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What are the cells doing after death? Some "mutiny" to kill each other, some desperately want to revive the master

Medically, the state of death of a person is judged mainly on the basis of respiratory arrest, cardiac arrest and brain death.

By Tatiana lexiePublished 2 years ago 6 min read

Do you think that every cell in your body is loyal to you? Do you think that when you give the order, the cells in your body will go through fire and water for you?

I don't know, when you die, some cells are loyal and passionate to you, while others are gone and even waved to each other. Today we will talk about what cells do after a death in the microscopic world.

Human death process

Since we are talking about death, let's first talk about the stages of human death.

Medically, the state of death of a human is judged mainly based on respiratory arrest, cardiac arrest, and brain death.

In a state where the heart and brain are still active, a respiratory arrest can be resuscitated in time, and in this state, a person may be partially conscious or lose all consciousness, and this is what we know as the near-death stage, when although the heart is still beating, respiration stops, the body's capacity decreases, the blood contains insufficient oxygen and the flow rate becomes slower, so the body cells are deprived of nutrients, and life has begun to enter the countdown state.

But when the heartbeat stops, there is no more power to pump blood, which means that the real descent of death, the blood will stop flowing at this time, causing traffic congestion in the blood vessels, and the oxygen content in the blood that stays in the organs of the body, will become the last food for these organs, once the supply is exhausted, all the organs will enter the final stage of the dying struggle, of course, according to the different oxygen consumption of each organ, the order of their death The order of death is also different according to the oxygen consumption of each organ.

Self-inflicted cell death

The state of oxygen deprivation the most dangerous is the human brain, the brain does not account for a high proportion of the human body, but oxygen consumption is accounted for 25%, which means that at least a quarter of the body's oxygen is supplied to the brain, once the brain is deprived of oxygen, brain cells will begin to die within a short period of 5-6 minutes.

But these dead cells are part of the "starvation", and the other part is "self-inflicted" to grab oxygen and nutrients and cause casualties, which is why once the brain is deprived of oxygen for too long, even if it is lucky to be saved, after waking up will also There is a slow movement, slurred speech, paraplegia, and even vegetative.

However, after this stage, the cells of the body's organs begin to have worries, due to the lack of oxygen, the cells can not completely break down sugar, more can not discharge the intracellular carbon dioxide, a large number of hoarding, the acidity of the cells will continue to increase until the internal fluid is completely released, which is like "open the floodgates and let the dogs out "Once the acid breaks through the shackles of the cell membrane, it will attack the surrounding cells indiscriminately.

Mutinous cells

In addition to the "self-destruct mode" of cells, there is also a kind of lysosome in the human body that can react automatically.

In its normal state, lysosomes exist in the acidic environment of the body, helping the body to maintain pH levels and aiding digestion, in addition to digesting cells.

The process of cell digestion is also known as the autolysis of the body's cells. In the process of cell division, there will be some "missed" divisions, as well as some aging cells that need to be autolyzed, and these "crooked" will be caught in the lysosomes to be digested, which is also the normal renewal of cells in the organism.

However, when a person has died, the lysosome will rupture itself in the human body, as if it has turned on the self-destruct program: I am not good, you do not want to be good.

So there is this "betrayal" phenomenon, the lysosomes will break down the body's protein, sugar, and other nutrients. Therefore, the various membranes used to confine bacteria and microorganisms will also be completely broken down, freeing the hordes of "microorganisms".

In the battle of betrayal by "our people", the happiest people are the various microorganisms from the body. The product of lysosomal digestion is the favorite food of all kinds of microorganisms and bacteria, and they hold high the flag, rushing into the cell group to kill and devour, in the process will release methane, ammonia and other gases, the abdomen of the corpse will be bulging.

After that, the microorganisms multiply rapidly and invade the "home" where the cells live. In one fell swoop, they attack the other internal organs, liver, spleen, and even heart and brain, all of which are digested until they decay into a pile of dead bones.

There are also "loyalists" in the cells of the human body

After the death of the human body, some cells do not "kill each other" but try to divide, trying to make this effort, hoping to bring the person back to life. These cells, which defy the laws of nature's death and grow in the opposite direction, are also known as "zombie genes".

The "zombie gene" is also the gene that tries hard to bring the body owner back to life, it is said that the reason for the discovery of this gene is still very interesting, the scientists in the study, accidentally found that after the death of mice, there are thousands of genes are still very active in the body.

The scientists were shocked by this discovery, and once these "regenerative" genes are cracked, it is very likely to bring a great breakthrough in medicine.

In the next observation, scientists found that these genes are a kind of gene called glial cells, These cells from the body's immune system, and the main charge is to deal with inflammation, the damaged brain tissue for emergency repair.

For example, when a brain clot occurs in the human brain, causing damage to the brain tissue, this neuroglia will be the first to appear and carry out brain cell repair, but of course, their ability is limited and can only deal with inflammatory cells within the limits of their ability.

When the properties of these cells were discovered, scientists used them to conduct research, and it was said that they could assist in the treatment of schizophrenia, Alzheimer's disease, and other mental disorders of the brain.

At the same time, these glial cells can also be in forensic medicine, to help forensic doctors to determine the time of death of the deceased, although these cells do not determine the murderer, to provide a good basis for forensic identification.

However, if only by some breakthrough "limit" of the cell gene, you want to do to revive the human body, is impossible, after all, in the current process of human genetic research, this "back to life" method is still too much against the laws of nature.

However, scientists also admit that it is because of the existence of the "zombie gene", more help in the battle against cancer, and more achievements.

Loss of nerve cell staining, microglia, and astrocytes proliferation Simulation index

The zombie gene is not so much about "resurrecting the dead" as it is about "survival at the limit". Do you have any other opinions on this? Remember to leave your comments in the comment section.


About the Creator

Tatiana lexie

Someone always has to win, so why not me?

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