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What are Mantras?

How do they differ from affirmations?

By Spirit Guide Communication through the Art of DivinationPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
What are Mantras?
Photo by Raimond Klavins on Unsplash

What Is a Mantra? A Mantra is a sound or a word that is being repeated frequently in mind or out loud that results in silencing the constant noise and chatter of your thoughts. The word Mantra in Sanskrit means, ‘man’ pertaining to mind and the ‘tra’, or instruments, which makes mantra a “mind’s instrument.” The sound of ‘tra’ also means ‘free’. Therefore, a mantra is a tool that helps in freeing the mind from all negative state.

These Mantras are often being used in meditating to help someone reach a clear and calm state of the mind that promotes awareness, which is a characteristic of absolute meditative state. These words originated from the Yoga, Tantric, and Vedic traditions and have become more and more popular around the world.

For a lot of people, Mantras are of great help. If you discover a mantra that you can connect with, then you can benefit from chanting it repeatedly. Well, saying mantras doesn’t just connect people with divinity, but it also helps in establishing a connection with their subconscious as well. Verbal repetition of these mantras can increase your vibration.

And chanting mantras can help you in staying focused and centered on whatever mission or goal you are trying to achieve and pursue. The plan of using mantras invokes a specific quality of light, peace, or joy. If you know the real inner essence of mantras, you will be able to make your meditation more soulful and powerful.

In other explanation, mantras are energy-based sounds. The metaphysical tradition of the Indians explains that bodies are composed of combined five elements and one of them is sound.

Studies of sound symbolism generally suggest that all vocal sounds have their meaning whether you are aware of them or not. And that there is a certainty that there are numerous layers of symbolism that are associated with any sound.

Thus, even if you don’t understand mantras, they are not meaningless; no vocal expression is without meaning. Any person’s subconscious mind can find solutions through meditation as well as mantras recitation. Mantras, when repeated frequently and constantly while meditating, loudly and through mental and silent chanting, will change consciousness.

Mantra is a great spiritual practice that people can benefit from. It is bound to offer you calmness, peace, and tranquility. They are special phrases and words that you can use to increase psychic intuition and achieve intense focusing, if you do it right, if you don’t abuse it, you will be immensely benefited.

Many times, people ask the difference between mantras and affirmations. Affirmations are positive statements that are directed at what you need to hear at that moment. It’s usually a pattern of thinking that helps you erase the negative words like I can’t, I am not good enough, I am ugly. When you replace these words and say them frequently it helps to reset your mind to achieve anything that you wish in your mind.

So, mantras, many times are spiritual and for the spirit outside of you to touch your vibration and help you connect with them. Affirmations are from your heart, that you created for you and that you use to help build your spirit and love for yourself.

I offer a free website with books, activities, and videos about self-care, meditation, mantras, affirmations, and spirituality. Here is the link to that class https://classroom.google.com/c/MTA1Mjk5MzE3MjI2?cjc=24hwbtr You will need a Gmail to access this class.

To learn more about Life Coaching, Relationship Coaching, and Spiritual Coaching visit my website A New You Self Care at www.anewyouselfcare.com

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Spirit Guide Communication through the Art of Divination

Welcome to Spirit Guide Communication through the Art of Divination where you will read about spirit guides, meditation, divination, and more

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