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Weight Loss

The Struggle

By Olympia PavPublished 6 years ago 3 min read

Everyone strives for that idea that they have of how they are supposed to look. We turn to weight loss, diets, and gym memberships to help us get to that point. We post pictures of models from magazines as our goal. We are all guilty of it at some point. But why? Why can’t we be happy with the way we look? Why should we try and change ourselves to fit someone else’s mold of what we are supposed to look like? We should be happy with who we are. This is my short story.

I've tried it all. Diets, exercising, books, online information, counting calories, and none of it seemed to help me get to where I wanted to be weight wise. I would go to the gym and exercise until I couldn't walk anymore. Cardio, weights, all of it. I tried meal prepping but then that became too expensive. I tried limiting what I ate such as only eating a bowl of cereal for breakfast and a yogurt for lunch and a salad for dinner but nothing seemed to work and I was hungry all the time.

Losing weight is hard. I contemplated on trying that Jenny Craig stuff but who has time for that? I would go for runs and get home and think... hmmmm what to eat and of course my mom buys all this junk food and says she buys it for herself. Mind you she’s 110 pounds and only eats salad and soups. She's tempting me!!! I tell her I’m trying to be on a diet and she says “it’s not working” that’s when I say “well yeah because you have all this junk food in the house and no real food” she turns and looks at me and says “willpower.” HA, willpower. How is that possible when she yells at us at the end of the week when junk food goes bad and she wasted all the money on it after we told her not to get it? I guess buying what’s cheap nowadays is what works for some families. I have a 10-month old puppy. He really likes peanut butter especially in cookie form. Now nothing goes to waste and I can start trying to eat healthy again.

But what do I do about this whole exercise thing? I want to lose weight and exercise but I feel like exercising isn’t helping me. I bought a journal to keep track and I lost 3 pounds but where!? I look at my body and I think I lost it in my boobs but that doesn’t seem right. Especially when you are a DD. Those will never go away. Well I guess I have to keep trying and run more and more every day.

I should just be happy with my body but then again I want to be able to live a long healthy life. I guess losing some weight is a good idea to stay in shape but I have come to realize that I will never look like those models in the magazines and that okay with me. Just as long as I can be in shape enough to live to be 100 years old or even chase around some kids someday.

Being stick skinny isn’t what I want. Being healthy is. Don’t do something because someone else is doing it. Be your own leader and do it for yourself. Be comfortable in your own skin and in return you will find the right friends that like you for who you are and not who they expect you to be.

Thank you everyone for the love and support!

weight loss

About the Creator

Olympia Pav

22~ College Student

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