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What is the use of pubic hair? Should I shave it off? From black to white, what does it mean?

Interesting sexual knowledge

By Matthew A LamPublished 2 years ago 5 min read

Although the same is the human body hair, it grows in different places, our attitude towards it is different, such hair, we do not feel any strange when talking about related topics, but if it is the pubic hair, many people may be unspoken about it, will not talk about it, especially with friends who are not very close, or in public places.

But in fact, it is also related to the health of the body, with some health knowledge, we also need to understand, such as the existence of what it is used. If you scrape off the body is good or bad, with or without removing it? Some people find that it has become white, is it normal? Is it necessary to intervene? Both men and women are necessary to understand, today's article will speak to you, together with the knowledge.

Why do some people have very little pubic hair, while others grow more? Whose body is better?

Generally speaking, no matter which part of the hair, is more or less, genetics and ethnicity have a relationship, generally speaking, are normal conditions, no adverse effects on health, not good only to see this point to determine whose body is good or poor.

In addition to this, it is closely related to the level of hormones in the human body, because its growth will be affected by it, androgens have a greater impact on it, but also depends on how sensitive the hair follicle is to it. If the hormone level is higher and the hair follicles are more sensitive, the number may be higher and vice versa, it is less.

For some women, there is no growth, in folklore, this condition is called "white tiger", what does this mean?

In fact, this is called hairlessness, generally speaking, most of the physiological, there is no bad impact on health, but in the community, some people heard that this will affect women's health, but also affect the reproductive function, in fact, the truth is not so, this claim is superstition, no scientific basis, I hope we should look at it rationally, do not believe in rumors, not rumors.

It is the second sexual characteristic of a person, but it does not mean that there is no abnormal development, other sexual characteristics are normal, and do not worry too much, adding unnecessary psychological burden and pressure to themselves. The reproductive function of such women is not affected and they can have a normal sex life.

Does it work? Is it better to shave it off or not?

The existence of hair is reasonable, and pubic hair is no exception, it has a role to play. Whether it's better to shave it off or not varies from person to person because everyone has aesthetic differences, different countries have different cultures, and people have different attitudes towards it, and it also depends on whether it affects your health before deciding whether to shave it off.

It has these effects on health as follows.

For women: its presence is good for protecting vaginal health as it can reduce the chances of breeding bacteria and developing infections.

For men: it is also good for protecting sperm.

For both men and women, it can play a role in heat dissipation and skin protection.

Psychologically speaking, it will have a sense of mystery.

This shows that it is useful, since it is useful, normally, there is no need to scrape it off, if there are no other abnormalities, scraping it off may be rather bad, easily increasing the chances of germ infection.

However, this is not the standard, if you want to scrape is not impossible, the advice is: there is no need to scrape, usually pay attention to personal cleanliness and hygiene, there is no need to scrape off.

However, if you usually do not pay attention to hygiene, it is more, it may be easy to breed bacteria, and easy to increase the chances of some inflammatory diseases, In this situation, the appropriate removal is possible.

If health has been affected, it may be necessary to scrape off, such as pubic lice disease. In this case, if not scraped, it may continue to reproduce, which is not conducive to treatment and recovery. If you find pimples or blood crusts on the skin, with itching or pain, you should pay attention.

But here we should also remind you that the way of shaving should be reasonable, it is best not to pluck by hand, this rough way is not good for the hair follicles and skin health, you can reasonably choose hair removal cream or use special scissors to trim properly. This is also true for hair such as armpit hair and nose hair.

It has changed from black to white, what is it?

Generally speaking, if it turns white, it may be related to age, because it, like other hairs, also changes with the aging of people and also turns white or becomes less. Also, it has a growth cycle and can fall out just like hair.

However, if you are not yet old and you are graying at a young age, you may need to pay attention, which may be your body reminding you of the following things.

-You need to pay attention to a proper diet and reasonable nutrition now, insufficient nutrition may affect its growth and make it less or whiter.

-Some diseases can make it passively white, or fall out, such as alopecia areata and thyroid disease. If other factors are ruled out and it is still the case, it is advisable to have it checked in time.

To sum up, it turns out that pubic hair is useful and has protective benefits for human health and can be shaved, but if there is nothing different, I feel that there is no need to shave, some people grow more, some less or even none, it is usually normal and there is no need to worry too much. If not yet aging, it has become white, it is recommended to pay attention to the above two points to see, their situation promptly to take targeted measures to alleviate.

sexual wellness

About the Creator

Matthew A Lam

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