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What is Numerology and Why Do You Need to Know Your Life Path and Destiny Numbers?

In this guide, you’ll learn everything you need to know about numerology and your life path and destiny number.

By Mila JonesPublished 2 years ago 4 min read

Intrigued? Then it’s time to learn more about numerology and your life path and destiny numbers! What are they? How do you find them? And why do you need to know these numbers in the first place? In this guide, you’ll learn everything you need to know about numerology and your life path and destiny numbers, including how each number corresponds with unique personality traits, what each number means in your life, and how understanding your life path and destiny numbers can help you manifest the relationship or business success you want in life.


There's a lot of buzz about numerology out there, but it can be hard to know where to start. Many people only focus on their name when determining what their life path number might be. And while it is certainly important, your full name isn't going to tell you your life path or destiny numbers. In fact, those are much easier numbers for you to calculate if you're trying numerology for yourself. That's because they represent specific characteristics that don't change with names: your heart's desire, how you interact with others, and how you view yourself in relation to others — all factors that go into defining who we are as human beings, regardless of our names.

The importance of numerology in your life

Knowing your numbers has many benefits. Perhaps you want to be successful in business, need better relationships, or want an improved personal life — all of these can be achieved by knowing your numbers. Whether you are a novice with numerology or have already studied it for years, there are always new tips and techniques that can benefit your life. The following information will help bring numerology into a whole new light for you. By knowing what each number represents, you can better understand yourself — which leads to more knowledge about others as well. Here’s some important background on each number from one (1) through nine (9). Take note of any significant meaning that applies to you in particular

Calculating your life path number

The first step in numerology is figuring out your life path number. To calculate it, you add up all of your birth date numbers (month, day, year) until you have one whole number. In order to do that, you need a calculator or pen and paper For example, my birthday would be written like so: 03/13/1988 = 19 + 3 + 13 + 1988 = 2+0+2+1+9+8+8 = 31 So I'm looking for all my 1s... First time around 2 + 0 + 1 = 3. Then double down again: 3 x 2 + 1 = 7 which means that's my life path number.

Calculating your destiny number

Next, you can determine your destiny number by calculating your life path number. Subtract all of your single-digit numbers from your life path, then add them together (11 - 3 + 2 = 7). This gives you your destiny number. For example, if someone's life path is 4, their destiny number would be 6 (4 – 1 + 2 = 6).

Since these two values are different, it shows that a person with a 4 as his or her life path will have greater success in personal relationships than in business pursuits. A person whose destiny number is larger than his or her life path number will likely enjoy more personal successes than business ones. However, even though a major shift may not occur until later in life, be sure to plan for that transition and budget accordingly.

Also, take note that some people who have small numbers as their current goals may end up having higher-value goals later on as they continue toward success; knowing one's new ultimate goal often requires looking at larger patterns over time rather than looking at just one stage of one’s life.

How can you use this information in your life?

Knowing your life path number can be very helpful when you’re trying to determine which areas of your life you should focus on more. For example, if your life path number is 1, you’re in charge of many things in your life. One-life path people are natural leaders, who thrive in positions of power, and like to work independently. The main thing to consider when using numerology for yourself or others is that it’s not an exact science — nor does it claim to be.


The reason that so many people don’t know their life path or destiny numbers is because it takes a lot of time, patience, effort, trial and error. The process takes at least a couple of weeks at least. But once you do figure out your destiny number and life path then you can use numerology for forecasting your success or failures in any career field. It doesn’t just make sense financially but also intellectually too. You can now focus on attaining higher levels in your educational programs with numerology predictions for future life and get a promotion at work which would help you financially achieve your goals.


About the Creator

Mila Jones

Mila Jones is a Senior Business Consultant, with rich experience in the domains of technology consulting and strategy, she works with both established technology brands and market entrants to offer research inputs.

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