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What is the 80/20 rule and how effective is it for weight loss?

This is for you!

By ShashiPublished 2 years ago 7 min read

The 80/20 diet guideline combines economics and nutrition in a manner of eating that isn't a weight-loss strategy but does promote healthy eating and smarter choices.

When attempting to lose weight or simply eat healthier, it's typical to believe that we must exclude entire food groups from our diet since they are perceived to be "less healthy." However, this is rarely the case, and when it is, we are more likely to feel constrained and binge eat the very items we are attempting to avoid.

The 80/20 rule comes into play. It's a 'everything in moderation' approach to eating that encourages people to eat the foods they like while emphasizing those with more macronutrients, vitamins, and minerals. This is what you need to know about the rule, according to a nutritionist, whether you're attempting to lose weight or just want to add more nutrients to your diet.


The 80/20 diet is a pattern of eating that combines nutritionally dense foods 80% of the time and 'less healthy' and indulgent foods 20% of the time. It's based on the Pareto Principle, an economic theory that states that the majority of outcomes (80% of outputs) result from a few causes (20 percent of inputs). It's more like intuitive eating than a diet plan in that it's a mindset that can be interpreted differently based on your goals.

Some contend, however, that this is simply a more complicated definition of a balanced diet. The 80/20 rule states that foods should come from a variety of macronutrient groups, but it leaves little place for foods heavy in sugar or saturated fat, as suggested by the NHS definition of a balanced diet.

Diet culture puts so much pressure on us to think about how we eat, whether it's when we eat (intermittent fasting) or how we feel about food (intuitive eating), that it's no surprise that the most basic aspect of eating healthily has been renamed.

However, if you're searching for a more balanced approach to meals and find that sticking to a rule helps you, the 80/20 diet might be right for you. RNutr licensed nutritionist Emma Moross explains what it's all about.


If you consume three meals a day, you'll have 21 meals a week, thus 17 of them must be unprocessed, lean, and typically nutritious meals to follow the 80/20 diet rule.

This 80 percent, according to nutritionist Emma, is made up of a "balanced mixing of the key food groups with plenty of nutritious alternatives." Among them are:

Chicken, fish, or tofu are all examples of lean proteins.

Quinoa, brown rice, and oats are examples of wholegrain carbs.

Fruits and vegetables that are fresh

Olive oil, avocado, seeds, and nuts are examples of healthy fats.

"A healthy breakfast, for example, could include oatmeal with berries, cinnamon, and almond butter," Emma suggests. "Almonds are a great source of unsaturated fats, fiber, and vitamins for your heart."

You have four meals every week to include any indulgences thanks to the 20%. If you're merely trying to boost your intake of fruits and veggies, for example, there's no reason you shouldn't eat anything you want. If you're trying to reduce weight, however, you'll need to be extra careful.


The 80/20 diet has a lot of health benefits, regardless of why you're doing it, and it's a terrific alternative for anyone who might otherwise consider a rapid crash diet.


Because the 80/20 diet rule is essentially a set of instructions for creating a balanced diet, it makes it much easier to achieve. This is, of course, the most important benefit of the rule, since research from the University of Pavia recently confirmed that creating and maintaining a balanced diet is critical to minimizing the risk of life-threatening illnesses.

The study discovered that eating a diet rich in plant-based foods such as fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, legumes, seeds, and nuts, as well as moderate amounts of high-fat animal-based foods and processed meats, was linked to a lower risk of developing a variety of diseases ranging from cardiovascular disease to cancer.


If you have breakfast and then feel hungry an hour later, you're probably not getting enough protein and fiber. According to University of Texas Medical Branch studies, they are the two most satisfying macronutrients since they take longer for the body to absorb than carbohydrates and fats. While you can supplement your protein intake with the greatest protein powders or high-protein ice cream, many of the foods you currently consume are abundant in this essential macronutrient.

Following the 80/20 rule will allow you to include even more in your diet, as lean meats and soy products are high in protein, while whole grains and legumes are high in fiber.


The 80/20 diet is especially beneficial for people who have difficulty controlling their sugar intake throughout the day. According to King's College London research, most of us crash around 3 p.m., following a drop in our blood sugar levels a few hours after lunch. While it's tempting to grab for a sugary treat at this time, following the 80/20 rule will have you reaching for something more filling, such as a handful of almonds or a bowl of fruit with Greek yogurt.

"We know that in a balanced, healthy diet, there is place for a little bit of everything," Emma explains. "An occasional meal of French fries or chocolate won't hurt you; it's when our diet is routinely high in saturated fats or sugar that we risk developing health issues like heart disease or diabetes."

There's nothing wrong with occasionally indulging in sugary snacks if the majority of your everyday meals consists of fresh, healthful foods, she says. "An occasional treat is healthy for the soul, which is also important. This is where the 80/20 rule comes into play."


The 80/20 diet guideline, according to Maryland University of Integrative Health research, could be a good next step for those trying to maintain their weight after a more aggressive weight loss program. They watched a 55-year-old lady who had been losing weight on an elimination diet and discovered that transitioning to the 80/20 rule was a good next step.

The researchers say, "The 80/20 rule offers a flexible strategy to weight loss." "It includes balance and moderation, giving the person opportunity to make mistakes. According to this rule, adhering to the diet for 80 percent of the time is sufficient to achieve benefits without causing guilt or shame "ailure."

They claim that because her program was flexible, she didn't feel starved or the desire to binge eat, as is usual with restrictive diets.

A list of the best foods for weight loss was also included. "Broccoli, watercress, and leafy greens were among the vegetables studied, which have been linked to lower inflammation. Onions (rich in quercetin), garlic, spices like curcumin and ginger (all of which have anti-inflammatory qualities), and pomegranates and blueberries were also advised (high in antioxidants). Daily consumption of healthy fats was advised "they said.


Although not really a health benefit, it's important to think about if you're going to stick to any kind of dietary plan. "Most crash diets fail because individuals follow them for a few weeks, feel severely deprived, and then break the habit," Emma explains. "The 80/20 rule is more of a lifestyle than a diet because it allows you to focus on eating healthy the most of the time while indulging yourself on occasion."

She argues that this is a more healthier and more long-term eating practice. "The majority of individuals find it tolerable and pleasurable. It can be a balanced and healthful method of eating when done right."


Yes, as long as you're in a calorie deficit, the 80/20 diet can help you lose weight. If you want to lose weight, you'll need to eat less calories than you burn each day, which is referred to as a calorie or energy deficit.

"The quantity of calories you consume vs the number you burn determines how much weight you lose." "Emma explains. "Because the 80/20 diet has no established criteria for how much or what exact foods to eat, it is fully dependent on the individual."

While the 80/20 diet guideline was not created with weight loss in mind, it can assist you in getting there. The foods that make up the majority of the eating plan (80%), are naturally high in protein and fiber while being low in calories. In that regard, it's extremely comparable to the Mediterranean or Japanese diets. If you eat these foods instead of items that are heavy in white carbs and fats, you will not only consume less calories throughout the day, but you will also stay fuller for longer, reducing the temptation to snack.


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