does not suffer. This has been proven through long-term scientific research. For those who have undergone surgery and receive hormones, it is recommended to be under the supervision of an endocrinologist, to examine the level of TSH annually and to do an ultrasound of the thyroid gland.

The estrogens in birth control pills can reduce the effectiveness of thyroid hormones.


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